potato 😀 2 ⧼ ! to create a custom function first we use the potato keyword to signify that we want to create a custom function. ! then we add the name of the function and the number of arguments that the function will take. (`HELLO`)> ! prints HELLO ($1)> ! to acces function args we use $1 for the first args and so on create z with ((plus 0xA9 $1 $2))< ! new variable z with the value of the sum of the first two arguments and 169 (0xA9 in hex) (z)> ! prints z return z ! at the end we return z notice there is no colon b/c were returning something ⧽ ((new 😀 1 0xA))> ! to call custom function we must use the new keyword followed by the function name seperated arguments ! prints HELLO and on a new line 1 and on a new line 180