* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
* the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0 which is available at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package uprotocol.core.usubscription.v3;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "uprotocol/v1/uri.proto";
import "uprotocol/uoptions.proto";
option java_package = "org.eclipse.uprotocol.core.usubscription.v3";
option java_outer_classname = "USubscriptionProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// Enables generation of generic service attributes in C++
option cc_generic_services = true;
// Subscription Service Interface definition
service uSubscription {
option (uprotocol.service_name) = "core.usubscription"; // Service name
option (uprotocol.service_version_major) = 3;
option (uprotocol.service_version_minor) = 0;
option (uprotocol.service_id) = 0;
// uSubscription change Notification topic that sends the Update message
option (uprotocol.notification_topic) = {
id: 0x8000,
name: "SubscriptionChange",
message: "Update"
// A consumer (application) calls this API to subscribe to a topic.
// What is passed is the SubscriptionRequest message containing the topic, the
// subscriber's name, and any Subscription Attributes. This API returns a
// SubscriptionResponse message containing the status of the request along with
// any event delivery configuration
// required to consume the event. Calling this API also registers the subscriber
// to received subscription change notifications if ever the subscription state
// changes.
rpc Subscribe(SubscriptionRequest) returns (SubscriptionResponse) {
option (uprotocol.method_id) = 1;
// The consumer no longer wishes to subscribe to a topic so it issues an
// explicit unsubscribe request.
rpc Unsubscribe(UnsubscribeRequest) returns (UnsubscribeResponse) {
option (uprotocol.method_id) = 2;
// Fetch a list of subscriptions
rpc FetchSubscriptions(FetchSubscriptionsRequest) returns (FetchSubscriptionsResponse) {
option (uprotocol.method_id) = 3;
// Register to receive subscription change notifications that are published on the
// 'up:/core.usubscription/3/subscriptions#Update'
rpc RegisterForNotifications(NotificationsRequest) returns (NotificationsResponse) {
option (uprotocol.method_id) = 6;
// Unregister for subscription change events
rpc UnregisterForNotifications(NotificationsRequest) returns (NotificationsResponse) {
option (uprotocol.method_id) = 7;
// Fetch a list of subscribers that are currently subscribed to a given topic.
rpc FetchSubscribers(FetchSubscribersRequest) returns (FetchSubscribersResponse) {
option (uprotocol.method_id) = 8;
// Reset subscriptions to and from the uSubscription Service.
// This API is used between uSubscription services in order to flush and
// reestablish subscriptions between devices. A uSubscription service might
// ned to call this API if its database is flushed or corrupted (ex. factory
// reset).
// **__NOTE:__** This is a private API only for uSubscription services,
// uEs can call Unsubscribe() to flush their own subscriptions.
rpc Reset(ResetRequest) returns (ResetResponse) {
option (uprotocol.method_id) = 9;
// Additional subscription configurations information
message SubscribeAttributes {
// When the subscription should expire (time in the future.
// **__NOTE:__** If this field is missing, assumed to live forever
google.protobuf.Timestamp expire = 1;
// Any additional producer specific information that the consumer must send
// inside of a subscription request
repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 2;
// Desired Sampling Period (measured in milliseconds) the subscriber wishes to receive events
// for remote only topics. Device dispatchers (i.e. streamers) use this
// attribute to reduce the publication rates of events sent between devices.
// This attribute is commonly used for mobile/cloud subscribing to vehicle topics
// that are published at a high rate.
// If the desired sampling period set by the subscriber is lower than the original publisher's
// publication period, the attribute is ignored.
// **__NOTE:__** If this attribute is missing, the sampling period is set by the publisher.
optional uint32 sample_period_ms = 3;
// Subscriber Identification Information
message SubscriberInfo {
// subscriber URI containig the names and numbers of the
// uE subscribing. Example represented in long form: `//device.domain/com.gm.app.hartley`
uprotocol.v1.UUri uri = 1;
// DEPRECATED: Any additional device specific subscriber information
// repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 2;
reserved 2;
// Subscription Status
message SubscriptionStatus {
enum State {
UNSUBSCRIBED = 0; // Default state to indicate not subscribed
SUBSCRIBE_PENDING = 1; // Subscription is pending confirmation from remote
// uSubscription Service
SUBSCRIBED = 2; // Subscription has been successful
UNSUBSCRIBE_PENDING = 3; // Unsubscribe is pending confirmation from the
// remote uSubscription Service
reserved 2;
// Subscription state
State state = 1;
// The Subscription status message
string message = 3;
// How events will be delivered to the subscriber. Usage of this structure is
// device-dependent
message EventDeliveryConfig {
// Identifier for the event delivery endpoint, ex. topic name for events to be published to
// example for Azure uCloud: "SUBSCRIPTION_TOPIC"
string id = 1;
// What type of endpoint shall be used to deliver the events for said subscription
// example for Azure uCloud: "Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces/EventHubs"
string type = 2;
// Any additional configuration attributes
map attributes = 3;
// Passed to Subscribe() contains the subscription request information
message SubscriptionRequest {
// uProtocol uri topic to subscribe too
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 1;
// DEPRECATED: Subscribers's information (who is calling Subscribe) is not needed
//SubscriberInfo subscriber = 2;
reserved 2;
// Additional subscription attributes
SubscribeAttributes attributes = 3;
// Response message from the Subscribe() API
message SubscriptionResponse {
// Current status of the subscription
SubscriptionStatus status = 1;
// Any platform (uDevice) specific additional event delivered configuration
// information for how the subscriber should consume the published events.
