"""Exposes a URL that specifies the behavior of this scalar.""" directive @specifiedBy( """The URL that specifies the behavior of this scalar.""" url: String! ) on SCALAR directive @requires(fields: _FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @auth on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION scalar _Any scalar _FieldSet """ Boundary values related to a Product Variant of type `UnitVariant` within which the price is applicable. """ type Boundary { """The start value of the Product Variant.""" start: Float! """The end value of the Product Variant.""" end: Float! } """A Unity Hub Community Resource.""" type CommunityResource { """The localized human-readable title of the Community Resource.""" title: String! """The localized description of the Community Resource.""" description: String! """The localized URL of the Community Resource.""" url: URL! """The localized thumbnail of the Community Resource.""" thumbnail: ResourceMedia! } """Possible values of Community Resource Order.""" enum CommunityResourceOrder { WEIGHTED_DESC } """ A Composite Metered Product is one which contains a subset of Metered Products (for example, Unity Simulation). The price points are all on the child products. It extends the `ProductInterface` by adding a list of `products` as it's Metered Product children. """ type CompositeMeteredProduct implements ProductInterface { """The slug of the Product.""" slug: ID! """The SKU of the Product.""" sku: ID! """The name of the Product.""" name: String! """The type of the Product.""" type: ProductType! """The description of the Product.""" description: String! """The UI Page of the Product.""" ui: UIPage! """The child products of the Composite Metered Product.""" products: [MeteredProduct!]! } """Input fields to create a new Organization.""" input CreateOrganizationInput { """The name of the Organization.""" name: String! } """The response of a Create Organization Mutation.""" union CreateOrganizationResponse = CreateOrganizationResult | ServerError """The result of a Create Organization Mutation.""" type CreateOrganizationResult { """The indication whether the Organization has been successfully created.""" success: Boolean! """The organization that has been created.""" organization: Organization! } """Possible types of Currency.""" enum Currency { BRL CNY EUR JPY KRW USD } """ A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the `date-time` format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar. """ scalar DateTime """ A field whose value conforms to the standard internet email address format as specified in HTML Spec: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#valid-e-mail-address. """ scalar EmailAddress """ An Error is returned when any form of operational error is thrown by the Live Platform. """ interface Error { """The title of the Error.""" title: String! """The message of the Error.""" message: String! """The errorCode of the Error.""" errorCode: String! } """An Extra Field.""" type ExtraField { """The name of the Extra Field.""" name: String! """The value of the Extra Field.""" value: String! } """Possible types of FileType.""" enum FileType { TEXT TAR_GZ TAR_XZ ZIP PKG EXE PO DMG LZMA LZ4 MD PDF } """A Flat pricing for Product.""" type FlatVariant { """The id of the Flat Variant.""" id: ID! """The name of the Flat Variant.""" name: String! """The price of the Flat Variant.""" price: Price! } """A Unity Hub Content.""" type HubContent { """The unique identifier of the Hub Content.""" id: ID! """The localized title of the Hub Content.""" title: String! """The localized description of the Hub Content.""" description: String! """The localized call-to-action of the Hub Content.""" cta: String! """The localized link for the call-to-action of the Hub Content.""" link: URL! """The thumbnail of the Hub Content.""" thumbnail: ResourceMedia! } """A Unity Hub Content Category.""" type HubContentCategory { """The unique identifier of the Hub Content Category.""" id: ID! """The unique human readable identifier of the Hub Content Category.""" slug: String! """The localized name of the Hub Content Category.""" name: String! """The localized title of the Hub Content Category.""" title: String! """The localized description of the Hub Content Category.""" description: String! """ The icon of the Hub Content Category, this is an internal Hub Icon Reference. """ icon: String! """The localized contents of the Hub Content Category.""" hubContent( """The sorting arguments for a HubContentCategory query.""" orderBy: HubContentOrder = WEIGHTED_DESC ): [HubContent!]