## upaste [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jaemk/upaste.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jaemk/upaste) [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/upaste.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/upaste) > paste.rs / hastebin / general pasting client Simple client for uploading to paste.rs, hastebin.com, or any site that accepts posting and viewing pastes Also see the personal server [upaste-server](https://github.com/jaemk/upaste-server) and the companion vim-plugin [vim-upaste](https://github.com/jaemk/vim-upaste) ## Installation Binary releases available for linux & osx. See [releases](https://github.com/jaemk/upaste/releases). For installation on other platforms use cargo: ``` cargo install upaste ``` ## Usage ``` # simple cat file | upaste upaste -f # -> ** Success! Content available at: https://hastebin.com/ # raw cat file | upaste --raw upaste --file --raw # -> ** Success! Content available at: https://hastebin.com/raw/ # custom paste/read locations upaste --file --paste-root https://hastebin.com/documents --read-root https://hastebin.com # -> ** Success! Content available at: / # Or specify your alternate roots as ENV vars UPASTE_PASTEROOT=https://paste.rs UPASTE_READROOT=https://paste.rs upaste --file # -> ** Success! Content available at: / # specifying a range of lines (start at line 15, read 30 lines) upaste --file --start 15 --lines 30 # pulling existing paste into file upaste --pull > ```