use crate::extract_struct_fields_from_ast; use crate::sanitize_value::{ impl_sanitize_value_custom, FieldInfo, SanitizeValueMacroCustomParameters, }; use proc_macro2::TokenStream; use quote::quote; use syn::parse::Parse; use syn::{parse2, Data, Fields, Ident, Meta, Token}; #[derive(Default)] struct Parameters { derive_macros: Vec, } impl Parse for Parameters { fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::Result { let mut derive_macros = Vec::new(); while !input.is_empty() { // Parse the trait name as an Ident let ident: Ident = input.parse()?; derive_macros.push(ident); // Consume an optional comma let _ = input.parse::().ok(); } Ok(Parameters { derive_macros }) } } fn convert_struct_name_to_untrusted_variant(name: &Ident) -> Ident { Ident::new(&format!("{name}Untrusted"), name.span()) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] // need to refactor this in the future fn impl_untrusted_variant_of_struct( parameters: &Parameters, ast: &syn::DeriveInput, ) -> TokenStream { let name = &ast.ident; let struct_visibility = &ast.vis; let new_struct_name = convert_struct_name_to_untrusted_variant(name); let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = ast.generics.split_for_impl(); let modified_fields = extract_struct_fields_from_ast(ast).iter().map(|f| { let field_name = &f.ident; let field_type = &f.ty; let visibility = &f.vis; quote! { #visibility #field_name: ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue<#field_type>, } }); let fields: Vec = extract_struct_fields_from_ast(ast) .iter() .map(|f| { let field_name = &f.ident; let field_type = &f.ty; let new_type = syn::parse_quote!(untrusted_value::UntrustedValue<#field_type>); FieldInfo { name: field_name, field_type: new_type, field_target_type: field_type.clone(), } }) .collect(); let new_struct_type = syn::parse_quote!(#new_struct_name #ty_generics); let struct_type = syn::parse_quote!(#name #ty_generics); let params = SanitizeValueMacroCustomParameters { struct_type: &new_struct_type, struct_type_target: &struct_type, fields, impl_generics, where_clause, }; let sanitize_value_derive = parameters .derive_macros .iter() .any(|d| d == "SanitizeValue"); let sanitize_value_derive = if sanitize_value_derive { let derive = impl_sanitize_value_custom(params); let where_clause_with_error_bound = { let prefix = if where_clause.is_none() { quote! { where } } else { quote! { #where_clause, } }; quote! { #prefix #new_struct_name #ty_generics: ::untrusted_value::SanitizeValue<#name #ty_generics, Error = CommonSanitizationError> } }; quote! { // UNTRUSTED STRUCT -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT #derive // UntrustedValue -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT // by STRUCT -> into_untrusted_variant -> UNTRUSTED STRUCT -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT #[automatically_derived] impl ::untrusted_value::SanitizeValue<#name #ty_generics> for ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue<#name #ty_generics> #where_clause_with_error_bound { type Error = CommonSanitizationError; fn sanitize_value(self) -> Result<#name #ty_generics, Self::Error> { self.use_untrusted_value().to_untrusted_variant().sanitize_value() } } } } else { quote! {} }; let sanitize_value_end_derive = parameters .derive_macros .iter() .any(|d| d == "SanitizeValueEnd"); let sanitize_value_end_derive = if sanitize_value_end_derive { quote! { #[automatically_derived] impl ::untrusted_value::SanitizeValue<#name> for ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue<#name> where #name: ::untrusted_value::IntoUntrustedVariant<#new_struct_name>, #new_struct_name: ::untrusted_value::SanitizeValue<#name, Error=CommonSanitizationError> { type Error = CommonSanitizationError; fn sanitize_value(self) -> std::result::Result<#name, Self::Error> { self.use_untrusted_value().to_untrusted_variant().sanitize_value() } } } } else { quote! {} }; assert!