# # Copyright 2017 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # from __future__ import print_function from distutils.spawn import find_executable import argparse import codecs import contextlib import ctypes import datetime import distutils import fnmatch import glob import locale import multiprocessing import os import platform import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import sysconfig import tarfile import zipfile if sys.version_info.major >= 3: from urllib.request import urlopen else: from urllib2 import urlopen # Helpers for printing output verbosity = 1 def Print(msg): if verbosity > 0: print(msg) def PrintWarning(warning): if verbosity > 0: print("WARNING:", warning) def PrintStatus(status): if verbosity >= 1: print("STATUS:", status) def PrintInfo(info): if verbosity >= 2: print("INFO:", info) def PrintCommandOutput(output): if verbosity >= 3: sys.stdout.write(output) def PrintError(error): if verbosity >= 3 and sys.exc_info()[1] is not None: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print ("ERROR:", error) # Helpers for determining platform def Windows(): return platform.system() == "Windows" def Linux(): return platform.system() == "Linux" def MacOS(): return platform.system() == "Darwin" def Python3(): return sys.version_info.major == 3 def GetLocale(): return sys.stdout.encoding or locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or "UTF-8" def GetCommandOutput(command): """Executes the specified command and returns output or None.""" try: return subprocess.check_output( shlex.split(command), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode(GetLocale(), 'replace').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return None def GetXcodeDeveloperDirectory(): """Returns the active developer directory as reported by 'xcode-select -p'. Returns None if none is set.""" if not MacOS(): return None return GetCommandOutput("xcode-select -p") def GetVisualStudioCompilerAndVersion(): """Returns a tuple containing the path to the Visual Studio compiler and a tuple for its version, e.g. (14, 0). If the compiler is not found or version number cannot be determined, returns None.""" if not Windows(): return None msvcCompiler = find_executable('cl') if msvcCompiler: # VisualStudioVersion environment variable should be set by the # Visual Studio Command Prompt. match = re.search( r"(\d+)\.(\d+)", os.environ.get("VisualStudioVersion", "")) if match: return (msvcCompiler, tuple(int(v) for v in match.groups())) return None def IsVisualStudioVersionOrGreater(desiredVersion): if not Windows(): return False msvcCompilerAndVersion = GetVisualStudioCompilerAndVersion() if msvcCompilerAndVersion: _, version = msvcCompilerAndVersion return version >= desiredVersion return False def IsVisualStudio2019OrGreater(): VISUAL_STUDIO_2019_VERSION = (16, 0) return IsVisualStudioVersionOrGreater(VISUAL_STUDIO_2019_VERSION) def IsVisualStudio2017OrGreater(): VISUAL_STUDIO_2017_VERSION = (15, 0) return IsVisualStudioVersionOrGreater(VISUAL_STUDIO_2017_VERSION) def IsVisualStudio2015OrGreater(): VISUAL_STUDIO_2015_VERSION = (14, 0) return IsVisualStudioVersionOrGreater(VISUAL_STUDIO_2015_VERSION) def IsMayaPython(): """Determine whether we're running in Maya's version of Python. When building against Maya's Python, there are some additional restrictions on what we're able to build.""" try: import maya return True except: pass return False def GetPythonInfo(): """Returns a tuple containing the path to the Python executable, shared library, and include directory corresponding to the version of Python currently running. Returns None if any path could not be determined. This function is used to extract build information from the Python interpreter used to launch this script. This information is used in the Boost and USD builds. By taking this approach we can support having USD builds for different Python versions built on the same machine. This is very useful, especially when developers have multiple versions installed on their machine, which is quite common now with Python2 and Python3 co-existing. """ # First we extract the information that can be uniformly dealt with across # the platforms: pythonExecPath = sys.executable pythonVersion = sysconfig.get_config_var("py_version_short") # "2.7" pythonVersionNoDot = sysconfig.get_config_var("py_version_nodot") # "27" # Lib path is unfortunately special for each platform and there is no # config_var for it. But we can deduce it for each platform, and this # logic works for any Python version. def _GetPythonLibraryFilename(): if Windows(): return "python" + pythonVersionNoDot + ".lib" elif Linux(): return sysconfig.get_config_var("LDLIBRARY") elif MacOS(): return "libpython" + pythonVersion + ".dylib" else: raise RuntimeError("Platform not supported") # XXX: Handle the case where this script is being called using Maya's # Python since the sysconfig variables are set up differently in Maya. # Ideally we would not have any special Maya knowledge in here at all. if IsMayaPython(): pythonBaseDir = sysconfig.get_config_var("base") # On Windows, the "base" path points to a "Python\" subdirectory # that contains the DLLs for site-package modules but not the # directories for the headers and .lib file we need -- those # are one level up. if Windows(): pythonBaseDir = os.path.dirname(pythonBaseDir) pythonIncludeDir = os.path.join(pythonBaseDir, "include", "python" + pythonVersion) pythonLibPath = os.path.join(pythonBaseDir, "lib", _GetPythonLibraryFilename()) else: pythonIncludeDir = sysconfig.get_config_var("INCLUDEPY") if Windows(): pythonBaseDir = sysconfig.get_config_var("base") pythonLibPath = os.path.join(pythonBaseDir, "libs", _GetPythonLibraryFilename()) elif Linux(): pythonLibDir = sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR") pythonMultiarchSubdir = sysconfig.get_config_var("multiarchsubdir") if pythonMultiarchSubdir: pythonLibDir = pythonLibDir + pythonMultiarchSubdir pythonLibPath = os.path.join(pythonLibDir, _GetPythonLibraryFilename()) elif MacOS(): pythonBaseDir = sysconfig.get_config_var("base") pythonLibPath = os.path.join(pythonBaseDir, "lib", _GetPythonLibraryFilename()) else: raise RuntimeError("Platform not supported") return (pythonExecPath, pythonLibPath, pythonIncludeDir, pythonVersion) def GetCPUCount(): try: return multiprocessing.cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: return 1 def Run(cmd, logCommandOutput = True): """Run the specified command in a