#![cfg(feature = "invocation")] use jni_sys::jbyte; use std::str::FromStr; use jni::{ descriptors::Desc, errors::Error, objects::{AutoLocal, JByteBuffer, JList, JObject, JString, JThrowable, JValue}, signature::JavaType, strings::JNIString, sys::{jint, jobject, jsize}, JNIEnv, }; mod util; use jni::objects::ReleaseMode; use util::{attach_current_thread, unwrap}; static ARRAYLIST_CLASS: &str = "java/util/ArrayList"; static EXCEPTION_CLASS: &str = "java/lang/Exception"; static ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS: &str = "java/lang/ArithmeticException"; static RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_CLASS: &str = "java/lang/RuntimeException"; static INTEGER_CLASS: &str = "java/lang/Integer"; static MATH_CLASS: &str = "java/lang/Math"; static STRING_CLASS: &str = "java/lang/String"; static MATH_ABS_METHOD_NAME: &str = "abs"; static MATH_TO_INT_METHOD_NAME: &str = "toIntExact"; static MATH_ABS_SIGNATURE: &str = "(I)I"; static MATH_TO_INT_SIGNATURE: &str = "(J)I"; static TEST_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE: &str = "Default exception thrown"; static TESTING_OBJECT_STR: &str = "TESTING OBJECT"; #[test] pub fn call_method_returning_null() { let env = attach_current_thread(); // Create an Exception with no message let obj = AutoLocal::new( &env, unwrap(&env, env.new_object(EXCEPTION_CLASS, "()V", &[])), ); // Call Throwable#getMessage must return null let message = unwrap( &env, env.call_method(&obj, "getMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;", &[]), ); let message_ref = env.auto_local(unwrap(&env, message.l())); assert!(message_ref.as_obj().is_null()); } #[test] pub fn is_instance_of_same_class() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let obj = AutoLocal::new( &env, unwrap(&env, env.new_object(EXCEPTION_CLASS, "()V", &[])), ); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_instance_of(&obj, EXCEPTION_CLASS))); } #[test] pub fn is_instance_of_superclass() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let obj = AutoLocal::new( &env, unwrap(&env, env.new_object(ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS, "()V", &[])), ); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_instance_of(&obj, EXCEPTION_CLASS))); } #[test] pub fn is_instance_of_subclass() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let obj = AutoLocal::new( &env, unwrap(&env, env.new_object(EXCEPTION_CLASS, "()V", &[])), ); assert!(!unwrap( &env, env.is_instance_of(&obj, ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS) )); } #[test] pub fn is_instance_of_not_superclass() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let obj = AutoLocal::new( &env, unwrap(&env, env.new_object(ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS, "()V", &[])), ); assert!(!unwrap(&env, env.is_instance_of(&obj, ARRAYLIST_CLASS))); } #[test] pub fn is_instance_of_null() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let obj = JObject::null(); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_instance_of(obj, ARRAYLIST_CLASS))); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_instance_of(obj, EXCEPTION_CLASS))); assert!(unwrap( &env, env.is_instance_of(obj, ARITHMETIC_EXCEPTION_CLASS) )); } #[test] pub fn is_same_object_diff_references() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let string = env.new_string(TESTING_OBJECT_STR).unwrap(); let ref_from_string = unwrap(&env, env.new_local_ref::(string.into())); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_same_object(string, ref_from_string))); unwrap(&env, env.delete_local_ref(ref_from_string)); } #[test] pub fn is_same_object_same_reference() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let string = env.new_string(TESTING_OBJECT_STR).unwrap(); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_same_object(string, string))); } #[test] pub fn is_not_same_object() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let string = env.new_string(TESTING_OBJECT_STR).unwrap(); let same_src_str = env.new_string(TESTING_OBJECT_STR).unwrap(); assert!(!unwrap(&env, env.is_same_object(string, same_src_str))); } #[test] pub fn is_not_same_object_null() { let env = attach_current_thread(); assert!(unwrap( &env, env.is_same_object(JObject::null(), JObject::null()) )); } #[test] pub fn get_static_public_field() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let min_int_value = env .get_static_field(INTEGER_CLASS, "MIN_VALUE", "I") .unwrap() .i() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(min_int_value, i32::min_value()); } #[test] pub fn get_static_public_field_by_id() { let env = attach_current_thread(); // One can't pass a JavaType::Primitive(Primitive::Int) to // `get_static_field_id` unfortunately: #137 let field_type = "I"; let field_id = env .get_static_field_id(INTEGER_CLASS, "MIN_VALUE", field_type) .unwrap(); let field_type = JavaType::from_str(field_type).unwrap(); let min_int_value = env .get_static_field_unchecked(INTEGER_CLASS, field_id, field_type) .unwrap() .i() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(min_int_value, i32::min_value()); } #[test] pub fn pop_local_frame_pending_exception() { let