# Unofficial RethinkDB Driver for Rust
Well documented and easy to use
## Motivation
The official driver is difficult to support, awkward to use, and has little to no documentation or examples. Therefore, an attempt was made by me to remedy these shortcomings
## Install
$ cargo add unreql
unreql = "0.1.8"
## Import
use unreql::r;
## Connect
let conn = r.connect(()).await?;
## Get data
Get by ID
let user: User = r.table("users").get(1).exec(&conn).await?;
Get all data
let users: Vec = r.table("users").exec_to_vec(&conn).await?;
let mut cur = r.table("users").run(&conn);
let mut users: Vec = vec![];
while let Ok(Some(user)) = cur.try_next().await? {
## Update data
Use a nested reql query
"name": "John",
"upd_count": r.row().g("upd_count").add(1),
## Use connection pool
Implemented session manager for async `deadpool`
use unreql::{r, cmd::connect};
use unreql_deadpool::{IntoPoolWrapper, SessionManager};
use deadpool::managed::Pool;
// config to connect to rethinkdb
let config = connect::Options::default();
// new session manager
let manager = SessionManager::new(config);
// create a pool that is wrapped for ease of use (to be able to be passed to `.run(&pool)`)
let pool = Pool::builder(manager).max_size(20).build().unwrap().wrapper();
// now you can to pass `pool` to `.run()` and `.exec()`
let user: User = r.table("users").get(1).exec(&pool).await?;