subprocess.""" PrintInfo('Running "{cmd}"'.format(cmd=cmd)) with codecs.open("log.txt", "a", "utf-8") as logfile: logfile.write(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) logfile.write("\n") logfile.write(cmd) logfile.write("\n") # Let exceptions escape from subprocess calls -- higher level # code will handle them. if logCommandOutput: p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while True: l = p.stdout.readline().decode(GetLocale(), 'replace') if l: logfile.write(l) PrintCommandOutput(l) elif p.poll() is not None: break else: p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd)) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: # If verbosity >= 3, we'll have already been printing out command output # so no reason to print the log file again. if verbosity < 3: with open("log.txt", "r") as logfile: Print(logfile.read()) raise RuntimeError("Failed to run '{cmd}'\nSee {log} for more details." .format(cmd=cmd, log=os.path.abspath("log.txt"))) @contextlib.contextmanager def CurrentWorkingDirectory(dir): """Context manager that sets the current working directory to the given directory and resets it to the original directory when closed.""" curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir) try: yield finally: os.chdir(curdir) def CopyFiles(context, src, dest): """Copy files like shutil.copy, but src may be a glob pattern.""" filesToCopy = glob.glob(src) if not filesToCopy: raise RuntimeError("File(s) to copy {src} not found".format(src=src)) instDestDir = os.path.join(context.instDir, dest) for f in filesToCopy: PrintCommandOutput("Copying {file} to {destDir}\n" .format(file=f, destDir=instDestDir)) shutil.copy(f, instDestDir) def CopyDirectory(context, srcDir, destDir): """Copy directory like shutil.copytree.""" instDestDir = os.path.join(context.instDir, destDir) if os.path.isdir(instDestDir): shutil.rmtree(instDestDir) PrintCommandOutput("Copying {srcDir} to {destDir}\n" .format(srcDir=srcDir, destDir=instDestDir)) shutil.copytree(srcDir, instDestDir) def FormatMultiProcs(numJobs, generator): tag = "-j" if generator: if "Visual Studio" in generator: tag = "/M:" elif "Xcode" in generator: tag = "-j " return "{tag}{procs}".format(tag=tag, procs=numJobs) def RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs = None): """Invoke CMake to configure, build, and install a library whose source code is located in the current working directory.""" # Create a directory for out-of-source builds in the build directory # using the name of the current working directory. srcDir = os.getcwd() instDir = (context.usdInstDir if srcDir == context.usdSrcDir else context.instDir) buildDir = os.path.join(context.buildDir, os.path.split(srcDir)[1]) if force and os.path.isdir(buildDir): shutil.rmtree(buildDir) if not os.path.isdir(buildDir): os.makedirs(buildDir) generator = context.cmakeGenerator # On Windows, we need to explicitly specify the generator to ensure we're # building a 64-bit project. (Surely there is a better way to do this?) # TODO: figure out exactly what "vcvarsall.bat x64" sets to force x64 if generator is None and Windows(): if IsVisualStudio2019OrGreater(): generator = "Visual Studio 16 2019" elif IsVisualStudio2017OrGreater(): generator = "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" else: generator = "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" if generator is not None: generator = '-G "{gen}"'.format(gen=generator) if IsVisualStudio2019OrGreater(): generator = generator + " -A x64" # On MacOS, enable the use of @rpath for relocatable builds. osx_rpath = None if MacOS(): osx_rpath = "-DCMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH=ON" # We use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for single-configuration generators # (Ninja, make), and --config for multi-configuration generators # (Visual Studio); technically we don't need BOTH at the same # time, but specifying both is simpler than branching config=("Debug" if context.buildDebug else "Release") with CurrentWorkingDirectory(buildDir): Run('cmake ' '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="{instDir}" ' '-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="{depsInstDir}" ' '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={config} ' '{osx_rpath} ' '{generator} ' '{extraArgs} ' '"{srcDir}"' .format(instDir=instDir, depsInstDir=context.instDir, config=config, srcDir=srcDir, osx_rpath=(osx_rpath or ""), generator=(generator or ""), extraArgs=(" ".join(extraArgs) if extraArgs else ""))) Run("cmake --build . --config {config} --target install -- {multiproc}" .format(config=config, multiproc=FormatMultiProcs(context.numJobs, generator))) def GetCMakeVersion(): """ Returns the CMake version as tuple of integers (major, minor) or (major, minor, patch) or None if an error occured while launching cmake and parsing its output. """ output_string = GetCommandOutput("cmake --version") if not output_string: PrintWarning("Could not determine cmake version -- please install it " "and adjust your PATH") return None # cmake reports, e.g., "... version 3.14.3" match = re.search(r"version (\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?", output_string) if not match: PrintWarning("Could not determine cmake version") return None major, minor, patch_group, patch = match.groups() if patch_group is None: return (int(major), int(minor)) else: return (int(major), int(minor), int(patch)) def PatchFile(filename, patches, multiLineMatches=False): """Applies patches to the specified file. patches is a list of tuples (old string, new string).""" if multiLineMatches: oldLines = [open(filename, 'r').read()] else: oldLines = open(filename, 'r').readlines() newLines = oldLines for (oldString, newString) in patches: newLines = [s.replace(oldString, newString) for s in newLines] if newLines != oldLines: PrintInfo("Patching file {filename} (original in {oldFilename})..." .format(filename=filename, oldFilename=filename + ".old")) shutil.copy(filename, filename + ".old") open(filename, 'w').writelines(newLines) def DownloadFileWithCurl(url, outputFilename): # Don't log command output so that curl's progress # meter doesn't get written to the log file. Run("curl {progress} -L -o {filename} {url}".format( progress="-#" if verbosity >= 2 else "-s", filename=outputFilename, url=url), logCommandOutput=False) def DownloadFileWithPowershell(url, outputFilename): # It's important that we specify to use TLS v1.2 at least or some # of the downloads will fail. cmd = "powershell [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = \ [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; \"(new-object \ System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('{url}', '{filename}')\""\ .format(filename=outputFilename, url=url) Run(cmd,logCommandOutput=False) def DownloadFileWithUrllib(url, outputFilename): r = urlopen(url) with open(outputFilename, "wb") as outfile: outfile.write(r.read()) def DownloadURL(url, context, force, dontExtract = None): """Download and extract the archive file at given URL to the source directory specified in the context. dontExtract may be a sequence of path prefixes that will be excluded when extracting the archive. Returns the absolute path to the directory where files have been extracted.""" with CurrentWorkingDirectory(context.srcDir): # Extract filename from URL and see if file already exists. filename = url.split("/")[-1] if force and os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) if os.path.exists(filename): PrintInfo("{0} already exists, skipping download" .format(os.path.abspath(filename))) else: PrintInfo("Downloading {0} to {1}" .format(url, os.path.abspath(filename))) # To work around occasional hiccups with downloading from websites # (SSL validation errors, etc.), retry a few times if we don't # succeed in downloading the file. maxRetries = 5 lastError = None # Download to a temporary file and rename it to the expected # filename when complete. This ensures that incomplete downloads # will be retried if the script is run again. tmpFilename = filename + ".tmp" if os.path.exists(tmpFilename): os.remove(tmpFilename) for i in range(maxRetries): try: context.downloader(url, tmpFilename) break except Exception as e: PrintCommandOutput("Retrying download due to error: {err}\n" .format(err=e)) lastError = e else: errorMsg = str(lastError) if "SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION" in errorMsg: errorMsg += ("\n\n" "Your OS or version of Python may not support " "TLS v1.2+, which is required for downloading " "files from certain websites. This support " "was added in Python 2.7.9." "\n\n" "You can use curl to download dependencies " "by installing it in your PATH and re-running " "this script.") raise RuntimeError("Failed to download {url}: {err}" .format(url=url, err=errorMsg)) shutil.move(tmpFilename, filename) # Open the archive and retrieve the name of the top-most directory. # This assumes the archive contains a single directory with all # of the contents beneath it. archive = None rootDir = None members = None try: if tarfile.is_tarfile(filename): archive = tarfile.open(filename) rootDir = archive.getnames()[0].split('/')[0] if dontExtract != None: members = (m for m in archive.getmembers() if not any((fnmatch.fnmatch(m.name, p) for p in dontExtract))) elif zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): archive = zipfile.ZipFile(filename) rootDir = archive.namelist()[0].split('/')[0] if dontExtract != None: members = (m for m in archive.getnames() if not any((fnmatch.fnmatch(m, p) for p in dontExtract))) else: raise RuntimeError("unrecognized archive file type") with archive: extractedPath = os.path.abspath(rootDir) if force and os.path.isdir(extractedPath): shutil.rmtree(extractedPath) if os.path.isdir(extractedPath): PrintInfo("Directory {0} already exists, skipping extract" .format(extractedPath)) else: PrintInfo("Extracting archive to {0}".format(extractedPath)) # Extract to a temporary directory then move the contents # to the expected location when complete. This ensures that # incomplete extracts will be retried if the script is run # again. tmpExtractedPath = os.path.abspath("extract_dir") if os.path.isdir(tmpExtractedPath): shutil.rmtree(tmpExtractedPath) archive.extractall(tmpExtractedPath, members=members) shutil.move(os.path.join(tmpExtractedPath, rootDir), extractedPath) shutil.rmtree(tmpExtractedPath) return extractedPath except Exception as e: # If extraction failed for whatever reason, assume the # archive file was bad and move it aside so that re-running # the script will try downloading and extracting again. shutil.move(filename, filename + ".bad") raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract archive {filename}: {err}" .format(filename=filename, err=e)) ############################################################ # 3rd-Party Dependencies AllDependencies = list() AllDependenciesByName = dict() class Dependency(object): def __init__(self, name, installer, *files): self.name = name self.installer = installer self.filesToCheck = files AllDependencies.append(self) AllDependenciesByName.setdefault(name.lower(), self) def Exists(self, context): return all([os.path.isfile(os.path.join(context.instDir, f)) for f in self.filesToCheck]) class PythonDependency(object): def __init__(self, name, getInstructions, moduleNames): self.name = name self.getInstructions = getInstructions self.moduleNames = moduleNames def Exists(self, context): # If one of the modules in our list imports successfully, we are good. for moduleName in self.moduleNames: try: pyModule = __import__(moduleName) return True except: pass return False def AnyPythonDependencies(deps): return any([type(d) is PythonDependency for d in deps]) ############################################################ # zlib ZLIB_URL = "https://github.com/madler/zlib/archive/v1.2.11.zip" def InstallZlib(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(ZLIB_URL, context, force)): RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) ZLIB = Dependency("zlib", InstallZlib, "include/zlib.h") ############################################################ # boost if Linux() or MacOS(): if Python3(): BOOST_URL = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.70.0/boost_1_70_0.tar.gz" else: BOOST_URL = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.61.0/boost_1_61_0.tar.gz" BOOST_VERSION_FILE = "include/boost/version.hpp" elif Windows(): # The default installation of boost on Windows puts headers in a versioned # subdirectory, which we have to account for here. In theory, specifying # "layout=system" would make the Windows install match Linux/MacOS, but that # causes problems for other dependencies that look for boost. # # boost 1.70 is required for Visual Studio 2019. For simplicity, we use # this version for all older Visual Studio versions as well. BOOST_URL = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.70.0/boost_1_70_0.tar.gz" BOOST_VERSION_FILE = "include/boost-1_70/boost/version.hpp" def InstallBoost_Helper(context, force, buildArgs): # Documentation files in the boost archive can have exceptionally # long paths. This can lead to errors when extracting boost on Windows, # since paths are limited to 260 characters by default on that platform. # To avoid this, we skip extracting all documentation. # # For some examples, see: https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/11677 dontExtract = ["*/doc/*", "*/libs/*/doc/*"] with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(BOOST_URL, context, force, dontExtract)): bootstrap = "bootstrap.bat" if Windows() else "./bootstrap.sh" Run('{bootstrap} --prefix="{instDir}"' .format(bootstrap=bootstrap, instDir=context.instDir)) # b2 supports at most -j64 and will error if given a higher value. num_procs = min(64, context.numJobs) b2_settings = [ '--prefix="{instDir}"'.format(instDir=context.instDir), '--build-dir="{buildDir}"'.format(buildDir=context.buildDir), '-j{procs}'.format(procs=num_procs), 'address-model=64', 'link=shared', 'runtime-link=shared', 'threading=multi', 'variant={variant}' .format(variant="debug" if context.buildDebug else "release"), '--with-atomic', '--with-program_options', '--with-regex' ] if context.buildPython: b2_settings.append("--with-python") pythonInfo = GetPythonInfo() if Windows(): # Unfortunately Boost build scripts require the Python folder # that contains the executable on Windows pythonPath = os.path.dirname(pythonInfo[0]) else: # While other platforms want the complete executable path pythonPath = pythonInfo[0] # This is the only platform-independent way to configure these # settings correctly and robustly for the Boost jam build system. # There are Python config arguments that can be passed to bootstrap # but those are not available in boostrap.bat (Windows) so we must # take the following approach: projectPath = 'python-config.jam' with open(projectPath, 'w') as projectFile: # Note that we must escape any special characters, like # backslashes for jam, hence the mods below for the path # arguments. Also, if the path contains spaces jam will not # handle them well. Surround the path parameters in quotes. line = 'using python : %s : "%s" : "%s" ;\n' % (pythonInfo[3], pythonPath.replace('\\', '\\\\'), pythonInfo[2].replace('\\', '\\\\')) projectFile.write(line) b2_settings.append("--user-config=python-config.jam") if context.buildOIIO: b2_settings.append("--with-date_time") if context.buildOIIO or context.enableOpenVDB: b2_settings.append("--with-system") b2_settings.append("--with-thread") if context.enableOpenVDB: b2_settings.append("--with-iostreams") # b2 with -sNO_COMPRESSION=1 fails with the following error message: # error: at [...]/boost_1_61_0/tools/build/src/kernel/modules.jam:107 # error: Unable to find file or target named # error: '/zlib//zlib' # error: referred to from project at # error: 'libs/iostreams/build' # error: could not resolve project reference '/zlib' # But to avoid an extra library dependency, we can still explicitly # exclude the bzip2 compression from boost_iostreams (note that # OpenVDB uses blosc compression). b2_settings.append("-sNO_BZIP2=1") if context.buildOIIO: b2_settings.append("--with-filesystem") if force: b2_settings.append("-a") if Windows(): # toolset parameter for Visual Studio documented here: # https://github.com/boostorg/build/blob/develop/src/tools/msvc.jam if IsVisualStudio2019OrGreater(): b2_settings.append("toolset=msvc-14.2") elif IsVisualStudio2017OrGreater(): b2_settings.append("toolset=msvc-14.1") else: b2_settings.append("toolset=msvc-14.0") if MacOS(): # Must specify toolset=clang to ensure install_name for boost # libraries includes @rpath b2_settings.append("toolset=clang") # Add on any user-specified extra arguments. b2_settings += buildArgs b2 = "b2" if Windows() else "./b2" Run('{b2} {options} install' .format(b2=b2, options=" ".join(b2_settings))) def InstallBoost(context, force, buildArgs): # Boost's build system will install the version.hpp header before # building its libraries. We make sure to remove it in case of # any failure to ensure that the build script detects boost as a # dependency to build the next time it's run. try: InstallBoost_Helper(context, force, buildArgs) except: versionHeader = os.path.join(context.instDir, BOOST_VERSION_FILE) if os.path.isfile(versionHeader): try: os.remove(versionHeader) except: pass raise BOOST = Dependency("boost", InstallBoost, BOOST_VERSION_FILE) ############################################################ # Intel TBB if Windows(): TBB_URL = "https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/releases/download/2017_U6/tbb2017_20170412oss_win.zip" else: TBB_URL = "https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/archive/2017_U6.tar.gz" def InstallTBB(context, force, buildArgs): if Windows(): InstallTBB_Windows(context, force, buildArgs) elif Linux() or MacOS(): InstallTBB_LinuxOrMacOS(context, force, buildArgs) def InstallTBB_Windows(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(TBB_URL, context, force)): # On Windows, we simply copy headers and pre-built DLLs to # the appropriate location. if buildArgs: PrintWarning("Ignoring build arguments {}, TBB is " "not built from source on this platform." .format(buildArgs)) CopyFiles(context, "bin\\intel64\\vc14\\*.*", "bin") CopyFiles(context, "lib\\intel64\\vc14\\*.*", "lib") CopyDirectory(context, "include\\serial", "include\\serial") CopyDirectory(context, "include\\tbb", "include\\tbb") def InstallTBB_LinuxOrMacOS(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(TBB_URL, context, force)): # Note: TBB installation fails on OSX when cuda is installed, a # suggested fix: # https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/6000#issuecomment-358817701 if MacOS(): PatchFile("build/macos.inc", [("shell clang -v ", "shell clang --version ")]) # TBB does not support out-of-source builds in a custom location. Run('make -j{procs} {buildArgs}' .format(procs=context.numJobs, buildArgs=" ".join(buildArgs))) # Install both release and debug builds. USD requires the debug # libraries when building in debug mode, and installing both # makes it easier for users to install dependencies in some # location that can be shared by both release and debug USD # builds. Plus, the TBB build system builds both versions anyway. CopyFiles(context, "build/*_release/libtbb*.*", "lib") CopyFiles(context, "build/*_debug/libtbb*.