use uplink::access::{Grant, Permission, SharePrefix}; use uplink::Result as UlResult; use uplink::{error, Bucket, Error, Object, Project}; use std::io::{Read, Write}; mod common; #[test] fn integration_grant_new() { let env = common::Environment::load(); let grant = Grant::new(&env.access_grant).expect("access grant parsing"); assert_eq!( &env.access_grant, &grant.serialize().expect("serialize valid access grant"), "serialize" ); assert_eq!( common::SATELLITE_ADDR, grant.satellite_address().expect("satellite address"), "satellite address" ); } #[test] fn integration_grant_request_access_with_passphrase() { let env = common::Environment::load(); let grant = Grant::request_access_with_passphrase( common::SATELLITE_ADDR, &env.api_key, &env.encryption_secret, ) .expect("request access grant not to fail"); } #[test] fn integration_grant_override_encryption_key() { use uplink::EncryptionKey; let env = common::Environment::load(); let grant_root = Grant::new(&env.access_grant).expect("access grant parsing"); // Create bucket for user. let project = &mut Project::open(&grant_root); let bucket_name = common::generate_name("multitenant"); let (_bucket, _ok) = project.create_bucket(&bucket_name).expect("create bucket"); // Create an access grant for the user and restrict it to its bucket. let grant_user = grant_root .share( &Permission::full(), Some(vec![ SharePrefix::full_bucket(&bucket_name).expect("share prefix creation") ]), ) .expect("no error creating user's grant"); // User create its encryption key and override the key of the provided access grant. let key_user = EncryptionKey::derive("pass", "salt".as_bytes()).expect("deriving encryption key"); grant_user .override_encryption_key(&bucket_name, "/", &key_user) .expect("no error overriding grant encryption key"); { // Upload an object with the user's grant. let proj = &mut Project::open(&grant_user); let object_key = "overridden-encryption-key-data.txt"; let upload = &mut proj .upload_object(&bucket_name, object_key, None) .expect("upload object"); let object_data = String::from("Uplink Rust test object: overridden encryption key"); upload .write_all(object_data.as_bytes()) .expect("upload object write data"); upload.commit().expect("upload object commit"); // Download the object with the root grant should fail. let proj = &mut Project::open(&grant_root); proj.download_object(&bucket_name, object_key, None) .expect_err("when tyring to download user's object with the root access grant"); } project .delete_bucket_with_objects(&bucket_name) .expect("clean up delete bucket with objects"); } #[test] fn integration_grant_share() { let env = common::Environment::load(); let grant_root = Grant::new(&env.access_grant).expect("access grant parsing"); let project = &mut Project::open(&grant_root); // Create buckets. let bucket1_name = common::generate_name("grant-share-1"); let (_bucket1, ok) = project.create_bucket(&bucket1_name).expect("create bucket"); assert!(ok, "bucket shouldn't exist",); let bucket2_name = common::generate_name("grant-share-2"); let (_bucket2, ok) = project.create_bucket(&bucket2_name).expect("create bucket"); assert!(ok, "bucket shouldn't exist",); // Upload objects with the root grant. let object_key_root = "root-data.txt"; let upload = &mut project .upload_object(&bucket1_name, object_key_root, None) .expect("upload object"); let object_data = String::from("Uplink Rust test object: Root access grant"); upload .write_all(object_data.as_bytes()) .expect("upload object write data"); upload.commit().expect("upload object commit"); let upload = &mut project .upload_object(&bucket2_name, object_key_root, None) .expect("upload object"); let object_data = String::from("Uplink Rust test object: Root access grant"); upload .write_all(object_data.as_bytes()) .expect("upload object write data"); upload.commit().expect("upload object commit"); { // Create an access grant with write only permissions to a certain bucket and check that it // can only perform the indicated operations. let share_prefix = SharePrefix::full_bucket(&bucket1_name).expect("create share prefix"); assert_eq!(&bucket1_name, share_prefix.bucket(), "share prefix: bucket"); assert_eq!("", share_prefix.prefix(), "share prefix: prefix"); // Create access grant with only upload data to one of the buckets. let grant = grant_root .share(&Permission::write_only(), Some(vec![share_prefix])) .expect("shared grant"); // Listing buckets with this restricted access grant. let proj_restricted = &mut Project::open(&grant); let it = proj_restricted.list_buckets(None); assert_eq!( 1, it.count(), "restricted access to a bucket can only list that bucket" ); // Uploading an object with this restrictive access grant. let object_key_writeonly = "write-only-data.txt"; let upload = &mut proj_restricted .upload_object(&bucket1_name, object_key_writeonly, None) .expect("upload object"); let object_data = String::from("Uplink Rust test object: write-only access grant"); upload .write_all(object_data.as_bytes()) .expect("upload object write data"); upload.commit().expect("upload object commit"); // Verify that the object was uploaded with the restricted access grant. let it = project .list_objects(&bucket1_name, None) .expect("list objects not to fail"); let res: UlResult> = it.collect(); assert!( res.is_ok(), "root access grant doesn't return an error when listing objects", ); assert_eq!( 2, res.unwrap().len(), "bucket 1 after write-only access uploaded an object" ); // Listing objects with this restricted access grant. let it = proj_restricted .list_objects(&bucket1_name, None) .expect("list objects not to fail"); let res: UlResult> = it.collect(); assert!( res.is_err(), "write-only access grant returns an error when listing objects", ); match res.unwrap_err() { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when listing objects with a write-only restricted access grant", err), }; // Deleting buckets with this restricted access grant. let res = proj_restricted.delete_bucket_with_objects(&bucket1_name); assert!( res.is_err(), "write-only access grant returns an error when deleting buckets", ); match res.unwrap_err() { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::Internal(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when deleting buckets with a write-only restricted access grant", err), }; // Deleting objects with the write-only access grant. let res = proj_restricted.delete_object(&bucket1_name, &object_key_writeonly); assert!( res.is_ok(), "write-only access grant returns no error when deleting objects", ); assert!