! } """The sorting order for Hub Content Categories.""" enum HubContentCategoryOrder { WEIGHTED_DESC WEIGHTED_ASC } """The sorting order for Hub Contents.""" enum HubContentOrder { WEIGHTED_DESC WEIGHTED_ASC } """ The `JSONObject` scalar type represents JSON objects as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf). """ scalar JSONObject """A Learn Course.""" type LearnCourse implements LearnEntityInterface { """The ID of the Learn Entity.""" id: ID! """The type of the Learn Entity.""" type: LearnEntityType! """The title of the Learn Entity.""" title: String! """The description of the Learn Entity.""" description: String! """The proprietary Draft JS JSON description of the Learn Entity.""" draftJSDescription: String! """ The thumbnail of the Learn Entity. A fallback image is returned if no thumbnail is available. """ thumbnail: LearnMedia! """The language of the Learn Entity.""" language: LearnEntityLanguage! """The duration in minutes of the Learn Entity.""" duration: LearnTimeValue! """The total number of bookmarks of the Learn Entity.""" totalBookmarks: Int! """The web URL of the Learn Entity.""" url: URL! """The skill level of the Learn Entity.""" skillLevel: LearnEntitySkillLevel! """The author of the Learn Entity.""" author: LearnEntityAuthor! """The list of topics related to the Learn Entity.""" topics: [LearnEntityTopic!]! """The list of industries related to the Learn Entity.""" industries: [LearnEntityIndustry!]! """The supported Unity editor version of the Learn Entity.""" supportedEditorVersion: String! """The list of learning materials related to the Learn Entity.""" materials: [LearnEntityMaterial!] """The Unity Connect group of the Learn Entity.""" connectGroup: LearnEntityConnectGroup """The list of contents related to the Learn Course.""" contents: [LearnEntityInterface!] } """Possible types of Learn Digital Unit.""" enum LearnDigitalUnit { BYTE KILOBYTE MEGABYTE GIGABYTE } """A Digital Value as defined on Learn Live Platform.""" type LearnDigitalValue { """The value of the Digital Value.""" value: Float! """The unit of the Digital Value.""" unit: LearnDigitalUnit! } """A Learn Entity Author.""" type LearnEntityAuthor { """The ID generated from Connect API of the Learn Entity Author.""" id: ID! """The name of the Learn Entity Author.""" name: String! """ The avatar of the Learn Entity Author. A fallback image is returned if no author avatar is available. """ avatar: LearnMedia! } """Input fields to add/remove a bookmark to/from a Learn Entity.""" input LearnEntityBookmarkMutationInput { """The ID of the Learn Entity.""" id: ID! """The type of the Learn Entity.""" type: LearnEntityType! } """A Learn Entity Bookmark Response.""" union LearnEntityBookmarkMutationResponse = LearnEntityBookmarkResult | NotFoundError | ServerError """Response for a `addLearnEntityBookmark` mutation.""" type LearnEntityBookmarkResult { """ The indication whether the bookmark has been successfully added to the Learn Entity or not. """ success: Boolean! } """A Unity Connect group related to a Learn Entity.""" type LearnEntityConnectGroup { """The name of the Unity Connect group for the Learn Entity.""" name: String! """The Unity Connect group's URL for the Learn Entity.""" url: URL! """ The statistics about members of the Unity Connect group for the Learn Entity. """ members: LearnEntityConnectGroupMembersStatistics! } """A Learn Entity Connect Group Members Statistics.""" type LearnEntityConnectGroupMembersStatistics { """The total members of the Unity Connect group for the Learn Entity.""" total: Int! """ The number of online members of the Unity Connect group for the Learn Entity. """ online: Int! } """A Learn Entity Documentation Link.""" type LearnEntityDocumentationLink { """The URL of the Learn Entity Documentation Link.""" url: URL! """The name of the Learn Entity Documentation Link.""" name: String! } """A Learn Entity Downloadable Asset.""" type LearnEntityDownloadableAsset { """The URL of the Learn Entity Downloadable Asset.""" url: URL! """The file size of the Learn Entity Downloadable Asset.""" size( """The format of the Learn Digital Value size.""" format: LearnDigitalUnit! = BYTE ): LearnDigitalValue! """The name of the Learn Entity Downloadable Asset.""" name: String! """The supported editor version of the Learn Entity Downloadable