*", "lib") CopyDirectory(context, "include/serial", "include/serial") CopyDirectory(context, "include/tbb", "include/tbb") TBB = Dependency("TBB", InstallTBB, "include/tbb/tbb.h") ############################################################ # JPEG if Windows(): JPEG_URL = "https://github.com/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo/archive/1.5.1.zip" else: JPEG_URL = "https://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v9b.tar.gz" def InstallJPEG(context, force, buildArgs): if Windows(): InstallJPEG_Turbo(context, force, buildArgs) else: InstallJPEG_Lib(context, force, buildArgs) def InstallJPEG_Turbo(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(JPEG_URL, context, force)): RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) def InstallJPEG_Lib(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(JPEG_URL, context, force)): Run('./configure --prefix="{instDir}" ' '--disable-static --enable-shared ' '{buildArgs}' .format(instDir=context.instDir, buildArgs=" ".join(buildArgs))) Run('make -j{procs} install' .format(procs=context.numJobs)) JPEG = Dependency("JPEG", InstallJPEG, "include/jpeglib.h") ############################################################ # TIFF TIFF_URL = "https://download.osgeo.org/libtiff/tiff-4.0.7.zip" def InstallTIFF(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(TIFF_URL, context, force)): # libTIFF has a build issue on Windows where tools/tiffgt.c # unconditionally includes unistd.h, which does not exist. # To avoid this, we patch the CMakeLists.txt to skip building # the tools entirely. We do this on Linux and MacOS as well # to avoid requiring some GL and X dependencies. # # We also need to skip building tests, since they rely on # the tools we've just elided. PatchFile("CMakeLists.txt", [("add_subdirectory(tools)", "# add_subdirectory(tools)"), ("add_subdirectory(test)", "# add_subdirectory(test)")]) RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) TIFF = Dependency("TIFF", InstallTIFF, "include/tiff.h") ############################################################ # PNG PNG_URL = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/libpng/libpng16/older-releases/1.6.29/libpng-1.6.29.tar.gz" def InstallPNG(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(PNG_URL, context, force)): RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) PNG = Dependency("PNG", InstallPNG, "include/png.h") ############################################################ # IlmBase/OpenEXR OPENEXR_URL = "https://github.com/openexr/openexr/archive/v2.2.0.zip" def InstallOpenEXR(context, force, buildArgs): srcDir = DownloadURL(OPENEXR_URL, context, force) ilmbaseSrcDir = os.path.join(srcDir, "IlmBase") with CurrentWorkingDirectory(ilmbaseSrcDir): # openexr 2.2 has a bug with Ninja: # https://github.com/openexr/openexr/issues/94 # https://github.com/openexr/openexr/pull/142 # Fix commit here: # https://github.com/openexr/openexr/commit/8eed7012c10f1a835385d750fd55f228d1d35df9 # Merged here: # https://github.com/openexr/openexr/commit/b206a243a03724650b04efcdf863c7761d5d5d5b if context.cmakeGenerator == "Ninja": PatchFile( os.path.join('Half', 'CMakeLists.txt'), [ ("TARGET eLut POST_BUILD", "OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/eLut.h"), (" COMMAND eLut > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/eLut.h", " COMMAND eLut ARGS > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/eLut.h\n" " DEPENDS eLut"), ("TARGET toFloat POST_BUILD", "OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/toFloat.h"), (" COMMAND toFloat > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/toFloat.h", " COMMAND toFloat ARGS > ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/toFloat.h\n" " DEPENDS toFloat"), (" ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/eLut.h\n" " OBJECT_DEPENDS\n" " ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/toFloat.h\n", ' "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/eLut.h;${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/toFloat.h"\n'), ], multiLineMatches=True) RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) openexrSrcDir = os.path.join(srcDir, "OpenEXR") with CurrentWorkingDirectory(openexrSrcDir): RunCMake(context, force, ['-DILMBASE_PACKAGE_PREFIX="{instDir}"' .format(instDir=context.instDir)] + buildArgs) OPENEXR = Dependency("OpenEXR", InstallOpenEXR, "include/OpenEXR/ImfVersion.h") ############################################################ # GLEW if Windows(): GLEW_URL = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/glew/glew/2.0.0/glew-2.0.0-win32.zip" else: # Important to get source package from this URL and NOT github. This package # contains pre-generated code that the github repo does not. GLEW_URL = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/glew/glew/2.0.0/glew-2.0.0.tgz" def InstallGLEW(context, force, buildArgs): if Windows(): InstallGLEW_Windows(context, force) elif Linux() or MacOS(): InstallGLEW_LinuxOrMacOS(context, force, buildArgs) def InstallGLEW_Windows(context, force): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(GLEW_URL, context, force)): # On Windows, we install headers and pre-built binaries per # https://glew.sourceforge.net/install.html # Note that we are installing just the shared library. This is required # by the USD build; if the static library is present, that one will be # used and that causes errors with USD and OpenSubdiv. CopyFiles(context, "bin\\Release\\x64\\glew32.dll", "bin") CopyFiles(context, "lib\\Release\\x64\\glew32.lib", "lib") CopyDirectory(context, "include\\GL", "include\\GL") def InstallGLEW_LinuxOrMacOS(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(GLEW_URL, context, force)): Run('make GLEW_DEST="{instDir}" -j{procs} {buildArgs} install' .format(instDir=context.instDir, procs=context.numJobs, buildArgs=" ".join(buildArgs))) GLEW = Dependency("GLEW", InstallGLEW, "include/GL/glew.h") ############################################################ # Ptex PTEX_URL = "https://github.com/wdas/ptex/archive/v2.1.28.zip" def InstallPtex(context, force, buildArgs): if Windows(): InstallPtex_Windows(context, force, buildArgs) else: InstallPtex_LinuxOrMacOS(context, force, buildArgs) def InstallPtex_Windows(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(PTEX_URL, context, force)): # Ptex has a bug where the import library for the dynamic library and # the static library both get the same name, Ptex.lib, and as a # result one clobbers the other. We hack the appropriate CMake # file