use async_ftp::{types::Result, FtpStream}; use libunftp::{auth::DefaultUser, options::FtpsRequired, ServerBuilder}; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use rstest::{fixture, rstest}; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::str; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU16, Ordering}; use unftp_sbe_fs::{Filesystem, ServerExt}; fn ensure_login_required(r: Result) { let err = r.unwrap_err().to_string(); if !err.contains("530 Please authenticate") { panic!("Could execute command without logging in!"); } } fn ensure_ftps_required(r: Result) { let err = r.unwrap_err().to_string(); if !err.contains("534") { panic!("FTPS enforcement is broken!"); } } static TESTPORT: AtomicU16 = AtomicU16::new(1234); struct Harness { root: PathBuf, _tempdir: tempfile::TempDir, addr: String, } async fn custom_server_harness(s: S) -> Harness where S: Fn(PathBuf) -> ServerBuilder, { let port = TESTPORT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); let addr = format!("{}", port); let tempdir = tempfile::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let root = tempdir.path().to_path_buf(); let server = s(root.clone()).build().unwrap().listen(addr.clone()); tokio::spawn(server); while async_ftp::FtpStream::connect(&addr).await.is_err() { tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)).await; } Harness { root, addr, _tempdir: tempdir } } #[fixture] async fn harness() -> Harness { custom_server_harness(libunftp::Server::with_fs).await } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn connect(#[future] harness: Harness) { async_ftp::FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn login(#[future] harness: Harness) { let username = "koen"; let password = "hoi"; let mut ftp_stream = async_ftp::FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.login(username, password).await.unwrap(); } struct FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: &'static str, mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired, give534: bool, give534_data: bool, } #[rstest(config, // control channel tests case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "anonymous", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: false, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "the-user", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: false, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "anonymous", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::All, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: true, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "the-user", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::All, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: true, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "AnonyMous", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::Accounts, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: false, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "the-user", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::Accounts, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: true, give534_data: false, }), // Data channel tests case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "anonymous", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: false, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "the-user", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::None, give534: false, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "anonymous", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::All, give534: false, give534_data: true, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "the-user", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::All, give534: false, give534_data: true, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "AnonyMous", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::Accounts, give534: false, give534_data: false, }), case(FtpsRequireWorksConfig { username: "the-user", mode_control_chan: FtpsRequired::None, mode_data_chan: FtpsRequired::Accounts, give534: false, give534_data: true, }), )] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn ftps_require_works(config: FtpsRequireWorksConfig) { let s = |path| libunftp::Server::with_fs(path).ftps_required(config.mode_control_chan, config.mode_data_chan); let h = custom_server_harness(s).await; let mut ftp_stream = async_ftp::FtpStream::connect(h.addr).await.unwrap(); let result = ftp_stream.login(config.username, "blah").await; if config.give534 { ensure_ftps_required(result); } if config.give534_data { let result = ftp_stream.list(None).await; ensure_ftps_required(result); } } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn noop(#[future] harness: Harness) { let mut ftp_stream = async_ftp::FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.noop().await.unwrap(); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn get(#[future] harness: Harness) { use std::io::Write; let mut filename = harness.root.clone(); // Create a temporary file in the FTP root that we'll retrieve filename.push("bla.txt"); let mut f = std::fs::File::create(filename.clone()).unwrap(); // Write some random data to our file let mut data = vec![0; 1024]; getrandom::getrandom(&mut data).expect("Error generating random bytes"); f.write_all(&data).unwrap(); // Retrieve the remote file let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.simple_retr("bla.txt").await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); let remote_file = ftp_stream.simple_retr("bla.txt").await.unwrap(); let remote_data = remote_file.into_inner(); assert_eq!(remote_data, data); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn put(#[future] harness: Harness) { use std::io::Cursor; let content = b"Hello from this test!\n"; let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); let mut reader = Cursor::new(content); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.put("greeting.txt", &mut reader).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.put("greeting.txt", &mut reader).await.unwrap(); // retrieve file back again, and check if we got the same back. let remote_data = ftp_stream.simple_retr("greeting.txt").await.unwrap().into_inner(); assert_eq!(remote_data, content); } mod list { use super::*; /// test the exact format of the output #[cfg(unix)] #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn format(#[future] harness: Harness) { use regex::Regex; use std::os::unix::fs::{fchown, MetadataExt, OpenOptionsExt}; // Create a filename in the ftp root that we will look for in the `LIST` output let path = harness.root.join("test.txt"); let f = std::fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true).write(true).create(true).mode(0o754).open(path).unwrap(); // Because most OSes set the file's gid to its parent directory's, and the parent // directory's is often root, deliberately set it to something more interesting. fchown(&f, None, Some(nix::unistd::Gid::effective().as_raw())).unwrap(); let md = f.metadata().unwrap(); let uid = md.uid(); let gid = md.gid(); let link_count = md.nlink(); let size = md.len(); let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.list(None).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); let list = ftp_stream.list(None).await.unwrap(); let pat = format!("^-rwxr-xr--\\s+{link_count}\\s+{uid}\\s+{gid}\\s+{size}.*test.txt"); let re = Regex::new(&pat).unwrap(); for entry in list { if entry.contains("test.txt") { assert!(re.is_match(&entry), "\"{entry}\" did not match pattern {re:?}"); return; } } panic!