#usda 1.0 ( """ This file contains an example schemata for code generation using usdGenSchema. """ subLayers = [ @usd/schema.usda@ ] ) over "GLOBAL" ( customData = { string libraryName = "usdSchemaExamples" string libraryPath = "." string libraryPrefix = "UsdSchemaExamples" } ) { } class "SimplePrim" ( doc = """An example of an untyped schema prim. Note that it does not specify a typeName""" # IsA schemas should derive from , which is defined in the sublayer # usd/lib/usd/schema.usda. inherits = customData = { # Provide a different class name for the C++ and python schema classes. # This will be prefixed with libraryPrefix. # In this case, the class name becomes UsdSchemaExamplesSimple. string className = "Simple" } ) { int intAttr = 0 ( doc = "An integer attribute with fallback value of 0." ) rel target ( doc = """A relationship called target that could point to another prim or a property""" ) } # Note that it does not specify a typeName. class ComplexPrim "ComplexPrim" ( doc = """An example of a untyped IsA schema prim""" # Inherits from defined in simple.usda. inherits = customData = { string className = "Complex" } ) { string complexString = "somethingComplex" } class "ParamsAPI" ( inherits = ) { double params:mass ( # Informs schema generator to create GetMassAttr() method # instead of GetParamsMassAttr() method customData = { string apiName = "mass" } doc = "Double value denoting mass" ) double params:velocity ( customData = { string apiName = "velocity" } doc = "Double value denoting velocity" ) double params:volume ( customData = { string apiName = "volume" } doc = "Double value denoting volume" ) }