use anyhow::Result; use upversion::vendors::GitHubVendor; use upversion::CheckVersion; const CUSTOM_TEMPLATE: &str = r#"==> [CUSTOM_TEMPLATE]:: 🙆‍♂️ Newer {{ app_name }} version available: {{ new_version }} (currently running: {{ current_version }}) {% if download_link %}| Link: {{ download_link }} {% endif %}"#; fn main() -> Result<()> { let github = Box::new(GitHubVendor::new("owner", "repo")); let version_context = CheckVersion::new("app-name", github, 2)?; // run command execute upversion check in the background and finish immediately."0.0.1")?; // sleep here simulator your program std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(3)); // at the end of your program, you can call printstd_with_template to print to the STDOUT a alert information for a new version which released version_context.printstd_with_template(CUSTOM_TEMPLATE); Ok(()) }