EventDeliveryConfig config = 2;
// Subscription topic passed to SubscriptionRequest
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 3;
// Passed to the Unsubscribe() API, the message contains the topic to unsubscribe
// to as well as the subscriber identification
message UnsubscribeRequest {
// Topic to be unsubscribed to
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 1;
// DEPRECATED 0Subscriber identification is not needed
// SubscriberInfo subscriber = 2;
reserved 2;
// The (empty) response message representing the successful execution of the Unsubscribe operation.
message UnsubscribeResponse {}
// Passed to FetchSubscribers such that we can obtain a list of subscribers to
// a particular topic
message FetchSubscribersRequest {
// Topic we wish to find the subscribers for
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 1;
// Offset in the fetch requests
optional uint32 offset = 2;
// Returned from FetchSubscribers(), this message contains a repeated list of
// SubscriberInfo
message FetchSubscribersResponse {
reserved 3;
// List of subscribers
repeated SubscriberInfo subscribers = 1;
// Set to true if the batch did not return all records
optional bool has_more_records = 2;
// Subscription Message. Contains all the information about a subscription that
// is returned from FetchSubscriptions() API.
message Subscription {
// Subscription topic
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 1;
// Information about the subscriber who changed their subscription
SubscriberInfo subscriber = 2;
// Current status of the subscription
SubscriptionStatus status = 3;
// Subscribers subscription attributes
SubscribeAttributes attributes = 4;
// Any platform (uDevice) specific additional event delivered configuration
// information for how the subscriber should consume the published events.
EventDeliveryConfig config = 5;
message FetchSubscriptionsRequest {
oneof request {
// Topic to register/unregister to receive subscription change notifications
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 1;
// Subscribers's information
SubscriberInfo subscriber = 2;
// Offset in the fetch requests
optional uint32 offset = 3;
// Results from FetchSubscriptions() API
message FetchSubscriptionsResponse {
// Repeated list of subscriptions for a subscriber
repeated Subscription subscriptions = 1;
// Set to true if the batch did not return all records
optional bool has_more_records = 2;
// Passed to the RegisterForSubscriptionChanges() and UnregisterForSubscriptionChanges()
// APIs this message includes the topic to register for subscription changes as well
// as information about the subscriber who wishes to receive said notifications
message NotificationsRequest {
// Topic to register/unregister to receive subscription change notifications
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 1;
// DEPRECATED: Subscribers's information not used as only non-subscribers will call
// this API (i.e. producers)
// SubscriberInfo subscriber = 2;
reserved 2;
// The (empty) response message representing the successful execution of the
// RegisterForSubscriptionChanges and UnregisterForSubscriptionChanges operations.
message NotificationsResponse {}
// Subscription Update Message.
// This Update message is sent from uSusbcription on the topic:
// '/core.usubscription/3/subscriptions#Update' whenever there is a change to
// a subscription. Subscribers automatically receive this notification along with
// any uE that called RegisterForNotifications().
message Update {
// Subscribed topic whos state has changed
uprotocol.v1.UUri topic = 1;
// Information about the subscriber who changed their subscription
SubscriberInfo subscriber = 2;
// Current status of the subscription
SubscriptionStatus status = 3;
// Subscribers subscription attributes
SubscribeAttributes attributes = 4;
// Service meta-data option definitions - Resources
enum Resources { subscriptions = 0; }
// Passive Subscription Mode.
// Passive subscriptions, in lieu of active ones, do not modify (the state) nor
// notify the publisher of the subscribers subscription. Passive subscriptions
// are a means to support observability frameworks to passively listen for
// events.
// *NOTE*: This attribute is an internal platform setting (for now) and not
// exposed as part of SubscribeAttributes.
message PassiveMode {
bool enable = 1; // Enable passive subscription mode
// Reset Subscriptions Request.
// Passed in the Reset() API this message contains the reason for the reset as
// well as the time before which all subscriptions should be reset.
message ResetRequest {
// Reason for the reset
optional Reason reason = 1;
// Reset all subscriptions that are before this time, if omitted, the
// current time is assumed
optional google.protobuf.Timestamp before = 2;
// The reason for triggering a reset, this is an optional attribute used
// to provide insight as to why a reset occurred
// More reasons will be added as we distill the business logic
message Reason {
Code code = 1; // Reason code
optional string message = 2; // Reason message
// Reason code
enum Code {
UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Default non-specified reason for issuing a reset
FACTORY_RESET = 1; // Factory reset
CORRUPTED_DATA = 2; // Corrupted data
// The (empty) response message representing the successful execution of the Reset operation.
message ResetResponse {}