;;; { "preamble-option" : "yes" } ;;; # Header 1 - "Basics" ## Subheader containing inline formatting Some paragraph text with possible inline formatting: *italic*, **bold**, __underlined text__, ^_overlined text^_, ~~strike through text~~, ^superscripted text^, _subscripted text_, `verbatim text`, ||highlighted text||, ""quoted text"". ## Hyperlinks # Header 2 - Stepping up ## Referencing { "id" : "ref-heading" } This is a paragraph that has some attributes. The id of this paragraph should be set to "paragraph-with-attributes". Check it out! {"id": "paragraph-with-attributes"} ~~~rust fn some_function() { println!("With language simply added"); } ~~~ ~~~ {"language": "rust", "id": "rust-example"} fn some_function() { println!("With language in attributes"); } ~~~