env = attach_current_thread(); env.push_local_frame(16).unwrap(); env.throw_new(RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_CLASS, "Test Exception") .unwrap(); // Pop the local frame with a pending exception env.pop_local_frame(JObject::null()) .expect("JNIEnv#pop_local_frame must work in case of pending exception"); env.exception_clear().unwrap(); } #[test] pub fn push_local_frame_pending_exception() { let env = attach_current_thread(); env.throw_new(RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_CLASS, "Test Exception") .unwrap(); // Push a new local frame with a pending exception env.push_local_frame(16) .expect("JNIEnv#push_local_frame must work in case of pending exception"); env.exception_clear().unwrap(); env.pop_local_frame(JObject::null()).unwrap(); } #[test] pub fn push_local_frame_too_many_refs() { let env = attach_current_thread(); // Try to push a new local frame with a ridiculous size let frame_size = i32::max_value(); env.push_local_frame(frame_size) .expect_err("push_local_frame(2B) must Err"); env.pop_local_frame(JObject::null()).unwrap(); } #[test] pub fn with_local_frame() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let s = env .with_local_frame(16, || { let res = env.new_string("Test").unwrap(); Ok(res.into()) }) .unwrap(); let s = env .get_string(s.into()) .expect("The object returned from the local frame must remain valid"); assert_eq!(s.to_str().unwrap(), "Test"); } #[test] pub fn with_local_frame_pending_exception() { let env = attach_current_thread(); env.throw_new(RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_CLASS, "Test Exception") .unwrap(); // Try to allocate a frame of locals env.with_local_frame(16, || Ok(JObject::null())) .expect("JNIEnv#with_local_frame must work in case of pending exception"); env.exception_clear().unwrap(); } #[test] pub fn call_static_method_ok() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let x = JValue::from(-10); let val: jint = env .call_static_method(MATH_CLASS, MATH_ABS_METHOD_NAME, MATH_ABS_SIGNATURE, &[x]) .expect("JNIEnv#call_static_method_unsafe should return JValue") .i() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(val, 10); } #[test] pub fn call_static_method_throws() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let x = JValue::Long(4_000_000_000); let is_java_exception = env .call_static_method( MATH_CLASS, MATH_TO_INT_METHOD_NAME, MATH_TO_INT_SIGNATURE, &[x], ) .map_err(|error| match error { Error::JavaException => true, _ => false, }) .expect_err("JNIEnv#call_static_method_unsafe should return error"); assert!( is_java_exception, "ErrorKind::JavaException expected as error" ); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); } #[test] pub fn call_static_method_wrong_arg() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let x = JValue::Double(4.567_891_23); env.call_static_method( MATH_CLASS, MATH_TO_INT_METHOD_NAME, MATH_TO_INT_SIGNATURE, &[x], ) .expect_err("JNIEnv#call_static_method_unsafe should return error"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); } #[test] pub fn java_byte_array_from_slice() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let buf: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3]; let java_array = env .byte_array_from_slice(buf) .expect("JNIEnv#byte_array_from_slice must create a java array from slice"); let obj = AutoLocal::new(&env, JObject::from(java_array)); assert!(!obj.as_obj().is_null()); let mut res: [i8; 3] = [0; 3]; env.get_byte_array_region(java_array, 0, &mut res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res[0], 1); assert_eq!(res[1], 2); assert_eq!(res[2], 3); } #[test] pub fn java_get_byte_array_elements() { let env = attach_current_thread(); // Create original Java array let buf: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3]; let java_array = env .byte_array_from_slice(buf) .expect("JNIEnv#byte_array_from_slice must create a java array from slice"); // Get array elements let (ptr, _is_copy) = env.get_byte_array_elements(java_array).unwrap(); // Check assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(0) }, 1); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(1) }, 2); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(2) }, 3); // Modify unsafe { *ptr.offset(0) += 1; *ptr.offset(1) += 1; *ptr.offset(2) += 1; } // Release env.release_byte_array_elements( java_array, unsafe { ptr.as_mut().unwrap() }, ReleaseMode::CopyBack, ) .expect("JNIEnv#release_byte_array_elements must release Java array"); // Confirm modification of original Java array let mut res: [i8; 3] = [0; 3]; env.get_byte_array_region(java_array, 0, &mut res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res[0], 2); assert_eq!(res[1], 3); assert_eq!