# usbd-dfu [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/usbd-dfu.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/usbd-dfu) [![Docs.rs](https://docs.rs/usbd-dfu/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/usbd-dfu) Implements DFU protocol version 1.1a for a `usb-device` device. ## About DFU protocol aims to provide a standard how USB device's firmware can be upgraded. Often, in this case firmware of the device consists of two parts: a large main firmware, and a smaller bootloader. When device is powered on, bootloader starts and either runs main firmware, or enters "firmware update" mode. Protocol implementation tries to follows DFU 1.1a protocol as specified by AN3156 by STMicroelectronics and USB Device Firmware Upgrade Specification, Revision 1.1. This library is a protocol implementation only, actual code that programs, erases, or reads memory or flash in not a of the library and is expected to be provided by library user. ### Supported operations * Read (device to host) - upload command * Write (host to device) - download command * Erase * Erase All ### Not supported operations * Read Unprotect - erase everything and remove read protection. ### Limitations * Maximum USB transfer size is limited to what `usb-device` supports for control enpoint transfers, which is `128` bytes by default. * iString field in `DFU_GETSTATUS` is always `0`. Vendor-specific string error descriptions are not supported. ## DFU utilities There are many implementations of tools to flash USB device supporting DFU protocol, for example: * [dfu](https://crates.io/crates/dfu) and [dfu-flasher](https://crates.io/crates/dfu-flasher) * [dfu-programmer](https://dfu-programmer.github.io/) * [dfu-util](http://dfu-util.sourceforge.net/) * others ## License This project is licensed under [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ([LICENSE](https://github.com/vitalyvb/usbd-dfu/blob/main/LICENSE)). ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. ## Example The example below tries to focus on `DFUClass`, parts related to a target controller initialization and configuration (USB, interrupts, GPIO, etc.) are not in the scope of the example. Check examples for more information. Also see documentation for `usb-device` crate, crates that supports target microcontroller and provide a corresponding HAL. ```rust use usb_device::prelude::*; use usbd_dfu::*; // DFUClass will use MyMem to actually read, erase or program the memory. // Here, a set of constant parameters must be set. These parameters // either change how DFUClass behaves, or define host's expectations. struct MyMem { buffer: [u8; 64], flash_memory: [u8; 1024], } impl DFUMemIO for MyMem { const MEM_INFO_STRING: &'static str = "@Flash/0x00000000/1*1Kg"; const INITIAL_ADDRESS_POINTER: u32 = 0x0; const PROGRAM_TIME_MS: u32 = 8; const ERASE_TIME_MS: u32 = 50; const FULL_ERASE_TIME_MS: u32 = 50; const TRANSFER_SIZE: u16 = 64; fn read(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize) -> Result<&[u8], DFUMemError> { // TODO: check address value let offset = address as usize; Ok(&self.flash_memory[offset..offset+length]) } fn erase(&mut self, address: u32) -> Result<(), DFUMemError> { // TODO: check address value self.flash_memory.fill(0xff); // TODO: verify that block is erased successfully Ok(()) } fn erase_all(&mut self) -> Result<(), DFUMemError> { // There is only one block, erase it. self.erase(0) } fn store_write_buffer(&mut self, src:&[u8]) -> Result<(), ()>{ self.buffer[..src.len()].copy_from_slice(src); Ok(()) } fn program(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize) -> Result<(), DFUMemError>{ // TODO: check address value let offset = address as usize; // Write buffer to a memory self.flash_memory[offset..offset+length].copy_from_slice(&self.buffer[..length]); // TODO: verify that memory is programmed correctly Ok(()) } fn manifestation(&mut self) -> Result<(), DFUManifestationError> { // Nothing to do to activate FW Ok(()) } } let mut my_mem = MyMem { buffer: [0u8; 64], flash_memory: [0u8; 1024], }; // Create USB device for a target device: // let usb_bus_alloc = UsbBus::new(peripheral); // let usb_dev = UsbDeviceBuilder::new().build(); // Create DFUClass let mut dfu = DFUClass::new(&usb_bus_alloc, my_mem); // usb_dev.poll() must be called periodically, usually from USB interrupt handlers. // When USB input/output is done, handlers in MyMem may be called. usb_dev.poll(&mut [&mut dfu]); ``` ### Example bootloader implementation See [usbd-dfu-example](https://github.com/vitalyvb/usbd-dfu-example) for a functioning example.