Asset.""" supportedEditorVersion: String! """The packageId from Asset Store of the Learn Entity Downloadable Asset.""" packageId: String! } """Possible duration filters of searchCatalog Query.""" enum LearnEntityDuration { LESS_THAN_15_MINUTES BETWEEN_15_AND_60_MINUTES BETWEEN_60_AND_120_MINUTES MORE_THAN_120_MINUTES } """Possible industry values of a Learn Entity Industry.""" enum LearnEntityIndustry { AEC AUTOMOTIVE FILM GAMES } """A Learn Entity Interface returned from the learn queries.""" interface LearnEntityInterface { """The ID of the Learn Entity.""" id: ID! """The type of the Learn Entity.""" type: LearnEntityType! """The title of the Learn Entity.""" title: String! """The description of the Learn Entity.""" description: String! """The proprietary Draft JS JSON description of the Learn Entity.""" draftJSDescription: String! """ The thumbnail of the Learn Entity. A fallback image is returned if no thumbnail is available. """ thumbnail: LearnMedia! """The language of the Learn Entity.""" language: LearnEntityLanguage! """The duration in minutes of the Learn Entity.""" duration: LearnTimeValue! """The total number of bookmarks of the Learn Entity.""" totalBookmarks: Int! """The web URL of the Learn Entity.""" url: URL! """The skill level of the Learn Entity.""" skillLevel: LearnEntitySkillLevel! """The author of the Learn Entity.""" author: LearnEntityAuthor! """The list of topics related to the Learn Entity.""" topics: [LearnEntityTopic!]! """The list of industries related to the Learn Entity.""" industries: [LearnEntityIndustry!]! """The supported Unity editor version of the Learn Entity.""" supportedEditorVersion: String! """The list of learning materials related to the Learn Entity.""" materials: [LearnEntityMaterial!] """The Unity Connect group of the Learn Entity.""" connectGroup: LearnEntityConnectGroup } """Possible language values of a Learn Entity Language.""" enum LearnEntityLanguage { ENGLISH CHINESE JAPANESE KOREAN RUSSIAN SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN PORTUGUESE } """ Types that can represent a Learn Entity Material in the Learn Entity materials. """ union LearnEntityMaterial = LearnEntityDownloadableAsset | LearnEntityDocumentationLink """A relay style offset paginated Learn Entity Connection.""" type LearnEntityOffsetConnection { """The list of offset paginated Learn Entity edges.""" edges: [LearnEntityOffsetEdge!]! """The total count of all available Learn Entity edges in the connection.""" totalCount: Int! """The page information for offset pagination.""" pageInfo: LearnEntityOffsetPageInfo! } """A relay style offset paginated Learn Entity Edge.""" type LearnEntityOffsetEdge { """A Learn Entity node.""" node: LearnEntityResponse! } """The LearnEntity Offset Pagination Information related to a connection.""" type LearnEntityOffsetPageInfo { """The flag indicating if there is a next results page.""" hasNextPage: Boolean! """The flag indicating if there is a previous results page.""" hasPreviousPage: Boolean! } """ Possible result order of searchCatalog Query. Result order `BEST_MATCH` is affected by the authenticated user. """ enum LearnEntityOrder { BEST_MATCH MOST_POPULAR MOST_RECENT TITLE_AZ TITLE_ZA } """A Learn Entity Response.""" union LearnEntityResponse = LearnTutorial | LearnProject | LearnCourse | NotFoundError | ServerError """Possible skill level values of a Learn Entity Skill Level.""" enum LearnEntitySkillLevel { FOUNDATIONAL BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED } """Possible topic values of a Learn Entity Topic.""" enum LearnEntityTopic { TWO_D AI_AND_NAVIGATION ANIMATION ART AUDIO CAMERAS DCC_TO_UNITY DESIGN EDITOR_ESSENTIALS FOR_EDUCATORS GRAPHIC_AND_VISUAL_EFFECTS LIGHTING_AND_VISUAL_FIDELITY MATERIAL_AND_SHADERS MOBILE_AND_TOUCH MODELING OBJECT_AND_COMPONENTS OPTIMIZATION PHYSICS PROJECT_MANAGEMENT PROJECT_SETUP_AND_SETTINGS PUBLISHING RENDER_PIPELINES SCRIPTING UNITY_SERVICES USER_INTERFACE VISUALIZATION XR } """Possible type values of a Learn Entity Type.""" enum LearnEntityType { TUTORIAL PROJECT COURSE ALL } """A Media as defined on Learn Live Platform.""" type LearnMedia { """The URL of the Media.""" url: URL! """The type of the Media.""" type: LearnMediaType! } """Possible types of LearnMedia Type.""" enum LearnMediaType { IMAGE VIDEO GIF } """A Learn Project.""" type LearnProject implements LearnEntityInterface { """The ID of the Learn Entity.""" id: ID! """The type of the Learn Entity.""" type: LearnEntityType! """The