# Unblend A small command-line program that explodes Blender files (`.blend`) into their various parts and writes them out as an archive. ## Features - Accepts a `blend`-file, either as file-path or thru STDIN (using `-` as file). - Parses the blocks the file is made out of. - The block-`code` is used as directory. - The block-`address` is used as file-name. - Block-data is written to `/.bin` - Respective metadata to `/.txt` - Almost fully decodes the `DNA1` block. - See the resulting `DNA1.tsv` and `DNA1/*.txt` files. - Outputs an archive in either `*.zip` or `*.tar` format. - Format is selected via the outputs file-extension. - Output can go to STDOUT via `-` (but only as `*.tar`). - Excluding data from the archive being written, via `-x `. ## Installation - Have cargo & rust installed. - Run `cargo install unblend`. ## Usage In general: `unblend ` - `FILE` is the `blend`-files path. - `OUT` is the output path and extension for the archive. Detailed help is available via `unblend --help`. ## References - - -