to prevent that. Since we don't need the static library we'll # rename that. # # In addition src\tests\CMakeLists.txt adds -DPTEX_STATIC to the # compiler but links tests against the dynamic library, causing the # links to fail. We patch the file to not add the -DPTEX_STATIC PatchFile('src\\ptex\\CMakeLists.txt', [("set_target_properties(Ptex_static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME Ptex)", "set_target_properties(Ptex_static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME Ptexs)")]) PatchFile('src\\tests\\CMakeLists.txt', [("add_definitions(-DPTEX_STATIC)", "# add_definitions(-DPTEX_STATIC)")]) # Patch Ptex::String to export symbol for operator<< # This is required for newer versions of OIIO, which make use of the # this operator on Windows platform specifically. PatchFile('src\\ptex\\Ptexture.h', [("std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const Ptex::String& str);", "PTEXAPI std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const Ptex::String& str);")]) RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) def InstallPtex_LinuxOrMacOS(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(PTEX_URL, context, force)): RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) PTEX = Dependency("Ptex", InstallPtex, "include/PtexVersion.h") ############################################################ # BLOSC (Compression used by OpenVDB) # Using latest blosc since neither the version OpenVDB recommends # (1.5) nor the version we test against (1.6.1) compile on Mac OS X # Sierra (10.12) or Mojave (10.14). BLOSC_URL = "https://github.com/Blosc/c-blosc/archive/v1.17.0.zip" def InstallBLOSC(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(BLOSC_URL, context, force)): RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) BLOSC = Dependency("Blosc", InstallBLOSC, "include/blosc.h") ############################################################ # OpenVDB # Using version 6.1.0 since it has reworked its CMake files so that # there are better options to not compile the OpenVDB binaries and to # not require additional dependencies such as GLFW. Note that version # 6.1.0 does require CMake 3.3 though. OPENVDB_URL = "https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openvdb/archive/v6.1.0.zip" def InstallOpenVDB(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(OPENVDB_URL, context, force)): extraArgs = [ '-DOPENVDB_BUILD_PYTHON_MODULE=OFF', '-DOPENVDB_BUILD_BINARIES=OFF', '-DOPENVDB_BUILD_UNITTESTS=OFF' ] # Make sure to use boost installed by the build script and not any # system installed boost extraArgs.append('-DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=On') extraArgs.append('-DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=True') extraArgs.append('-DBLOSC_ROOT="{instDir}"' .format(instDir=context.instDir)) extraArgs.append('-DTBB_ROOT="{instDir}"' .format(instDir=context.instDir)) # OpenVDB needs Half type from IlmBase extraArgs.append('-DILMBASE_ROOT="{instDir}"' .format(instDir=context.instDir)) RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs) OPENVDB = Dependency("OpenVDB", InstallOpenVDB, "include/openvdb/openvdb.h") ############################################################ # OpenImageIO OIIO_URL = "https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio/archive/Release-" def InstallOpenImageIO(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(OIIO_URL, context, force)): extraArgs = ['-DOIIO_BUILD_TOOLS=OFF', '-DOIIO_BUILD_TESTS=OFF', '-DUSE_PYTHON=OFF', '-DSTOP_ON_WARNING=OFF'] # OIIO's FindOpenEXR module circumvents CMake's normal library # search order, which causes versions of OpenEXR installed in # /usr/local or other hard-coded locations in the module to # take precedence over the version we've built, which would # normally be picked up when we specify CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. # This may lead to undefined symbol errors at build or runtime. # So, we explicitly specify the OpenEXR we want to use here. extraArgs.append('-DOPENEXR_HOME="{instDir}"' .format(instDir=context.instDir)) # If Ptex support is disabled in USD, disable support in OpenImageIO # as well. This ensures OIIO doesn't accidentally pick up a Ptex # library outside of our build. if not context.enablePtex: extraArgs.append('-DUSE_PTEX=OFF') # Make sure to use boost installed by the build script and not any # system installed boost extraArgs.append('-DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=On') extraArgs.append('-DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=True') # Add on any user-specified extra arguments. extraArgs += buildArgs RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs) OPENIMAGEIO = Dependency("OpenImageIO", InstallOpenImageIO, "include/OpenImageIO/oiioversion.h") ############################################################ # OpenColorIO # Use v1.1.0 on MacOS and Windows since v1.0.9 doesn't build properly on # those platforms. if Linux(): OCIO_URL = "https://github.com/imageworks/OpenColorIO/archive/v1.0.9.zip" else: OCIO_URL = "https://github.com/imageworks/OpenColorIO/archive/v1.1.0.zip" def InstallOpenColorIO(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(OCIO_URL, context, force)): extraArgs = ['-DOCIO_BUILD_TRUELIGHT=OFF', '-DOCIO_BUILD_APPS=OFF', '-DOCIO_BUILD_NUKE=OFF', '-DOCIO_BUILD_DOCS=OFF', '-DOCIO_BUILD_TESTS=OFF', '-DOCIO_BUILD_PYGLUE=OFF', '-DOCIO_BUILD_JNIGLUE=OFF', '-DOCIO_STATIC_JNIGLUE=OFF'] # The OCIO build treats all warnings as errors but several come up # on various platforms, including: # - On gcc6, v1.1.0 emits many -Wdeprecated-declaration warnings for # std::auto_ptr # - On clang, v1.1.0 emits a -Wself-assign-field warning. This is fixed # in https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenColorIO/commit/0be465feb9ac2d34bd8171f30909b276c1efa996 # # To avoid build failures we force all warnings off for this build. if GetVisualStudioCompilerAndVersion(): # This doesn't work because CMake stores default flags for # MSVC in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and this would overwrite them. # However, we don't seem to get any warnings on Windows # (at least with VS2015 and 2017). # extraArgs.append('-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=/w') pass else: extraArgs.append('-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-w') # Add on any user-specified extra arguments. extraArgs += buildArgs RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs) OPENCOLORIO = Dependency("OpenColorIO", InstallOpenColorIO, "include/OpenColorIO/OpenColorABI.h") ############################################################ # OpenSubdiv OPENSUBDIV_URL = "https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenSubdiv/archive/v3_4_3.zip" def InstallOpenSubdiv(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(OPENSUBDIV_URL, context, force)): extraArgs = [ '-DNO_EXAMPLES=ON', '-DNO_TUTORIALS=ON', '-DNO_REGRESSION=ON', '-DNO_DOC=ON', '-DNO_OMP=ON', '-DNO_CUDA=ON', '-DNO_OPENCL=ON', '-DNO_DX=ON', '-DNO_TESTS=ON', '-DNO_GLEW=ON', '-DNO_GLFW=ON', ] # If Ptex support is disabled in USD, disable support in OpenSubdiv # as well. This ensures OSD doesn't accidentally pick up a Ptex # library outside of our build. if not context.enablePtex: extraArgs.append('-DNO_PTEX=ON') # NOTE: For now, we disable TBB in our OpenSubdiv build. # This avoids an issue where OpenSubdiv will link against # all TBB libraries it finds, including libtbbmalloc and # libtbbmalloc_proxy. On Linux and MacOS, this has the # unwanted effect of replacing the system allocator with # tbbmalloc. extraArgs.append('-DNO_TBB=ON') # Add on any user-specified extra arguments. extraArgs += buildArgs # OpenSubdiv seems to error when building on windows w/ Ninja... # ...so just use the default generator (ie, Visual Studio on Windows) # until someone can sort it out oldGenerator = context.cmakeGenerator if oldGenerator == "Ninja" and Windows(): context.cmakeGenerator = None # OpenSubdiv 3.3 and later on MacOS occasionally runs into build # failures with multiple build jobs. Workaround this by using # just 1 job for now. See: # https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenSubdiv/issues/1194 oldNumJobs = context.numJobs if MacOS(): context.numJobs = 1 try: RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs) finally: context.cmakeGenerator = oldGenerator context.numJobs = oldNumJobs OPENSUBDIV = Dependency("OpenSubdiv", InstallOpenSubdiv, "include/opensubdiv/version.h") ############################################################ # PyOpenGL def GetPyOpenGLInstructions(): return ('PyOpenGL is not installed. If you have pip ' 'installed, run "pip install PyOpenGL" to ' 'install it, then re-run this script.\n' 'If PyOpenGL is already installed, you may need to ' 'update your PYTHONPATH to indicate where it is ' 'located.') PYOPENGL = PythonDependency("PyOpenGL", GetPyOpenGLInstructions, moduleNames=["OpenGL"]) ############################################################ # PySide def GetPySideInstructions(): # For licensing reasons, this script cannot install PySide itself. if Windows(): # There is no distribution of PySide2 for Windows for Python 2.7. # So use PySide instead. See the following for more details: # https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python/Considerations#Missing_Windows_.2F_Python_2.7_release return ('PySide is not installed. If you have pip ' 'installed, run "pip install PySide" ' 'to install it, then re-run this script.\n' 'If PySide is already installed, you may need to ' 'update your PYTHONPATH to indicate where it is ' 'located.') else: return ('PySide2 is not installed. If you have pip ' 'installed, run "pip install PySide2" ' 'to install it, then re-run this script.\n' 'If PySide2 is already installed, you may need to ' 'update your PYTHONPATH to indicate where it is ' 'located.') PYSIDE = PythonDependency("PySide", GetPySideInstructions, moduleNames=["PySide", "PySide2"]) ############################################################ # HDF5 HDF5_URL = "https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.10/hdf5-1.10.0-patch1/src/hdf5-1.10.0-patch1.zip" def InstallHDF5(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(HDF5_URL, context, force)): RunCMake(context, force, ['-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF', '-DHDF5_BUILD_TOOLS=OFF', '-DHDF5_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF'] + buildArgs) HDF5 = Dependency("HDF5", InstallHDF5, "include/hdf5.h") ############################################################ # Alembic ALEMBIC_URL = "https://github.com/alembic/alembic/archive/1.7.10.zip" def InstallAlembic(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(ALEMBIC_URL, context, force)): cmakeOptions = ['-DUSE_BINARIES=OFF', '-DUSE_TESTS=OFF'] if context.enableHDF5: # HDF5 requires the H5_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB macro be defined if # it was built with CMake as a dynamic library. cmakeOptions += [ '-DUSE_HDF5=ON', '-DHDF5_ROOT="{instDir}"'.format(instDir=context.instDir), '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-D H5_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB"'] else: cmakeOptions += ['-DUSE_HDF5=OFF'] cmakeOptions += buildArgs RunCMake(context, force, cmakeOptions) ALEMBIC = Dependency("Alembic", InstallAlembic, "include/Alembic/Abc/Base.h") ############################################################ # Draco DRACO_URL = "https://github.com/google/draco/archive/master.zip" def InstallDraco(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(DRACO_URL, context, force)): cmakeOptions = ['-DBUILD_USD_PLUGIN=ON'] cmakeOptions += buildArgs RunCMake(context, force, cmakeOptions) DRACO = Dependency("Draco", InstallDraco, "include/draco/compression/decode.h") ############################################################ # MaterialX MATERIALX_URL = "https://github.com/materialx/MaterialX/archive/v1.37.1.zip" def InstallMaterialX(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(MATERIALX_URL, context, force)): RunCMake(context, force, buildArgs) MATERIALX = Dependency("MaterialX", InstallMaterialX, "include/MaterialXCore/Library.h") ############################################################ # Embree # For MacOS we use version 3.7.0 to include a fix from Intel # to build on Catalina. if MacOS(): EMBREE_URL = "https://github.com/embree/embree/archive/v3.7.0.tar.gz" else: EMBREE_URL = "https://github.com/embree/embree/archive/v3.2.2.tar.gz" def InstallEmbree(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(DownloadURL(EMBREE_URL, context, force)): extraArgs = [ '-DTBB_ROOT={instDir}'.format(instDir=context.instDir), '-DEMBREE_TUTORIALS=OFF', '-DEMBREE_ISPC_SUPPORT=OFF' ] # By default Embree fails to build on Visual Studio 2015 due # to an internal compiler issue that is worked around via the # following flag. For more details see: # https://github.com/embree/embree/issues/157 if IsVisualStudio2015OrGreater() and not IsVisualStudio2017OrGreater(): extraArgs.append('-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=/d2SSAOptimizer-') extraArgs += buildArgs RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs) EMBREE = Dependency("Embree", InstallEmbree, "include/embree3/rtcore.h") ############################################################ # USD def InstallUSD(context, force, buildArgs): with CurrentWorkingDirectory(context.usdSrcDir): extraArgs = [] if context.buildPython: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON') if Python3(): extraArgs.append('-DPXR_USE_PYTHON_3=ON') # CMake has trouble finding the executable, library, and include # directories when there are multiple versions of Python installed. # This can lead to crashes due to USD being linked against one # version of Python but running through some other Python # interpreter version. This primarily shows up on macOS, as it's # common to have a Python install that's separate from the one # included with the system. # # To avoid this, we try to determine these paths from Python # itself rather than rely on CMake's heuristics. pythonInfo = GetPythonInfo() if pythonInfo: extraArgs.append('-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="{pyExecPath}"' .format(pyExecPath=pythonInfo[0])) extraArgs.append('-DPYTHON_LIBRARY="{pyLibPath}"' .format(pyLibPath=pythonInfo[1])) extraArgs.append('-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="{pyIncPath}"' .format(pyIncPath=pythonInfo[2])) else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_PYTHON_SUPPORT=OFF') if context.buildShared: extraArgs.append('-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON') elif context.buildMonolithic: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_MONOLITHIC=ON') if context.buildDebug: extraArgs.append('-DTBB_USE_DEBUG_BUILD=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DTBB_USE_DEBUG_BUILD=OFF') if context.buildDocs: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION=OFF') if context.buildTests: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_TESTS=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_TESTS=OFF') if context.buildExamples: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF') if context.buildTutorials: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_TUTORIALS=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_TUTORIALS=OFF') if context.buildTools: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_USD_TOOLS=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_USD_TOOLS=OFF') if context.buildImaging: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_IMAGING=ON') if context.enablePtex: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_PTEX_SUPPORT=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_PTEX_SUPPORT=OFF') if context.enableOpenVDB: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_OPENVDB_SUPPORT=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_OPENVDB_SUPPORT=OFF') if context.buildEmbree: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_EMBREE_PLUGIN=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_EMBREE_PLUGIN=OFF') if context.buildPrman: if context.prmanLocation: extraArgs.append('-DRENDERMAN_LOCATION="{location}"' .format(location=context.prmanLocation)) extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_PRMAN_PLUGIN=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_PRMAN_PLUGIN=OFF') if context.buildOIIO: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_OPENIMAGEIO_PLUGIN=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_OPENIMAGEIO_PLUGIN=OFF') if context.buildOCIO: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_OPENCOLORIO_PLUGIN=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_OPENCOLORIO_PLUGIN=OFF') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_IMAGING=OFF') if context.buildUsdImaging: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_USD_IMAGING=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_USD_IMAGING=OFF') if context.buildUsdview: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_USDVIEW=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_USDVIEW=OFF') if context.buildAlembic: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_ALEMBIC_PLUGIN=ON') if context.enableHDF5: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_HDF5_SUPPORT=ON') # CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH isn't sufficient for the FindHDF5 module # to find the HDF5 we've built, so provide an extra hint. extraArgs.append('-DHDF5_ROOT="{instDir}"' .format(instDir=context.instDir)) else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_ENABLE_HDF5_SUPPORT=OFF') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_ALEMBIC_PLUGIN=OFF') if context.buildDraco: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_DRACO_PLUGIN=ON') draco_root = (context.dracoLocation if context.dracoLocation else context.instDir) extraArgs.append('-DDRACO_ROOT="{}"'.format(draco_root)) else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_DRACO_PLUGIN=OFF') if context.buildMaterialX: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_MATERIALX_PLUGIN=ON') else: extraArgs.append('-DPXR_BUILD_MATERIALX_PLUGIN=OFF') if Windows(): # Increase the precompiled header buffer limit. extraArgs.append('-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/Zm150"') # Make sure to use boost installed by the build script and not any # system installed boost extraArgs.append('-DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=On') extraArgs.append('-DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=True') extraArgs += buildArgs RunCMake(context, force, extraArgs) USD = Dependency("USD", InstallUSD, "include/pxr/pxr.h") ############################################################ # Install script programDescription = """\ Installation Script for USD Builds and installs USD and 3rd-party dependencies to specified location. - Libraries: The following is a list of libraries that this script will download and build as needed. These names can be used to identify libraries for various script options, like --force or --build-args. {libraryList} - Downloading Libraries: If curl or powershell (on Windows) are installed and located in PATH, they will be used to download dependencies. Otherwise, a built-in downloader will be used. - Specifying Custom Build Arguments: Users may specify custom build arguments for libraries using the --build-args option. This values for this option must take the form ,