use std::{ io::{BufRead, stdin}, }; use unifont_bitmap::Unifont; fn banner_print(unifont: &mut Unifont, ink: char, wat: &str) { for c in wat.chars() { let bitmap = unifont.load_bitmap(c as u32); let pitch = if bitmap.is_wide() { 2 } else { 1 }; for x in 0..bitmap.get_dimensions().0 { for _ in 0 .. 2 { for y in (0..16).rev() { for _ in 0 .. 2 { let bi = (x/8) + y*pitch; let shift = x%8; let b = bitmap.get_bytes()[bi]; if (128 >> shift) & b == 0 { print!(" "); } else { print!("{}", ink); } } } println!(""); } } } } fn main() { let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); if args.len() < 2 { eprintln!("At least one argument must be specified.\n\ \n\ Usage: banner [--blocks] [--] [text to output...]\n\ \n\ If no text is given as arguments, will print text from \ standard input.\n\ \n\ If you want to just do a banner from standard input, \ without using --blocks,\ndo: \"banner --\"\n\ \n\ --blocks: Use a U+2588 FULL BLOCK as \"ink\" instead of \ #. May break some\nterminals.\n\ \n\ Please note that this example makes no attempt to account \ for combining\ncharacters or invisibles!"); std::process::exit(1); } let mut args = &args[1..]; let ink = if args.get(0).map(String::as_str) == Some("--blocks") { args = &args[1..]; '\u{2588}' } else { '#' }; let mut unifont = Unifont::open(); if args.get(0).map(String::as_str) == Some("--") { args = &args[1..]; } if args.len() == 0 { // read lines and print those as banner let stdin = stdin(); let mut lines = stdin.lock().lines(); let mut first = true; while let Some(line) = { let line = line.unwrap(); if !first { banner_print(&mut unifont, ink, " "); } else { first = true } banner_print(&mut unifont, ink, &line); } } else { // print args as banner, separated by space let mut first = true; for arg in args { if !first { banner_print(&mut unifont, ink, " "); } else { first = true } banner_print(&mut unifont, ink, arg); } } }