import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import; import uniffi.rondpoint.*; public class TestRondpoint { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Dictionnaire dico = new Dictionnaire(Enumeration.DEUX, true, (byte)0, 123456789L); Dictionnaire copyDico = Rondpoint.copieDictionnaire(dico); assert dico.equals(copyDico); assert Rondpoint.copieEnumeration(Enumeration.DEUX).equals(Enumeration.DEUX); assert Rondpoint.copieEnumerations(List.of(Enumeration.UN, Enumeration.DEUX)).equals(List.of(Enumeration.UN, Enumeration.DEUX)); assert Rondpoint.copieCarte(Map.ofEntries( Map.entry("0", new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero()), Map.entry("1", new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1)), Map.entry("2", new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Deux(2, "deux")) )).equals(Map.ofEntries( Map.entry("0", new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero()), Map.entry("1", new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1)), Map.entry("2", new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Deux(2, "deux"))) ); var var1 = new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero(); var var2 = new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1); var var3 = new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(2); assert !var1.equals(var2); assert !var2.equals(var3); assert var1.equals(new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Zero()); assert !var1.equals(new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1)); assert var2.equals(new EnumerationAvecDonnees.Un(1)); assert Rondpoint.switcheroo(false); // Test the roundtrip across the FFI. // This shows that the values we send come back in exactly the same state as we sent them. // i.e. it shows that lowering from Java and lifting into Rust is symmetrical with // lowering from Rust and lifting into Java. var rt = new Retourneur(); // Booleans affirmAllerRetour(List.of(true, false), rt::identiqueBoolean); // Bytes affirmAllerRetour(List.of(Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE), rt::identiqueI8); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((byte)0x00, (byte)0xFF), rt::identiqueU8); // Shorts affirmAllerRetour(List.of(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE), rt::identiqueI16); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((short)0x0000, (short)0xFFFF), rt::identiqueU16); // Ints affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1, -1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE), rt::identiqueI32); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF), rt::identiqueU32); // Longs affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0L, 1L, -1L, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE), rt::identiqueI64); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0L, 1L, 0L, Long.MAX_VALUE), rt::identiqueU64); // Floats affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0.0F, 0.5F, 0.25F, Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE), rt::identiqueFloat); // Doubles affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0.0, 1.0, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE), rt::identiqueDouble); // Strings affirmAllerRetour(List.of("", "abc", "null\u0000byte", "été", "ښي لاس ته لوستلو لوستل", "😻emoji 👨‍👧‍👦multi-emoji, 🇨🇭a flag, a canal, panama"), rt::identiqueString); // Records of primitives affirmAllerRetour(List.of(-1, 0, 1).stream().map(i -> new DictionnaireNombresSignes(i.byteValue(), i.shortValue(), i, i.longValue())).collect(Collectors.toList()), rt::identiqueNombresSignes); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1).stream().map(i -> new DictionnaireNombres(i.byteValue(), i.shortValue(), i, i.longValue())).collect(Collectors.toList()), rt::identiqueNombres); rt.close(); // Test one way across the FFI. // // We send one representation of a value to, and it transforms it into another, a string. // sends the string back, and then we compare here in Java. // // This shows that the values are transformed into strings the same way in both Java and Rust. // i.e. if we assume that the string return works (we test this assumption elsewhere) // we show that lowering from kotlin and lifting into rust has values that both Java and Rust // both stringify in the same way. i.e. the same values. // // If we roundtripping proves the symmetry of our lowering/lifting from here to Rust, and lowering/lifting from Rust to here, // and this convinces us that lowering/lifting from here to Rust is correct, then // together, we've shown the correctness of the return leg. var st = new Stringifier(); // Test the efficacy of the string transport from Rust. If this fails, but everything else // works, then things are very weird. var wellKnown = st.wellKnownString("java"); assert "uniffi 💚 java!".equals(wellKnown) : MessageFormat.format("wellKnownString 'uniffi 💚 java!' == '{0}'", wellKnown); // Booleans affirmEnchaine(List.of(true, false), st::toStringBoolean, TestRondpoint::defaultStringyEquals); // All primitives are signed in Java by default. Rust correctly interprets the same signed max as an unsigned max // when told to. We have to mask the value we expect on the comparison side for Java, or else it will toString them // as signed values. Callers of Uniffi functions need to be aware when making comparisons (`compareUnsigned`) or // printing when a value is actually unsigned to code around footguns on this side. // Bytes affirmEnchaine(List.of(Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringI8, TestRondpoint::defaultStringyEquals); affirmEnchaine(List.of(Byte.MIN_VALUE, Byte.