#usda 1.0 ( "WARNING: THIS FILE IS GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT." customLayerData = { string[] appliedAPISchemas = ["ParamsAPI"] dictionary multipleApplyAPISchemas = { } } ) class "SimplePrim" ( doc = """An example of an untyped schema prim. Note that it does not specify a typeName""" ) { int intAttr = 0 ( doc = "An integer attribute with fallback value of 0." ) rel target ( doc = """A relationship called target that could point to another prim or a property""" ) } class ComplexPrim "ComplexPrim" ( doc = "An example of a untyped IsA schema prim" ) { string complexString = "somethingComplex" int intAttr = 0 ( doc = "An integer attribute with fallback value of 0." ) rel target ( doc = """A relationship called target that could point to another prim or a property""" ) } class "ParamsAPI" { double params:mass ( doc = "Double value denoting mass" ) double params:velocity ( doc = "Double value denoting velocity" ) double params:volume ( doc = "Double value denoting volume" ) }