title of the Learn Entity.""" title: String! """The description of the Learn Entity.""" description: String! """The proprietary Draft JS JSON description of the Learn Entity.""" draftJSDescription: String! """ The thumbnail of the Learn Entity. A fallback image is returned if no thumbnail is available. """ thumbnail: LearnMedia! """The language of the Learn Entity.""" language: LearnEntityLanguage! """The duration in minutes of the Learn Entity.""" duration: LearnTimeValue! """The total number of bookmarks of the Learn Entity.""" totalBookmarks: Int! """The web URL of the Learn Entity.""" url: URL! """The skill level of the Learn Entity.""" skillLevel: LearnEntitySkillLevel! """The author of the Learn Entity.""" author: LearnEntityAuthor! """The list of topics related to the Learn Entity.""" topics: [LearnEntityTopic!]! """The list of industries related to the Learn Entity.""" industries: [LearnEntityIndustry!]! """The supported Unity editor version of the Learn Entity.""" supportedEditorVersion: String! """The list of learning materials related to the Learn Entity.""" materials: [LearnEntityMaterial!] """The Unity Connect group of the Learn Entity.""" connectGroup: LearnEntityConnectGroup """The list of tutorials related to the Learn Project.""" tutorials: [LearnEntityInterface!] } """A Time Value as defined on Learn Live Platform.""" type LearnTimeValue { """The value of the Time Value.""" value: Float! """The unit of the Time Value.""" unit: TimeUnit! } """A Learn Tutorial.""" type LearnTutorial implements LearnEntityInterface { """The ID of the Learn Entity.""" id: ID! """The type of the Learn Entity.""" type: LearnEntityType! """The title of the Learn Entity.""" title: String! """The description of the Learn Entity.""" description: String! """The proprietary Draft JS JSON description of the Learn Entity.""" draftJSDescription: String! """ The thumbnail of the Learn Entity. A fallback image is returned if no thumbnail is available. """ thumbnail: LearnMedia! """The language of the Learn Entity.""" language: LearnEntityLanguage! """The duration in minutes of the Learn Entity.""" duration: LearnTimeValue! """The total number of bookmarks of the Learn Entity.""" totalBookmarks: Int! """The web URL of the Learn Entity.""" url: URL! """The skill level of the Learn Entity.""" skillLevel: LearnEntitySkillLevel! """The author of the Learn Entity.""" author: LearnEntityAuthor! """The list of topics related to the Learn Entity.""" topics: [LearnEntityTopic!]! """The list of industries related to the Learn Entity.""" industries: [LearnEntityIndustry!]! """The supported Unity editor version of the Learn Entity.""" supportedEditorVersion: String! """The list of learning materials related to the Learn Entity.""" materials: [LearnEntityMaterial!] """The Unity Connect group of the Learn Entity.""" connectGroup: LearnEntityConnectGroup """The list of parents related to the Learn Tutorial.""" parents: [LearnEntityInterface!] } """The Unity Editor License information.""" type License { """The Unity Editor License type.""" type: LicenseType! """The Unity Editor License activation date (Unix timestamp).""" activationDate: Timestamp! } """Possible types of Unity Editor License.""" enum LicenseType { ENTERPRISE PERSONAL PLUS PRO } """ A Metered Product is one which varies in price depending on usage (for example, Unity Simulation - Bandwidth). It extends the `ProductInterface` by adding tiers of usage costs to the base type. """ type MeteredProduct implements ProductInterface { """The slug of the Product.""" slug: ID! """The SKU of the Product.""" sku: ID! """The name of the Product.""" name: String! """The type of the Product.""" type: ProductType! """The description of the Product.""" description: String! """The UI Page of the Product.""" ui: UIPage! """The tiers of the Metered Product.""" tiers: [ProductVariant!]