# :book: Full Example for [unidoc](https://github.com/cympfh/unidoc) :magnet: ## Styled Text ```markdown *emphasis* == _italic_ **strong** == __bold__ ***emphasis & strong*** ``` Single `*` or `_` quotings are *emphasis* (or _italic_). Double `**` or `__` quotings are **strong** (or __bold__). Triple `***` can make ***Emphasis and Strong***. ```markdown ~~This is deleted.~~ ``` Double `~~` quotings are ~~deleted~~ (or striked). ## Links, Images ```markdown [link text](url) ![image alt](image url or path) The `link text` can be an image. [![alt](https://cympfh.cc/favicon.ico)](//cympfh.cc) ``` [![alt](https://cympfh.cc/favicon.ico)](//cympfh.cc) ## List, Task List ```markdown - Unordered lists - ... + The bullets can be one of `-` `+` `*` + ... 1. Ordered lists 1. The bullets can be one of `1.` `a.` ``` TODO checkboxes can be put. ```markdown - Tasks: - [ ] TODO - [x] DONE ``` - Tasks: - [ ] TODO - [x] DONE ## Table Github-style Table Notation can use. ```markdown | A | B | Left | Center | Right | |---| - |:-----|:---:| --: | | a | b | left | c | r | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ``` | A | B | Left | Center | Right | |---| - |:-----|:---:| --: | | a | b | left | c | r | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Headers can be omitted. ```markdown | A | B | C | | a | b | c | | 1 | 2 | 3 | ``` | A | B | C | | a | b | c | | 1 | 2 | 3 | ## Codes ```markdown `inline code` ``` `unidoc` is written in `Rust`. (Fenced) Code block are quoted with \`\`\`. ``` def main(): pass ``` This is a python code. You can express the language name: ```python def main(): pass ``` When `--standalone, -s`, the code blocks (with language names) are styled with [Prism.js](https://prismjs.com/#basic-usage). Also see [Supported languages](https://prismjs.com/#supported-languages) as available language names. ## Paragraph Almost plaintexts are interpreted as paragraph. Paragraphs are separated with one or more empty lines. Any whitespaces (including newlines) are used to tokenize and become just one space. If you wish make a newline explicitly you must put two spaces ` ` at the end of line. > Quote is another paragraph. > Ofcource, you can use **any markdown** in quoting. --- ## (Ex) MathJax ```markdown $inline-math-tex$ $$display-math-tex$$ ``` When $a=2$, solve $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty (x-a)^n = 1.$$ ## (Ex) Import Another Markdown ```markdown @(another markdown file path) ``` @(list.md) ## (Ex) Import Another as a Code block ```markdown @[language name](file path) @[rust](sample.rs) ``` @[rust](sample.rs) ## (Ex) Inline HyperLink ```markdown [[url]] ``` `[[url]]` makes a nicely link: [[http://example.com]]. The text for link is the `` of the web page (web is required). If something error while fetching web page, url will be used alternatively. (:point_right: [[http://this.is.not.existing-site.co.com.tokyo.jp]]) ## (Ex) Block HyperLink a.k.a BlogCard ```markdown {{url}} ``` This generates nicely blogcard. OGP metadata are used (web is required). Some urls have special forms for embedding (e.g. Youtube, Twitter). **NOTE**: This is a paragraph block. Each paragraphs must be delimited with empty lines in markdown text. {{https://example.com}} {{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FKRL-t8aM8}} {{https://twitter.com/Jack/status/20}} ## :joy: Emojis ```markdown :(emoji-shortcode): :+1: :joy: :cry: ``` Github emoji shortcodes are available :v: Awesome cheatsheet is [here](https://github.com/ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet/blob/master/README.md) :point_left: