Feature: Unreferenced Files requires the parameters --search and --search-for. Scenario Outline: Given the repository "" is cloned and checked out at the commit "". When the argument --search-for is provided as "". Then printed is an error message detailing that the argument search is missing. Examples: | repository | checkout_commit | search_for | | https://github.com/monicahq/monica.git | 88b8ad7af190021bf6dd7f0bfcd1ab76df989d4c | docs/images/ | Scenario Outline: Given the repository "" is cloned and checked out at the commit "". When the argument --search is provided as "". Then printed is an error message detailing that the argument search for is missing. Examples: | repository | checkout_commit | search | | https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint.git | 6a8b43efc98bcfe46c559fe5c48c6aead3ba4e9a | docs/ |