( res.unwrap().is_none(), "write-only access grant returns no object when deleting it because it doesn't have read access", ); } { // Test access 2 access grants restricted to a certain prefix. Each one has a different // permission, one has permissions to upload and the other done to download. let share_prefix_upload = SharePrefix::new(&bucket1_name, "/pair").expect("create share prefix"); assert_eq!( &bucket1_name, share_prefix_upload.bucket(), "share prefix: bucket" ); assert_eq!( "/pair", share_prefix_upload.prefix(), "share prefix: prefix" ); // Create an access grant with only upload permissions and restricted to certain prefix and // upload an object. let mut perm = Permission::new(); perm.allow_upload = true; let grant_upload = grant_root .share(&perm, Some(vec![share_prefix_upload])) .expect("shared grant"); let proj_upload = &mut Project::open(&grant_upload); let object_key = "/pair/data.txt"; let upload = &mut proj_upload .upload_object(&bucket1_name, object_key, None) .expect("upload object"); let object_data = String::from("Uplink Rust test object: upload & download access grants pair"); upload .write_all(object_data.as_bytes()) .expect("upload object write data"); upload .commit() .expect("commit an object upload to another prefix"); let upload = &mut proj_upload .upload_object(&bucket1_name, &format!("{}2", object_key), None) .expect("upload object"); upload .write_all(object_data.as_bytes()) .expect("upload object write data"); upload .commit() .expect("commit an object upload to another prefix"); // Uploading to another prefix fails. let res = proj_upload.upload_object(&bucket1_name, "/pair-2/data.txt", None); match res.unwrap_err() { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {} err => panic!( "{} is an unexpected error when uploading data to a unauthorized prefix", err ), }; // Create an access grant with only download permissions and restricted to certain prefix // and download the previously uploaded object. let mut perm = Permission::new(); perm.allow_download = true; let grant_download = grant_root .share( &perm, Some(vec![ SharePrefix::new(&bucket1_name, object_key).expect("create share prefix") ]), ) .expect("shared grant"); let proj_download = &mut Project::open(&grant_download); let download = &mut proj_download .download_object(&bucket1_name, object_key, None) .expect("download object");"object info"); let mut downloaded_data = String::new(); download .read_to_string(&mut downloaded_data) .expect("downloaded data object"); assert_eq!(object_data, downloaded_data, "downloaded data"); // Downloading from another prefix. match &mut proj_download .download_object(&bucket1_name, &format!("{}2", object_key), None) .expect_err("download object") { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {} err => panic!( "{} is an unexpected error when downloading an object from another prefix", err ), }; // None of access grants can list. let it = proj_upload .list_objects(&bucket1_name, None) .expect("list objects without list permissions"); match it.collect::>>().expect_err("list objects iterator without list permissions") { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when listing objects with an upload restricted access grant", err), }; let it = proj_download .list_objects(&bucket1_name, None) .expect("list objects without list permissions"); match it.collect::>>().expect_err("list objects iterator without list permissions") { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when listing objects with a download restricted access grant", err), }; // Upload access grant cannot download the object. let err = &mut proj_upload .download_object(&bucket1_name, object_key, None) .expect_err("download object"); match err { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when downloading the object with an upload restricted access grant", err), }; // Download access grant cannot upload the object. let upload = &mut proj_download .upload_object(&bucket1_name, object_key, None) .expect("upload object"); upload .write_all(object_data.as_bytes()) .expect("upload object write data"); match upload.commit().expect_err("commit an object upload with a download restricted access grant") { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when uploading an object with a download restricted access grant", err), }; // None of the access grants can delete the object. let err = proj_upload .delete_object(&bucket1_name, object_key) .expect_err("list objects without delete permissions"); match err { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when deleting the object with an upload restricted access grant", err), }; let err = proj_download .delete_object(&bucket1_name, object_key) .expect_err("list objects without delete permissions"); match err { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {}, err => panic!("{} is an unexpected error when deleting the object with a download restricted access grant", err), }; } { // Test an access grant that's restricted to a certain period of time. use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; let mut perm = Permission::full(); perm.set_not_before(Some(Duration::from_secs( common::seconds_since_unix_epoch() + 1, ))) .expect("setting not before to sharing permissions"); perm.set_not_after(Some(Duration::from_secs( common::seconds_since_unix_epoch() + 3, ))) .expect("setting not before to sharing permissions"); let grant = grant_root.share(&perm, None).expect("shared grant"); let project = &mut Project::open(&grant); let it = project.list_buckets(None); match it.collect::>>().expect_err("listing buckets with a grant that cannot be used before a future date") { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {} err => panic!( "{} is an unexpected error when listing buckets with a grant that cannot be used before a future date", err ), }; thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); let it = project.list_buckets(None); let buckets = it .collect::>>() .expect("listing buckets with a grant that has a not before in the past"); assert_eq!(2, buckets.len(), "number of buckets"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2)); let it = project.list_buckets(None); match it.collect::>>().expect_err("listing buckets with a grant that cannot be used after a past date") { Error::Uplink(error::Uplink::PermissionDenied(_)) => {} err => panic!( "{} is an unexpected error when listing buckets with a grant that cannot be used after a past date", err ), }; } project .delete_bucket_with_objects(&bucket1_name) .expect("clean up delete bucket with objects"); project .delete_bucket_with_objects(&bucket2_name) .expect("clean up delete bucket with objects"); }