urlencoded [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/iron/urlencoded.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/iron/urlencoded) ==== > URL Encoded middleware for the [Iron](https://github.com/iron/iron) web framework. > Decode URL Encoded data from GET request queries and POST request bodies. ## Example This example shows how to use urlencoded to parse GET request parameters. ```rust extern crate iron; extern crate urlencoded; use iron::prelude::*; use iron::status; use urlencoded::UrlEncodedQuery; fn log_params(req: &mut Request) -> IronResult { // Extract the decoded data as hashmap, using the UrlEncodedQuery plugin. match req.get_ref::() { Ok(ref hashmap) => println!("Parsed GET request query string:\n {:?}", hashmap), Err(ref e) => println!("{:?}", e) }; Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, "Hello!"))) } // Test out the server with `curl -i "http://localhost:3000/?name=franklin&name=trevor"` fn main() { Iron::new(log_params).http("").unwrap(); } ``` ## Overview urlencoded is a part of Iron's [core bundle](https://github.com/iron/core). - Parses a URL query string into a `HashMap`s that maps `String` representations of keys onto a `Vec` of `String` values. - Values are stored in a `Vec` to ensure that no information is lost if a key appears multiple times. The query string `a=b&a=c` will result in a mapping from `a` to `[b, c]`. - Parses POST request bodies for web form data (MIME type: `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). ## Installation If you're using `Cargo` to manage dependencies, just add urlencoded to `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies.urlencoded] version = "*" ``` Otherwise, `cargo build`, and the rlib will be in your `target` directory. ## [Documentation](http://ironframework.io/doc/urlencoded) Along with the [online documentation](http://ironframework.io/doc/urlencoded), you can build a local copy with `cargo doc`. ## [Examples](/examples) ## Get Help One of us ([@reem](https://github.com/reem/), [@zzmp](https://github.com/zzmp/), [@theptrk](https://github.com/theptrk/), [@mcreinhard](https://github.com/mcreinhard)) is usually on `#iron` on the mozilla irc. Come say hi and ask any questions you might have. We are also usually on `#rust` and `#rust-webdev`.