create boolean-var with true ! createing a boolean variable (boolean-var) with the value of true list boolean with [true ((not true))<] ! creating a list with the values of true and and the result of the boolean expression ((not true))< if {true} ⧼ ! if true create a code block (⧼) ends with (⧽) if {((eq true boolean.cdr))<} ⧼ ! create a nested if statement that checks the boolean expression ((eq true boolean.second))< (`true`)> ! if the boolean expression is true, print the string true (`true`)> ⧽ else ⧼ (`false`)> ! if the boolean expression is false, print the string false (`false`)> ((setwith boolean.cdr true))> create boolean-var with true ! create a boolean variable (boolean-var) with the value ((setwith boolean-var false))> ⧽ ⧽ else ⧼ (`Hello World`)> ! else print the string Hello World (`Hello World`)> ⧽ (boolean.cdr)> ! if the boolean expression is true, print the (boolean-var)> ! if the boolean expression is false, print the