%YAML 1.2 %TAG !e! tag:example.com,2000:app/ # comment %RESERVED name parameter #comment --- - [~, null, Null, NULL, nUll, yes, no, true, false, 0b0, +0b1_0_1, -0b1, ~, 0b, 0b2, 01, +0_761, -07, ~, 09, 0, +1, -12_345, 0x0, +0x12_34_56, -0xabcdef, ~, 0xyz, 0x, 1:20, +1:9, -1_234:59:00, ~, 1:60, :60, 0.1, +.293, -1_123.e-3, 2.234.567, .inf, +.INF, -.Inf, .nan, ~, .inF, .NaN, ~, .Nan, 2015-08-15, 2015-08-15 1:20:30.123, 2015-08-15T12:20:30.123-9:00, plain scalar, 'single-quoted ('''') scalar', "double-quoted (\"\") scalar" ] - &anchor !!omap - 1: a - 2: b - foo: bar - !!pairs - 0: {<<: *anchor, 2: c} - 1: a2 [also part of the plain scalar] - 2: :another scalar {} - !e!float 3: ! 1 - 3 - {? !!int '12' : value, ? !!str foo : :bar} - - key: {more key: baz} asdf: ~ ? |- block scalar as key # comment here : !!str >5 block scalar as value ...