(res[2], 4); } #[test] pub fn get_byte_array_elements_auto() { let env = attach_current_thread(); // Create original Java array let buf: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3]; let java_array = env .byte_array_from_slice(buf) .expect("JNIEnv#byte_array_from_slice must create a java array from slice"); // Use a scope to test Drop { // Get byte array elements auto wrapper let auto_ptr = env .get_auto_byte_array_elements(java_array, ReleaseMode::CopyBack) .unwrap(); // Check pointer access let ptr = auto_ptr.as_ptr(); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(0) }, 1); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(1) }, 2); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(2) }, 3); // Check pointer From access let ptr: *mut jbyte = std::convert::From::from(&auto_ptr); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(0) }, 1); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(1) }, 2); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(2) }, 3); // Check pointer into() access let ptr: *mut jbyte = (&auto_ptr).into(); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(0) }, 1); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(1) }, 2); assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr.offset(2) }, 3); // Modify unsafe { *ptr.offset(0) += 1; *ptr.offset(1) += 1; *ptr.offset(2) += 1; } // Commit would be necessary here, if there were no closure // auto_ptr.commit(); } // Confirm modification of original Java array let mut res: [i8; 3] = [0; 3]; env.get_byte_array_region(java_array, 0, &mut res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res[0], 2); assert_eq!(res[1], 3); assert_eq!(res[2], 4); } #[test] pub fn java_get_primitive_array_critical() { let env = attach_current_thread(); // Create original Java array let buf: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3]; let java_array = env .byte_array_from_slice(buf) .expect("JNIEnv#byte_array_from_slice must create a java array from slice"); // Get array elements let (ptr, _is_copy) = env.get_primitive_array_critical(java_array).unwrap(); // Convert void pointer to an unsigned byte array, without copy let mut vec; unsafe { vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr as *mut u8, 3, 3) } // Check assert_eq!(vec[0], 1); assert_eq!(vec[1], 2); assert_eq!(vec[2], 3); // Modify vec[0] += 1; vec[1] += 1; vec[2] += 1; // Release // First, make sure vec's destructor doesn't free the data it thinks it owns when it // goes out of scope (so release_primitive_array_critical() can properly free it) std::mem::forget(vec); env.release_primitive_array_critical( java_array, unsafe { ptr.as_mut().unwrap() }, ReleaseMode::CopyBack, ) .expect("JNIEnv#release_primitive_array_critical must release Java array"); // Confirm modification of original Java array let mut res: [i8; 3] = [0; 3]; env.get_byte_array_region(java_array, 0, &mut res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res[0], 2); assert_eq!(res[1], 3); assert_eq!(res[2], 4); } #[test] pub fn get_primitive_array_critical_auto() { let env = attach_current_thread(); // Create original Java array let buf: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3]; let java_array = env .byte_array_from_slice(buf) .expect("JNIEnv#byte_array_from_slice must create a java array from slice"); // Use a scope to test Drop { // Get primitive array elements auto wrapper let auto_ptr = env .get_auto_primitive_array_critical(java_array, ReleaseMode::CopyBack) .unwrap(); // Get pointer let ptr = auto_ptr.as_ptr(); // Convert void pointer to an unsigned byte array, without copy let mut vec; unsafe { vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr as *mut u8, 3, 3) } // Check assert_eq!(vec[0], 1); assert_eq!(vec[1], 2); assert_eq!(vec[2], 3); // Modify vec[0] += 1; vec[1] += 1; vec[2] += 1; // Release // Make sure vec's destructor doesn't free the data it thinks it owns when it goes // out of scope (avoid double free) std::mem::forget(vec); } // Confirm modification of original Java array let mut res: [i8; 3] = [0; 3]; env.get_byte_array_region(java_array, 0, &mut res).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res[0], 2); assert_eq!(res[1], 3); assert_eq!(res[2], 4); } #[test] pub fn get_object_class() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let string = env.new_string("test").unwrap(); let result = env.get_object_class(string); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); } #[test] pub fn get_object_class_null_arg() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let null_obj = JObject::null(); let result = env .get_object_class(null_obj) .map_err(|error| match error { Error::NullPtr(_) => true, _ => false, }) .expect_err("JNIEnv#get_object_class should return error for null argument"); assert!(result, "ErrorKind::NullPtr expected as error"); } #[test] pub fn new_direct_byte_buffer() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let mut vec: Vec = vec![0, 1, 2, 3]; let buf = vec.as_mut_slice(); let result = env.new_direct_byte_buffer(buf); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); } #[test] pub fn get_direct_buffer_capacity_ok() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let mut vec: Vec = vec![0, 1, 2, 3]; let buf = vec.as_mut_slice(); let result = env.new_direct_byte_buffer(buf).unwrap(); assert!(!result.is_null()); let capacity = env.get_direct_buffer_capacity(result).unwrap(); assert_eq!(capacity, 4); } #[test] pub fn get_direct_buffer_capacity_wrong_arg() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let wrong_obj = JByteBuffer::from(env.new_string("wrong").unwrap().into_inner()); let capacity = env.get_direct_buffer_capacity(wrong_obj); assert!