-- glslfx version 0.1 // // Copyright 2016 Pixar // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: // // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. // // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. // --- This is what an import might look like. --- #import $TOOLS/hdSt/shaders/meshNormal.glslfx --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Scene vec3 GetNormal(vec3 Neye, int index) { vec3 normal = vec3(0); #if defined(HD_HAS_normals) normal = vec3(HdGet_normals(index).xyz); #endif MAT4 transformInv = ApplyInstanceTransformInverse(HdGet_transformInverse()); normal = vec4(transpose(transformInv * GetWorldToViewInverseMatrix()) * vec4(normal,0)).xyz; if (length(normal) > 0.0) normal = normalize(normal); return normal; } --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Smooth vec3 GetNormal(vec3 Neye, int index) { vec3 normal = vec3(0); #if defined(HD_HAS_smoothNormals) normal = vec3(HdGet_smoothNormals(index).xyz); #elif defined(HD_HAS_packedSmoothNormals) normal = vec3(HdGet_packedSmoothNormals(index).xyz); #endif MAT4 transformInv = ApplyInstanceTransformInverse(HdGet_transformInverse()); normal = vec4(transpose(transformInv * GetWorldToViewInverseMatrix()) * vec4(normal,0)).xyz; if (length(normal) > 0.0) normal = normalize(normal); return normal; } --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Flat vec3 GetNormal(vec3 Neye, int index) { vec3 normal = vec3(0); #if defined(HD_HAS_flatNormals) normal = vec3(HdGet_flatNormals(index).xyz); #elif defined(HD_HAS_packedFlatNormals) normal = vec3(HdGet_packedFlatNormals(index).xyz); #endif MAT4 transformInv = ApplyInstanceTransformInverse(HdGet_transformInverse()); normal = vec4(transpose(transformInv * GetWorldToViewInverseMatrix()) * vec4(normal,0)).xyz; if (length(normal) > 0.0) normal = normalize(normal); return normal; } --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Pass vec3 GetNormal(vec3 Neye, int index) { return Neye; } --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Geometry.Flat vec3 GetTriGeometryNormal(vec3 Neye, vec4 Peye0, vec4 Peye1, vec4 Peye2, bool isFlipped) { // ignore vertex normal and compute flat facing normal vec3 n = normalize(cross(Peye1.xyz - Peye0.xyz, Peye2.xyz - Peye0.xyz)); return isFlipped ? -n : n; } vec3 GetQuadGeometryNormal(vec3 Neye, vec4 Peye0, vec4 Peye1, vec4 Peye2, vec4 Peye3, bool isFlipped) { // 0---3 // |. | // | . | // | .| // 1---2 // ignore vertex normal and compute flat facing normal // average diagonal cross products to deal with co-linear edges vec3 A0 = Peye2.xyz - Peye3.xyz; vec3 B0 = Peye0.xyz - Peye3.xyz; vec3 A1 = Peye0.xyz - Peye1.xyz; vec3 B1 = Peye2.xyz - Peye1.xyz; vec3 n = normalize(cross(B0, A0) + cross(B1, A1)); return isFlipped ? -n : n; } --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Geometry.NoFlat vec3 GetTriGeometryNormal(vec3 Neye, vec4 Peye0, vec4 Peye1, vec4 Peye2, bool isFlipped) { return Neye; } vec3 GetQuadGeometryNormal(vec3 Neye, vec4 Peye0, vec4 Peye1, vec4 Peye2, vec4 Peye3, bool isFlipped) { return Neye; } --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Fragment.SingleSided vec3 GetShadingNormal(vec3 N, bool isFlipped) { // the fragment shader takes already-flipped-normals. // no need to flip here. return N; } bool ShouldCullFaceAccordingToShading(bool frontFacing, bool isFlipped) { return ShouldCullFace(frontFacing ^^ isFlipped, /*doubleSided=*/false); } --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- glsl MeshNormal.Fragment.DoubleSided vec3 GetShadingNormal(vec3 N, bool isFlipped) { // note that negative scaling isn't taken into account in gl_FrontFacing // so we have to consider isFlipped here too. return (isFlipped ^^ gl_FrontFacing) ? N : -N; } bool ShouldCullFaceAccordingToShading(bool frontFacing, bool isFlipped) { return ShouldCullFace(frontFacing ^^ isFlipped, /*doubleSided=*/true); }