# :gear: Universal Project Manager Upman is a CLI tool that provides OS and language independent commands for all aspects of project management. ![Crates.io Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/upman?logo=rust&label=Downloads&labelColor=blue) ![Screenshot 2024-11-17 173152](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/37b8c420-a04a-4ab0-82e3-3809ea0e16f5) ![Windows OS Compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/Windows-0078D6?style=flat&logo=windows&logoColor=white) ![Mac OS Compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/macOS-000000?style=flat&logo=apple&logoColor=white) ![Linux OS Compatible](https://img.shields.io/badge/Linux-FCC624?style=flat&logo=linux&logoColor=black) [View on Crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/upman) ## 🛠️ Installation ### Method #1 (Manual Installation) Install the binary from Releases for your OS, and place it in a folder recognized by your PATH or add it's location to your PATH. ### Method #2 (Automatic Installation - Crates.io - requires Rust) Open a terminal (with Rust installed on your machine) ``` cargo install upman ``` ### Method #3 (Build from the repo - requires Rust) Open a terminal (with Rust installed on your machine) ``` git clone https://github.com/james-kaddissi/universal_project_manager.git cd universal_project_manager cargo build ```

## :page_facing_up: Command Guide ### Project Creation ``` upman new *FLAGS* ``` ##### - The desired name of the project/root directory. ##### - The main programming language of the project. ##### *FLAGS* - add any amount of these flags to include in project creation. (Flags can be set to true by default in your config file) - **--git** - initializes the directory as a git repository - **--ignore** - initializes a .gitignore in the root directory - **--venv** - initializes a virtual environment in the root directory - **--license** - initializes your default license (set in your config file) in the root directory - **--readme** - initializes a README.md in your root directory - **--tests** - initializes a tests directory in your root directory - **--docs** - initializes a docs directory in your root directory - **--docker** - initializes docker in the project #### Project creation from an existing directory ``` upman init ``` ---
### Package Management _Only works with languages that have a package manager (pip, cargo, npm, etc.)_ ``` upman add ``` ##### - the desired name of the package to be added. ---
### Project Execution ``` upm run ``` ##### Runs the main entry point of the project ---
### Preferences Configuration ``` upm config ``` ##### - defines what configuration you'd like to change ##### - specifies the specific value to change or change too **Modifiers:** - _main_ - sets the main path of the project. Argument is the path. - _defaults_ - toggles the specified (argument) default flag to true or false. Arguments: (git, ignore, docs, etc.) - _editor_ - sets your default code editor. Argument is the editor name. - _license_ - sets your default license. Argument is the license name. - _warnings_ - toggle on or off various warnings. Argument is the warning name (shown in the warning message itself) ---
### Project Management ``` upm open ``` ##### Opens the specified PROJECT in the terminal and default editor ``` upm delete ``` ##### Deletes the specified PROJECT from your projects list ``` upm list ``` ##### Lists specifics about the entered ARGUMENT (editors, templates, licenses, projects, preferences, languages) ---
### Miscellaneous Tools ``` upm template **PROJECT_NAME** **PROJECT_LANGUAGE** **PROJECT_MAIN** ``` ###### - which template feature to use (save, create, delete) ###### - name of the template you are modifying **PROJECT_NAME** **PROJECT_LANGUAGE** **PROJECT_MAIN** - Specifies the details of project creation (only required with the create ACTION) - **Save** - saves the current directory as a template under the specified name - **Create** - creates a UPM project using the specified template - **Delete** - deletes the specified template from your saved templates
``` upm script **SCRIPT_PATH** ``` ##### - which script feature to use (save, delete, add) ##### - name of the script you are modifying **SCRIPT_PATH** - Specifies the path of the script to save (only required with the save ACTION) - **Save** - saves the script at the specified path under the specified name - **Delete** - deletes the specified script from your saved scripts - **Add** - adds the specified script to your current working directory
``` upm secrets ``` ##### - which secrets feature to use (save/add, delete/remove, show) ##### - the name of the secret to modify ##### the value of the specified secret - **Save/Add** - Adds a new secret with NAME and VALUE to your .env - **Delete/Remove** - Removes the specified secret from your .env - **Show** - Lists the secrets in your .env