( sanitize_value_end_derive.is_empty() || sanitize_value_derive.is_empty(), "SanitizeValueEnd derive can not be used together with SanitizeValue derive" ); let derive_macros = parameters.derive_macros.iter().map(|d| { if d == "SanitizeValue" || d == "SanitizeValueEnd" { quote! {} } else { quote! { #[derive(#d)] } } }); quote! { #[automatically_derived] #(#derive_macros)* #struct_visibility struct #new_struct_name #ty_generics #where_clause { #(#modified_fields)* } // UNTRUSTED STRUCT -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT // UntrustedValue -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT #sanitize_value_derive // UntrustedValue -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT #sanitize_value_end_derive } } pub fn impl_untrusted_variant_macro(ast: &syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream { let name = &ast.ident; let new_struct_name = convert_struct_name_to_untrusted_variant(name); let parameter = ast .attrs .iter() .find(|a| a.path().segments.len() == 1 && a.path().segments[0].ident == "untrusted_derive") .map_or_else(Parameters::default, |attribute| match attribute.meta { Meta::List(ref meta) => parse2::(meta.tokens.clone()) .expect("Expected a list of traits to derive within #[untrusted_derive(...)]"), _ => Parameters::default(), }); let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = ast.generics.split_for_impl(); let fields_wrap_into_untrusted = match & { Data::Struct(data_struct) => match &data_struct.fields { Fields::Named(fields_named) => { let field_names = fields_named.named.iter().map(|f| &f.ident); quote! { #( #field_names: ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue::from(self.#field_names), )* } } Fields::Unnamed(fields_unnamed) => { let indices = 0..fields_unnamed.unnamed.len(); quote! { #( ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue::from(self.#indices), )* } } Fields::Unit => quote! {}, }, _ => panic!("Only structs are supported"), }; let fields_wrap_from_untrusted = match & { Data::Struct(data_struct) => match &data_struct.fields { Fields::Named(fields_named) => { let field_names = fields_named.named.iter().map(|f| &f.ident); quote! { #( #field_names: self.#field_names.use_untrusted_value(), )* } } Fields::Unnamed(fields_unnamed) => { let indices = 0..fields_unnamed.unnamed.len(); quote! { #( self.#indices.use_untrusted_value(), )* } } Fields::Unit => quote! {}, }, _ => panic!("Only structs are supported"), }; let untrusted_struct = impl_untrusted_variant_of_struct(¶meter, ast); let sanitize_with = super::sanitize_with::impl_sanitize_with_custom( &new_struct_name, &ast.generics, name, &ast.generics, ); quote! { // STRUCT -> into_untrusted_variant -> UNTRUSTED STRUCT #[automatically_derived] impl #impl_generics ::untrusted_value::IntoUntrustedVariant<#new_struct_name #ty_generics> for #name #ty_generics #where_clause { fn to_untrusted_variant(self) -> #new_struct_name #ty_generics { #new_struct_name { #fields_wrap_into_untrusted } } } // UNTRUSTED STRUCT -> into_untrusted_variant -> UntrustedValue #[automatically_derived] impl #impl_generics ::untrusted_value::IntoUntrustedVariant<::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue<#name #ty_generics>> for #new_struct_name #ty_generics #where_clause { fn to_untrusted_variant(self) -> ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue<#name #ty_generics> { ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue::from( #name { #fields_wrap_from_untrusted } ) } } // UntrustedValue -> into_untrusted_variant -> UNTRUSTED STRUCT #[automatically_derived] impl #impl_generics ::untrusted_value::IntoUntrustedVariant<#new_struct_name #ty_generics> for ::untrusted_value::UntrustedValue<#name #ty_generics> #where_clause { fn to_untrusted_variant(self) -> #new_struct_name #ty_generics { self.use_untrusted_value().to_untrusted_variant() } } // STRUCT -> into -> UNTRUSTED STRUCT #[automatically_derived] impl #impl_generics From<#name #ty_generics> for #new_struct_name #ty_generics #where_clause { fn from(value: #name #ty_generics) -> Self { value.to_untrusted_variant() } } // UNTRUSTED STRUCT -> sanitize_with -> STRUCT #sanitize_with // UNTRUSTED STRUCT // SanitizeValueDerive: UNTRUSTED STRUCT -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT // SanitizeValueDerive: UntrustedValue -> sanitize_value -> STRUCT #untrusted_struct } }