Feature: Ignore and do not search for any files that match any of the provided ignore-search-for regexes. Scenario Outline: The singular unreferenced file matches any of the ignore search for regexes, so now there are no unreferenced files. Given the repository "" is cloned and checked out at the commit "". When the argument --search is provided as "". And the argument --search-for is provided as "". And the flag --assert-no-unreferenced-files is set. And the flag --only-file-name is set. Then the unreferenced files are "". When the argument --ignore-search-for is provided as "". Then unreferenced files are not found. Examples: | repository | checkout_commit | search | search_for | unreferenced_files | ignore_search_for | | https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint.git | 6a8b43efc98bcfe46c559fe5c48c6aead3ba4e9a | docs/ | docs/assets/ | "docs/assets/commitlint.json\n" | "[.]json$" | Scenario Outline: Some of the unreferenced files match any of the ignore search for regexes, so now there are fewer unreferenced files. Given the repository "" is cloned and checked out at the commit "". When the argument --search is provided as "". And the argument --search-for is provided as "". And the flag --assert-no-unreferenced-files is set. Then the unreferenced files are "". When the argument --ignore-search-for is provided as "". Then the unreferenced files are "". Examples: | repository | checkout_commit | search | search_for | unreferenced_files_1 | ignore_search_for | unreferenced_files_2 | | https://github.com/monicahq/monica.git | 88b8ad7af190021bf6dd7f0bfcd1ab76df989d4c | docs/readme.md | docs/images/ | "docs/images/carddav_davx5_1.jpg\ndocs/images/carddav_davx5_1.png\ndocs/images/carddav_token1.png\ndocs/images/carddav_token2.png\ndocs/images/carddav_url.png\ndocs/images/heroku_dashboard-resources.png\ndocs/images/heroku_dashboard.png\ndocs/images/heroku_manage_app.png\ndocs/images/logo.png\ndocs/images/main-app.png\ndocs/images/screenshot.png\ndocs/images/windows10_contacts_1.png\ndocs/images/windows10_contacts_2.png\ndocs/images/windows10_contacts_3.png\ndocs/images/windows10_wheel.png\n" | "[.]png" | "docs/images/carddav_davx5_1.jpg\n" |