version: '3.9' name: user-service services: ################ # USER SERVICE # ################ api: container_name: user-service-api build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile args: PROFILE: dev # Faster build times for local develpment, this will be automatically changed to release if omitted environment: DATABASE_URL: postgres://user_service:user_service@user-service-db:5432/user_service MAIL_SERVICE_HOST: "http://user-service-mail-service-api:80" depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy ports: - "" ################ # MAIL SERVICE # ################ mail-service-api: container_name: user-service-mail-service-api build: context: ../mail-service dockerfile: Dockerfile environment: FLASK_APP: SA_CREDS_LOCATION: sa_creds.json volumes: - ../mail-service:/app ports: - ############ # DATABASE # ############ db: container_name: user-service-db restart: always build: context: database dockerfile: environment: POSTGRES_USER: admin POSTGRES_PASSWORD: admin volumes: - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data healthcheck: test: "psql -U admin -lqt | cut -d \\| -f 1 | grep -qw user_service" # This check is needed to ensure the user_service database has been created before the api attempts to connect to it interval: 250ms timeout: 3s retries: 40 start_period: 30s ports: - "" pgadmin: container_name: user-service-pgadmin image: dpage/pgadmin4:6.21 environment: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD: pgadminPassword PGADMIN_CONFIG_SERVER_MODE: 'False' PGADMIN_CONFIG_MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: 'False' depends_on: db: condition: service_started ports: - "" volumes: db-data: