# Release Checklist * Update the Rust version in the Makefile and the Github actions file * Update minor versions dependencies. Install [cargo-edit](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-edit) and run `cargo upgrade`. Cargo-edit also covers all the crates in the workspace * Update Cargo.toml with the new version number (also check for libunftp version references) * Search for the old version number to find references to it in documentation and update those occurrences. * Run `make pr-prep`, ensuring everything is green * Prepare release notes for the Github release page * Make a new commit indicating the crate name and version number e.g. > Release unftp version x.y.x or > Release slog-redis version x.y.x * Make a pull request for this but don't merge. * Wait till MR pipelines are OK then run `make publish` * Merge the MR via the command line by merging master into the branch and pushing it. * Create the release in Github using tag format \[{component}-\]{version} e.g. > v0.14.7 or > slog-redis-v0.1.2 * Wait for the Github Actions pipeline to finish. You should see all artifacts in the release page. * Build and push the docker containers * Publish the docs site unftp.rs by running `make site`. * Notify the Telegram channel.