--- title: Cloud Storage --- You can run unFTP with a traditional file system back-end on a bare metal or virtual machine but if you're building your solutions in the cloud it would make sense to store your files in blob storage. unFTP comes with integration to [Google Cloud Storage (GCS)](https://cloud.google.com/storage). # Using the GCS Back-end You can enable the GCS backend by setting the storage back-end type (`--sbe-type`) to `gcs`. For storage authentication you can choose between [workload identity](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/workload-identity) and using a service account key file. For the former set the `--sbe-gcs-service-account` argument and for the latter the `--sbe-gcs-key-file` argument. The storage bucket name is chosen through `--sbe-gcs-bucket` and the root path inside the bucket through `--sbe-gcs-root`. Here is an example: ```sh unftp \ --sbe-type=gcs \ --sbe-gcs-bucket=mybucket \ --sbe-gcs-root=ftp-base \ --sbe-gcs-key-file=/path/to/file ```