use clap::{Arg, Command}; use std::{error::Error, path::PathBuf}; use tracing::Level; // To run this example with the local fake GCS (see tests/resources/ instead of Google GCS, // after starting fake-gcs-server, run this example with // --fake-gcs-base-url http://localhost:9081 // --bucket-name test-bucket // --service-account-key test.json # create test.json first with `echo unftp_test > test.json` const BUCKET_NAME: &str = "bucket-name"; const SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY: &str = "service-account-key"; const FTPS_CERTS_FILE: &str = "ftps-certs-file"; const FTPS_KEY_FILE: &str = "ftps-key-file"; const BIND_ADDRESS: &str = ""; const FAKE_GCS_BASE_URL: &str = "fake-gcs-base-url"; #[tokio::main] pub async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_max_level(Level::TRACE).init(); let matches = Command::new("Example for using libunftp with Google Cloud Storage backend with optionally enabling TLS") .about("An FTP server that uses Google Cloud Storage as a backend") .author("The unFTP team") .arg( Arg::new(BUCKET_NAME) .short('b') .long(BUCKET_NAME) .value_name("BUCKET_NAME") .env("LIBUNFTP_BUCKET_NAME") .help("The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket to be used") .required(true), ) .arg( Arg::new(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY) .short('s') .long(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY) .value_name("SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY") .env("LIBUNFTP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY") .help("The service account key JSON file of the Google Cloud Storage bucket to be used") .required(true), ) .arg( Arg::new(FAKE_GCS_BASE_URL) .short('u') .long(FAKE_GCS_BASE_URL) .value_name("GCS_BASE_URL") .env("LIBUNFTP_FAKE_GCS_BASE_URL") .help("Alternative GCS Base URL to use for testing.") .required(false), ) .arg( Arg::new(FTPS_CERTS_FILE) .short('c') .long(FTPS_CERTS_FILE) .value_name("FTPS_CERTS_FILE") .env("LIBUNFTP_FTPS_CERTS_FILE") .help("The ftps certs file") .requires(FTPS_KEY_FILE), ) .arg( Arg::new(FTPS_KEY_FILE) .short('p') .long(FTPS_KEY_FILE) .value_name("FTPS_KEY_FILE") .env("LIBUNFTP_FTPS_KEY_FILE") .help("The ftps certs key file") .requires(FTPS_CERTS_FILE), ) .get_matches(); let service_account_key_path = matches .value_of(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY) .ok_or("Internal error: use of an undefined command line parameter")?; let bucket_name = matches .value_of(BUCKET_NAME) .ok_or("Internal error: use of an undefined command line parameter")? .to_owned(); let gcs_base_url = if let Some(base_url) = matches.value_of(FAKE_GCS_BASE_URL) { String::from(base_url) } else { String::from("") }; let service_account_key: Vec = tokio::fs::read(service_account_key_path).await?; if let Some(ftps_certs_file) = matches.value_of(FTPS_CERTS_FILE) { let ftps_key_file = matches .value_of(FTPS_KEY_FILE) .ok_or("Internal error: use of an undefined command line parameter")?; libunftp::ServerBuilder::new(Box::new(move || { unftp_sbe_gcs::CloudStorage::with_api_base(&gcs_base_url, &bucket_name, PathBuf::new(), service_account_key.clone()) })) .ftps(ftps_certs_file, ftps_key_file) .build() .unwrap() .listen(BIND_ADDRESS) .await?; } else { libunftp::ServerBuilder::new(Box::new(move || { unftp_sbe_gcs::CloudStorage::with_api_base(&gcs_base_url, &bucket_name, PathBuf::new(), service_account_key.clone()) })) .build() .unwrap() .listen(BIND_ADDRESS) .await?; } Ok(()) }