# ustat A micro-statistics program (like ministat) written in Rust which computes the sum, mean, median, min, max, standard deviation and a one-way ANOVA of a set of input files. Installation ``` > cargo install ustat ``` If you don't have cargo, you can easily install it with: ``` > curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh && source $HOME/.cargo/env ``` ``` Usage: ustat [OPTIONS] [FILE ...] Compute statistics for the given input file(s). Positional arguments: file The input file(s) to compute statistics for (Use stdin if not specified) Optional arguments: -h,--help Show this help message and exit -c,--column COLUMN The column(s) to extract data from (Default: 0 for all files, runs from 0 to ...) -d,--delimiter DELIMITER The text delimiter character to use between columns (Default: ',') -s,--skip-header Skip the first line of the input file (Default: False) --no-anova Don't compute ANOVA for the input files (one file per population) (Default: False) -V,--version Show version ``` ## Examples / Recipes Compute basic statistics for column 0 of a CSV: ```bash > cat file.csv | ustat ``` Compute basic statics and an ANOVA for three files (column 0 for each CSV file): ```bash > ustat file_1.csv file_2.csv file_3.csv ``` Compute basic statistics for a TSV file: ```bash > ustat -d '\t' file_1.tsv ``` Compute statistics for column 0 of file_1.csv and column 3 of file_2.csv: ```bash > ustat -c 0 -c 3 file_1.csv file_2.csv ```