(capacity.is_err()); } #[test] pub fn get_direct_buffer_address_ok() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let mut vec: Vec = vec![0, 1, 2, 3]; let buf = vec.as_mut_slice(); let result = env.new_direct_byte_buffer(buf).unwrap(); assert!(!result.is_null()); let dest_buffer = env.get_direct_buffer_address(result).unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf, dest_buffer); } #[test] pub fn get_direct_buffer_address_wrong_arg() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let wrong_obj: JObject = env.new_string("wrong").unwrap().into(); let result = env.get_direct_buffer_address(wrong_obj.into()); assert!(result.is_err()); } #[test] pub fn get_direct_buffer_address_null_arg() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let result = env.get_direct_buffer_address(JObject::null().into()); assert!(result.is_err()); } // Group test for testing the family of new_PRIMITIVE_array functions with correct // arguments #[test] pub fn new_primitive_array_ok() { let env = attach_current_thread(); const SIZE: jsize = 16; let result = env.new_boolean_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); let result = env.new_byte_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); let result = env.new_char_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); let result = env.new_short_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); let result = env.new_int_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); let result = env.new_long_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); let result = env.new_float_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); let result = env.new_double_array(SIZE); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); } // Group test for testing the family of new_PRIMITIVE_array functions with wrong arguments #[test] pub fn new_primitive_array_wrong() { let env = attach_current_thread(); const WRONG_SIZE: jsize = -1; let result = env.new_boolean_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_boolean_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); let result = env.new_byte_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_byte_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); let result = env.new_char_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_char_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); let result = env.new_short_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_short_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); let result = env.new_int_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_int_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); let result = env.new_long_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_long_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); let result = env.new_float_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_float_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); let result = env.new_double_array(WRONG_SIZE); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_exception(result, "JNIEnv#new_double_array should throw exception"); assert_pending_java_exception(&env); } #[test] fn get_super_class_ok() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let result = env.get_superclass(ARRAYLIST_CLASS); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(!result.unwrap().is_null()); } #[test] fn get_super_class_null() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let result = env.get_superclass("java/lang/Object"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(result.unwrap().is_null()); } #[test] fn convert_byte_array() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let src: Vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4]; let java_byte_array = env.byte_array_from_slice(&src).unwrap(); let dest = env.convert_byte_array(java_byte_array); assert!(dest.is_ok()); assert_eq!(dest.unwrap(), src); } #[test] fn local_ref_null() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let null_obj = JObject::null(); let result = env.new_local_ref::(null_obj); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(result.unwrap().is_null()); // try to delete null reference let result = env.delete_local_ref(null_obj); assert!(result.is_ok()); } #[test] fn new_global_ref_null() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let null_obj = JObject::null(); let result = env.new_global_ref(null_obj); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(result.unwrap().as_obj().is_null()); } #[test] fn auto_local_null() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let null_obj = JObject::null(); { let auto_ref = AutoLocal::new(&env, null_obj); assert!(auto_ref.as_obj().is_null()); } assert!(null_obj.is_null()); } #[test] fn short_lifetime_with_local_frame() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let object = short_lifetime_with_local_frame_sub_fn(&env); assert!(object.is_ok()); } fn short_lifetime_with_local_frame_sub_fn<'a>(env: &'_ JNIEnv<'a>) -> Result, Error> { env.with_local_frame(16, || { env.new_object(INTEGER_CLASS, "(I)V", &[JValue::from(5)]) }) } #[test] fn short_lifetime_list() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let first_list_object = short_lifetime_list_sub_fn(&env).unwrap(); let value = env.call_method(first_list_object, "intValue", "()I", &[]); assert_eq!(value.unwrap().i().unwrap(), 1); } fn short_lifetime_list_sub_fn<'a>(env: &'_ JNIEnv<'a>) -> Result, Error> { let list_object = env.new_object(ARRAYLIST_CLASS, "()V", &[])?; let list = JList::from_env(env, list_object)?; let element = env.new_object(INTEGER_CLASS, "(I)V", &[JValue::from(1)])?; list.add(element)?; short_lifetime_list_sub_fn_get_first_element(&list) } fn short_lifetime_list_sub_fn_get_first_element<'a>( list: &'_ JList<'a, '_>, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut iterator = list.iter()?; Ok(iterator.next().unwrap()) } #[test] fn get_object_array_element() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let array = env .new_object_array(1, STRING_CLASS, JObject::null()) .unwrap(); assert!(!array.is_null()); assert!(env.get_object_array_element(array, 0).unwrap().is_null()); let test_str = env.new_string("test").unwrap(); env.set_object_array_element(array, 0, test_str).unwrap(); assert!(!env.get_object_array_element(array, 0).unwrap().is_null()); } #[test] pub fn throw_new() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let result = env.throw_new(RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_CLASS, "Test Exception"); assert!(result.is_ok()); assert_pending_java_exception_detailed( &env, Some(RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_CLASS), Some("Test Exception"), ); } #[test] pub fn throw_new_fail() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let result = env.throw_new("java/lang/NonexistentException", "Test Exception"); assert!(result.is_err()); // Just to clear the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError assert_pending_java_exception(&env); } #[test] pub fn throw_defaults() { let env = attach_current_thread(); test_throwable_descriptor_with_default_type(&env, TEST_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE); test_throwable_descriptor_with_default_type(&env, TEST_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE.to_owned()); test_throwable_descriptor_with_default_type(&env, JNIString::from(TEST_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE)); } #[test] pub fn test_conversion() { let env = attach_current_thread(); let orig_obj: JObject = env.new_string("Hello, world!").unwrap().into(); let string = JString::from(orig_obj); let actual = JObject::from(string); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_same_object(orig_obj, actual))); let global_ref = env.new_global_ref(orig_obj).unwrap(); let actual = JObject::from(&global_ref); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_same_object(orig_obj, actual))); let auto_local = env.auto_local(orig_obj); let actual = JObject::from(&auto_local); assert!(unwrap(&env, env.is_same_object(orig_obj, actual))); } fn test_throwable_descriptor_with_default_type<'a, D>(env: &JNIEnv<'a>, descriptor: D) where D: Desc<'a, JThrowable<'a>>, { let result = descriptor.lookup(env); assert!(result.is_ok()); let exception = result.unwrap(); assert_exception_type(env, exception, RUNTIME_EXCEPTION_CLASS); assert_exception_message(env, exception, TEST_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE); } // Helper method that asserts that result is Error and the cause is JavaException. fn assert_exception(res: Result, expect_message: &str) { assert!(res.is_err()); assert!(res .map_err(|error| { match error { Error::JavaException => true, _ => false, } }) .expect_err(expect_message)); } // Shortcut to `assert_pending_java_exception_detailed()` without checking for expected // type and message of exception. fn assert_pending_java_exception(env: &JNIEnv) { assert_pending_java_exception_detailed(env, None, None) } // Helper method that asserts there is a pending Java exception of `expected_type` with // `expected_message` and clears it if any. fn assert_pending_java_exception_detailed( env: &JNIEnv, expected_type: Option<&str>, expected_message: Option<&str>, ) { assert!(env.exception_check().unwrap()); let exception = env.exception_occurred().expect("Unable to get exception"); env.exception_clear().unwrap(); if let Some(expected_type) = expected_type { assert_exception_type(env, exception, expected_type); } if let Some(expected_message) = expected_message { assert_exception_message(env, exception, expected_message); } } // Asserts that exception is of `expected_type` type. fn assert_exception_type(env: &JNIEnv, exception: JThrowable, expected_type: &str) { assert!(env.is_instance_of(exception, expected_type).unwrap()); } // Asserts that exception's message is `expected_message`. fn assert_exception_message(env: &JNIEnv, exception: JThrowable, expected_message: &str) { let message = env .call_method(exception, "getMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;", &[]) .unwrap() .l() .unwrap(); let msg_rust: String = env.get_string(message.into()).unwrap().into(); assert_eq!(msg_rust, expected_message); }