; vim: set ft=nasm: %include "linkscr.inc" [section .header] %include "elf.inc" %ifndef PT_INTERP_VAL %define PT_INTERP_VAL "/lib/ld-linux.so.2" %endif global _EHDR _EHDR: ehdr: ; e_ident db 0x7F, "ELF" db EI_CLASS, EI_DATA, EI_VERSION, EI_OSABI db EI_OSABIVERSION times 7 db 0 ; EI_PAD, ld.so is a busta and won't let us use our leet ; group tags for padding bytes :( dw ELF_TYPE ; e_type: 2 = executable dw ELF_MACHINE ; e_machine: 3 = x86 dd EI_VERSION ; e_version dd _smol_start ; e_entry dd (phdr - ehdr) ; e_phoff dd 0 ; e_shoff dd 0 ; e_flags dw (phdr - ehdr) ; e_ehsize dw (phdr.load - phdr.dynamic) ; e_phentsize %ifdef USE_NX %error "USE_NX not supported yet on i386 ('GOT' still needs RWX, and alignment has to be fixed)" %else global _PHDR _PHDR: phdr: %endif %ifdef USE_INTERP phdr.interp: dd PT_INTERP ; {e_phnum: 2, e_shentsize: 0}, p_type dd (interp - ehdr) ; {e_shnum: , e_shstrnd: }, p_offset dd interp, interp ; p_vaddr, p_paddr dd (interp.end-interp); p_filesz dd (interp.end-interp); p_memsz dd 0,0 ; p_flags, p_align %endif phdr.dynamic: dd PT_DYNAMIC ; {e_phnum: 2, e_shentsize: 0}, p_type dd (dynamic - ehdr) ; {e_shnum: , e_shstrnd: }, p_offset dd dynamic, 0 ; p_vaddr, p_paddr dd (dynamic.end - dynamic) ; p_filesz dd (dynamic.end - dynamic) ; p_memsz dd 0, 0 ; p_flags, p_align %ifndef USE_NX phdr.load: dd PT_LOAD ; p_type: 1 = PT_LOAD dd 0 ; p_offset dd ehdr, 0 ; p_vaddr, p_paddr ;; use memsize twice here, linux doesn't care and it compresses better ; actually, linux doesn't care, but the hardware does >__> dd _smol_total_filesize ; p_filesz dd _smol_total_memsize ; p_memsz dd (PHDR_R | PHDR_W | PHDR_X) ; p_flags dd 0x1000 ; p_align %else ; TODO %endif phdr.end: %ifdef USE_INTERP [section .rodata.interp] global _INTERP _INTERP: interp: db PT_INTERP_VAL,0 interp.end: %endif [section .rodata.dynamic] global _DYNAMIC _DYNAMIC: dynamic: dynamic.strtab: dd DT_STRTAB ; d_tag dd _strtab ; d_un.d_ptr dynamic.symtab: ; this is required to be present or ld.so will crash, but it can be bogus dd DT_SYMTAB ; d_tag: 6 = DT_SYMTAB dd 0 ; d_un.d_ptr %ifdef USE_DT_DEBUG dynamic.debug: dd DT_DEBUG _DEBUG: dd 0 %endif