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringU8, (obs, exp) -> obs.equals(String.valueOf(exp & 0xff))); // Shorts affirmEnchaine(List.of(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringI16, TestRondpoint::defaultStringyEquals); affirmEnchaine(List.of(Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringU16, (obs, exp) -> obs.equals(String.valueOf(exp & 0xffff))); // Ints affirmEnchaine(List.of(0, 1, -1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringI32, TestRondpoint::defaultStringyEquals); affirmEnchaine(List.of(0, 1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringU32, (obs, exp) -> obs.equals(Integer.toUnsignedString(exp))); // Longs affirmEnchaine(List.of(0L, 1L, -1L, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringI64, TestRondpoint::defaultStringyEquals); affirmEnchaine(List.of(0L, 1L, 0L, Long.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringU64, TestRondpoint::defaultStringyEquals); // Floats // MIN_VALUE is 1.4E-45. Accuracy and formatting get weird at small sizes. affirmEnchaine(List.of(0.0F, 1.0F, -1.0F, Float.MIN_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringFloat, (s, n) -> Float.parseFloat(s) == n); // Doubles // MIN_VALUE is 4.9E-324. Accuracy and formatting get weird at small sizes. affirmEnchaine(List.of(0.0, 1.0, -1.0, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE), st::toStringDouble, (s, n) -> Double.parseDouble(s) == n); st.close(); // Defaults aren't supported in Java, so we check that our Java `None` equivalent goes across the barrier correctly // as an option and comes back instead. See Kotlin's rondpoint tests for reference default behavior if you want to // PR defaults as a feature. // Step 1: call the methods without arguments, check that Option works. var op = new Optionneur(); // Optionals assert op.sinonNull(null) == null; assert op.sinonZero(null) == null; // Step 2. Convince ourselves that if we pass something else, then that changes the output. // We have shown something coming out of the sinon methods, but without eyeballing the Rust // we can't be sure that the arguments will change the return value. affirmAllerRetour(List.of("foo", "bar"), op::sinonString); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(true, false), op::sinonBoolean); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(List.of("a", "b"), List.of()), op::sinonSequence); // Optionals affirmAllerRetour(List.of("0", "1"), op::sinonNull); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1), op::sinonZero); // Integers affirmAllerRetour(List.of((byte)0, (byte)1), op::sinonI8Dec); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((byte)0, (byte)1), op::sinonU8Dec); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((short)0, (short)1), op::sinonI16Dec); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((short)0, (short)1), op::sinonU16Dec); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1), op::sinonI32Dec); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1), op::sinonU32Dec); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0L, 1L), op::sinonI64Dec); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0L, 1L), op::sinonU64Dec); // Hexadecimal integers affirmAllerRetour(List.of((byte)0, (byte)1), op::sinonI8Hex); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((byte)0, (byte)1), op::sinonU8Hex); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((short)0, (short)1), op::sinonI16Hex); affirmAllerRetour(List.of((short)0, (short)1), op::sinonU16Hex); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1), op::sinonI32Hex); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1), op::sinonU32Hex); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0L, 1L), op::sinonI64Hex); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0L, 1L), op::sinonU64Hex); // Octal integers affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0, 1), op::sinonU32Oct); // Floats affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0.0f, 1.0f), op::sinonF32); affirmAllerRetour(List.of(0.0, 1.0), op::sinonF64); // Enums affirmAllerRetour(List.of(Enumeration.values()), op::sinonEnum); op.close(); } private static void affirmAllerRetour(List vs, Function f) { for (var v : vs) { assert v.equals(f.apply(v)) : MessageFormat.format("{0}({1})", f, v); } } private static void affirmEnchaine(List vs, Function f, BiFunction equals) { for (var exp : vs) { var obs = f.apply(exp); assert equals.apply(obs, exp) : MessageFormat.format("{0}({1}): observed={2}, expected={3}", f, exp, obs, exp); } } private static Boolean defaultStringyEquals(String obs, T exp) { return obs.equals(exp.toString()); } }