# - Configuration file for the pxr project # Defines the following variables: # PXR_INCLUDE_DIRS - Root include directory for the installed project. # PXR_LIBRARIES - List of all libraries, by target name. # PXR_foo_LIBRARY - Absolute path to individual libraries. # The preprocessor definition PXR_STATIC will be defined if appropriate get_filename_component(PXR_CMAKE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH) include("${PXR_CMAKE_DIR}/cmake/pxrTargets.cmake") set(libs "@PXR_ALL_LIBS@") set(PXR_LIBRARIES "") set(PXR_INCLUDE_DIRS "${PXR_CMAKE_DIR}/include") string(REPLACE " " ";" libs "${libs}") foreach(lib ${libs}) get_target_property(location ${lib} LOCATION) set(PXR_${lib}_LIBRARY ${location}) list(APPEND PXR_LIBRARIES ${lib}) endforeach() if(NOT @BUILD_SHARED_LIBS@) if(WIN32) list(APPEND PXR_LIBRARIES Shlwapi.lib) list(APPEND PXR_LIBRARIES Dbghelp.lib) endif() add_definitions(-DPXR_STATIC) endif()