("Entry not found"); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn root(#[future] harness: Harness) { // Create a filename in the ftp root that we will look for in the `LIST` output let path = harness.root.join("test.txt"); { let _f = std::fs::File::create(path); } let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.list(None).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); let list = ftp_stream.list(None).await.unwrap(); let mut found = false; for entry in list { if entry.contains("test.txt") { found = true; break; } } assert!(found); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn subdir(#[future] harness: Harness) { let dir_in_root = tempfile::TempDir::new_in(harness.root).unwrap(); // Create a filename in the subdirectory that we will look for in the `LIST` output let path = dir_in_root.path().join("test.txt"); { let _f = std::fs::File::create(path); } let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.list(None).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); let list = ftp_stream.list(dir_in_root.path().file_name().and_then(std::ffi::OsStr::to_str)).await.unwrap(); let mut found = false; for entry in list { if entry.contains("test.txt") { found = true; break; } } assert!(found); } } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn pwd(#[future] harness: Harness) { let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); // Make sure we fail if we're not logged in ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.pwd().await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); let pwd = ftp_stream.pwd().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(&pwd, "/"); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn cwd(#[future] harness: Harness) { let path = harness.root.clone(); let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); let dir_in_root = tempfile::TempDir::new_in(path).unwrap(); let basename = dir_in_root.path().file_name().unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.cwd(basename.to_str().unwrap()).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.cwd(basename.to_str().unwrap()).await.unwrap(); let pwd = ftp_stream.pwd().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(std::path::Path::new(&pwd), std::path::Path::new("/").join(basename)); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn cdup(#[future] harness: Harness) { let path = harness.root.clone(); let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); let dir_in_root = tempfile::TempDir::new_in(path).unwrap(); let basename = dir_in_root.path().file_name().unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.cdup().await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.cwd(basename.to_str().unwrap()).await.unwrap(); let pwd = ftp_stream.pwd().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(std::path::Path::new(&pwd), std::path::Path::new("/").join(basename)); ftp_stream.cdup().await.unwrap(); let pwd = ftp_stream.pwd().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(std::path::Path::new(&pwd), std::path::Path::new("/")); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn dele(#[future] harness: Harness) { let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); let file_in_root = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new_in(harness.root).unwrap(); let file_name = file_in_root.path().file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.rm(file_name).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.rm(file_name).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(std::fs::metadata(file_in_root.path()).unwrap_err().kind(), std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn rmd(#[future] harness: Harness) { let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); let dir_in_root = tempfile::tempdir_in(harness.root).unwrap(); let file_name = dir_in_root.path().file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.rm(file_name).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.rmdir(file_name).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(std::fs::metadata(dir_in_root.path()).unwrap_err().kind(), std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn quit(#[future] harness: Harness) { let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.quit().await.unwrap(); // Make sure the connection is actually closed // This may take some time, so we'll poll for a bit. let mut c = 0; while ftp_stream.noop().await.is_ok() { assert!(c < 100, "Timeout waiting for connection to close"); c += 1; tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)).await; } } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn nlst(#[future] harness: Harness) { // Create a filename that we wanna see in the `NLST` output let path = harness.root.join("test.txt"); { let _f = std::fs::File::create(path); } let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.nlst(None).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); let list = ftp_stream.nlst(None).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(list, vec!["test.txt"]); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn mkdir(#[future] harness: Harness) { let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.unwrap(); let new_dir_name = "hallo"; ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.mkdir(new_dir_name).await); ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.mkdir(new_dir_name).await.unwrap(); let full_path = harness.root.join(new_dir_name); let metadata = std::fs::metadata(full_path).unwrap(); assert!(metadata.is_dir()); } #[rstest] #[awt] #[tokio::test] async fn rename(#[future] harness: Harness) { // Create a file that we will rename let full_from = harness.root.join("ikbenhier.txt"); let _f = std::fs::File::create(&full_from); let from_filename = full_from.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); // What we'll rename our file to let full_to = harness.root.join("nu ben ik hier.txt"); let to_filename = full_to.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(harness.addr).await.expect("Failed to connect"); // Make sure we fail if we're not logged in ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.rename(from_filename, to_filename).await); // Do the renaming ftp_stream.login("some", "user").await.unwrap(); ftp_stream.rename(from_filename, to_filename).await.expect("Failed to rename"); // Make sure the old filename is gone std::fs::metadata(full_from).expect_err("Renamed file still exists with old name"); // Make sure the new filename exists let metadata = std::fs::metadata(full_to).expect("New filename not created"); assert!(metadata.is_file()); } // This test hang on the latest Rust version it seems. Disabling till we fix // #[tokio::test] // async fn size() { // let addr = ""; // let root = std::env::temp_dir(); // tokio::spawn(libunftp::Server::with_fs(root.clone()).listen(addr)); // tokio::time::sleep(Duration::new(1, 0)).await; // // let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect(addr).await.unwrap(); // let file_in_root = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new_in(root).unwrap(); // let file_name = file_in_root.path().file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); // // let mut w = BufWriter::new(&file_in_root); // w.write_all(b"Hello unftp").expect("Should be able to write to the temp file."); // w.flush().expect("Should be able to flush the temp file."); // // // Make sure we fail if we're not logged in // ensure_login_required(ftp_stream.size(file_name).await); // ftp_stream.login("hoi", "jij").await.unwrap(); // // // Make sure we fail if we don't supply a path // ftp_stream.size("").await.unwrap_err(); // let size1 = ftp_stream.size(file_name).await; // let size2 = size1.unwrap(); // let size3 = size2.unwrap(); // assert_eq!(size3, fs::metadata(&file_in_root).unwrap().len() as usize, "Wrong size returned."); // }