## Core Resource Files Stores resource data which is part of the protocol stable enough to be moved outside of the code. ### `runtime_configs` All parameter value to configure the runtime are defined in `parameters.yaml`. Parameters added or changed in protocol upgrades are defined in differential config files with a naming scheme like `V.yaml`, where `V` is the new version. The content of the base configuration file is one flat list of typed keys and typed values (possibly with nested structure). Key names are defined in `core/primitives-core/src/parameter.rs`. The format of the differential files is slightly different. Inserting new parameters uses the following syntax: `key: { new: value }`. Parameters that change are specified like this: `key: { old: old_value, new: new_value }`. Removing a previously defined parameter for a new version is done as follows: `key: { old: old_value }`. This causes the parameter value to be undefined in newer versions which generally means the default value is used to fill in the `RuntimeConfig` object. The latest values of parameters can be found in `parameters.snap`. This file is automatically generated by tests and needs to be reviewed and commited whenever any of the parameters changes.