! } type Mutation { """Create a new Organization.""" createOrganization( """The input argument for creating an Organization.""" input: CreateOrganizationInput! ): CreateOrganizationResponse! """Add a bookmark to a Learn Entity for an authenticated User.""" addLearnEntityBookmark( """The input argument for adding a bookmark to a Learn Entity.""" input: LearnEntityBookmarkMutationInput! ): LearnEntityBookmarkMutationResponse! """Remove a bookmark from a Learn Entity for an authenticated User.""" removeLearnEntityBookmark( """The input argument for removing a bookmark from a Learn Entity.""" input: LearnEntityBookmarkMutationInput! ): LearnEntityBookmarkMutationResponse! """Send an analytics event to Heap.""" sendHeapAnalyticsEvent( """The input argument for sending a Heap Analytics event.""" input: SendHeapAnalyticsEventInput! ): SendHeapAnalyticsEventResponse! } """A NotFound Error is returned when an entity cannot be retrieved.""" type NotFoundError implements Error { """The title of the Error.""" title: String! """The message of the Error.""" message: String! """The errorCode of the Error.""" errorCode: String! } """ A One Time Product is one where a consumer pays a single lump sum for the product (for example, Unity Certified Professional: Artist). It extends the `ProductInterface` by adding a single price field informing how much a customer needs to pay. """ type OneTimeProduct implements ProductInterface { """The slug of the Product.""" slug: ID! """The SKU of the Product.""" sku: ID! """The name of the Product.""" name: String! """The type of the Product.""" type: ProductType! """The description of the Product.""" description: String! """The UI Page of the Product.""" ui: UIPage! """The price of the One Time Product.""" price: Price! } """An Organization.""" type Organization { """The unique id of the Organization.""" id: ID! """The name of the Organization.""" name: String! """The primary address of the Organization.""" primaryAddress: OrganizationAddress """The role of the user in the Organization.""" role: OrganizationRole! } """The Address of the Organization.""" type OrganizationAddress { """The unique id of the Organization Address.""" id: ID! """The street of the Organization Address.""" street: String! """The city of the Organization Address.""" city: String! """The postal code of the Organization Address.""" postalCode: String! """The country of the Organization Address.""" country: String! """The state of the Organization Address.""" state: String """The phone number of the Organization Address.""" phoneNumber: String """The company name of the Organization Address.""" companyName: String @deprecated(reason: "This field is deprecated. Please use the Organization `name` instead.") } """Possible types of Organization Role.""" enum OrganizationRole { MANAGER OWNER USER GUEST } """A Price related to a Product.""" type Price { """The value of the Price.""" value: Float! """The currency of the Price.""" currency: Currency! } """A Product Interface returned from the product queries.""" interface ProductInterface { """The slug of the Product.""" slug: ID! """The SKU of the Product.""" sku: ID! """The name of the Product.""" name: String! """The type of the Product.""" type: ProductType! """The description of the Product.""" description: String! """The UI Page of the Product.""" ui: UIPage! } """A Product Response.""" union ProductResponse = MeteredProduct | SubscriptionProduct | OneTimeProduct | CompositeMeteredProduct | ServerError | NotFoundError """Possible types of Product.""" enum ProductType { COMPOSITE_METERED METERED SUBSCRIPTION ONE_TIME } """A Product Variant.""" union ProductVariant = FlatVariant | UnitVariant type Query { """Get the Authenticated User profile and the associated resources.""" getAuthenticatedUser: User! """Search for learn content within the Unity Learn catalog.""" searchLearnCatalog( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 """ Searches for specific terms (e.g. 3D, platforms, C#). Unsupported characters will be removed from the terms. """ searchTerms: String """Filters by Learn Entity Skill Level.""" skillLevels: [LearnEntitySkillLevel!] = [] """Filters by Learn Entity TYpe.""" types: [LearnEntityType!] = [ALL] """Filters by Learn Entity Topic.""" topics: [LearnEntityTopic!] = [] """Filters by Learn Entity Industry.""" industries: [LearnEntityIndustry!] = [] """Filters by Learn Entity Duration.""" durations: [LearnEntityDuration!] = [] """Filters by Learn Entity Language.""" languages: [LearnEntityLanguage!] = [] """Orders the returned results by Learn Entity Order.""" order: LearnEntityOrder = BEST_MATCH ): LearnEntityOffsetConnection! """Get the HUB featured learn content from the Unity Learn catalog.""" getHubFeaturedLearnEntities( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 ): LearnEntityOffsetConnection! """Get the Learn Entity from the Unity Learn catalog.""" getLearnEntity( """The ID of the Learn Entity.""" id: ID! """The type of the Learn Entity.""" type: LearnEntityType! ): LearnEntityResponse! """Get a Product by SKU.""" getProduct( """The SKU of the Product Entity.""" sku: ID! ): ProductResponse! @deprecated(reason: "Retrieving a product by SKU is deprecated; please use 'getProductBySlug' instead.") """Get all Templates within the Live Platform service.""" getTemplates( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 """Orders the returned results by Get Templates Order.""" orderBy: TemplateOrder = WEIGHTED_DESC """Filters by Template Type.""" type: TemplateType """Filters by Template Category.""" category: [TemplateCategory!] = [] """Filters by Template Unity Supported Version.""" unitySupportedVersion: [String!] = [] """Filters by Template Version Supported Unity Editor Versions.""" supportedUnityEditorVersions: [String!] = [] ): TemplateOffsetConnection! """Get all the Hub Content Categories within the Live Platform service.""" getHubContentCategories( """Orders the returned results by Get Hub Content Categories Order.""" orderBy: HubContentCategoryOrder = WEIGHTED_DESC ): [HubContentCategory!]! """ Get all Unity Hub Community Resources within the Live Platform service. """ getHubCommunityResources( """Orders the returned results by Hub Community Resources Order.""" orderBy: CommunityResourceOrder = WEIGHTED_DESC ): [CommunityResource!]! @deprecated(reason: "Retrieving Unity Hub Community Resources with this query is deprecated; please use getHubContentCategories.") """Get all Weta Releases within the Live Platform service.""" getWetaReleases( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 """Orders the returned results by Get Weta Releases Order.""" orderBy: WetaReleaseOrder = RELEASE_DATE_DESC """Filters by Weta Release product name.""" productName: [WetaReleaseProductName!] = [] """Filters by a full text search on the version string.""" version: String ): WetaReleaseOffsetConnection! """Get all Unity Releases within the Live Platform service.""" getUnityReleases( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 """Orders the returned results by Get Unity Releases Order.""" orderBy: UnityReleaseOrder = RELEASE_DATE_DESC """Filters by Unity Release stream.""" stream: [UnityReleaseStream!] = [] """Filters by Unity Release download platform.""" platform: [UnityReleaseDownloadPlatform!] = [] """Filters by Unity Release download architecture.""" architecture: [UnityReleaseDownloadArchitecture!] = [] """Filters by a full text search on the version string.""" version: String ): UnityReleaseOffsetConnection! """Get all Unity Release Major Versions within the Live Platform service.""" getUnityReleaseMajorVersions( """Filters by Unity Release stream.""" stream: [UnityReleaseStream!] = [] """Filters by Unity Release download platform.""" platform: [UnityReleaseDownloadPlatform!] = [] """Filters by Unity Release download architecture.""" architecture: [UnityReleaseDownloadArchitecture!] = [] ): [UnityReleaseMajorVersion!]! } """Possible types of Release Digital Unit.""" enum ReleaseDigitalUnit { BYTE KILOBYTE MEGABYTE GIGABYTE } """A Digital Value as defined on Release Live Platform.""" type ReleaseDigitalValue { """The value of the Digital Value.""" value: Float! """The unit of the Digital Value.""" unit: ReleaseDigitalUnit! } """A Media as defined on Resource Live Platform.""" type ResourceMedia { """The URL of the Media.""" url: URL! """The type of the Media.""" type: ResourceMediaType! } """Possible types of ResourceMedia Type.""" enum ResourceMediaType { IMAGE VIDEO GIF } """Input Fields to send a Heap Analytics Event.""" input SendHeapAnalyticsEventInput { """The Heap app_id which links this tracking event to a Heap Project.""" appId: ID! """The identity of the user which emitted the event.""" identity: String! """The name of the event. Should correlate to the Heap definition.""" event: String! """The time at which an event occurred (Unix timestamp).""" timestamp: Timestamp """The properties of an event.""" properties: JSONObject } """The response from a Send Heap Analytics Event.""" union SendHeapAnalyticsEventResponse = SendHeapAnalyticsEventResult | ServerError """The result for the Send Heap Analytics Event mutation.""" type SendHeapAnalyticsEventResult { """The indication whether Heap Analytics event was sent or not.""" success: Boolean! } """ A ServerError is returned when the Live Platform throws an unhandled or operational error. """ type ServerError implements Error { """The title of the Error.""" title: String! """The message of the Error.""" message: String! """The errorCode of the Error.""" errorCode: String! } """ Subresource Integrity scalar type. It represents SRI values as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). It is of type JSON string when used in inputs and response data. """ scalar SubresourceIntegrity """ A Subscription Product is one where a consumer pays a set amount each month for continued usage of the product (for example, Unity Pro). It extends the `ProductInterface` by adding variants for different kinds of subscriptions (e.g. monthly,yearly). """ type SubscriptionProduct implements ProductInterface { """The slug of the Product.""" slug: ID! """The SKU of the Product.""" sku: ID! """The name of the Product.""" name: String! """The type of the Product.""" type: ProductType! """The description of the Product.""" description: String! """The UI Page of the Product.""" ui: UIPage! """The variants of the Subscription Product.""" variants: [ProductVariant!]! """The payment plan name of the Subscription Product.""" paymentPlan: String! } """A Template.""" type Template { """The package name, that uniquely identifies the Template.""" packageName: String! """The human-readable name of the Template.""" name: String! """The description of the Template.""" description: String! """The icon of the Template.""" icon: TemplateMedia! """The preview image of the Template.""" previewImage: TemplateMedia! """The type of the Template.""" type: TemplateType! """The category of the Template.""" category: TemplateCategory! """The terms of service of the Template.""" termsOfService: TemplateFile """The extra fields defined on the Template.""" extraFields: [ExtraField!] """The render pipeline of the Template.""" renderPipeline: TemplateRenderPipeline! """The versions of the Template.""" versions: [TemplateVersion!]! """The build platform of the Template.""" buildPlatform: TemplateBuildPlatform! @deprecated(reason: "This field is deprecated. Please use 'buildPlatforms' instead.") """The build platforms of the Template.""" buildPlatforms: [TemplateBuildPlatform!]! """The list of Unity supported editor version for the Template.""" unitySupportedVersions: [String!]! @deprecated(reason: "This is no longer used. Please use the 'supportedUnityEditorVersions' field instead.") """The indicator for whether a Template is a new Template.""" isNew: Boolean! } """Possible types of a Template Build Platform.""" enum TemplateBuildPlatform { IOS ANDROID TVOS LINUX MACOS WEBGL WINDOWS LUMINOS } """Possible categories of a Template.""" enum TemplateCategory { BLANK XR AEC AUTOMOTIVE MNE GAME ART } """A Template Dependency.""" type TemplateDependency { """The name of the Template Dependency.""" name: String! """The package name of the Template Dependency.""" packageName: String! """The version of the Template Dependency.""" version: String! } """Possible types of Template Digital Unit.""" enum TemplateDigitalUnit { BYTE KILOBYTE MEGABYTE GIGABYTE } """A Digital Value as defined on Template Live Platform.""" type TemplateDigitalValue { """The value of the Digital Value.""" value: Float! """The unit of the Digital Value.""" unit: TemplateDigitalUnit! } """A File as defined on Template Live Platform.""" type TemplateFile { """The url of the File.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the File as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity! """The checksum of the File.""" checksum: String! @deprecated(reason: "This has been replaced by the field `integrity`. Please use that instead.") """The type of the File.""" type: FileType! } """A Media as defined on Template Live Platform.""" type TemplateMedia { """The URL of the Media.""" url: URL! """The type of the Media.""" type: TemplateMediaType! } """Possible types of TemplateMedia Type.""" enum TemplateMediaType { IMAGE VIDEO GIF } """A relay style offset paginated Template Connection.""" type TemplateOffsetConnection { """The list of offset paginated Template edges.""" edges: [TemplateOffsetEdge!]! """The total count of all available Template edges in the connection.""" totalCount: Int! """The page information for offset pagination.""" pageInfo: TemplateOffsetPageInfo! } """A relay style offset paginated Template Edge.""" type TemplateOffsetEdge { """A Template node.""" node: Template! } """The Template Offset Pagination Information related to a connection.""" type TemplateOffsetPageInfo { """The flag indicating if there is a next results page.""" hasNextPage: Boolean! """The flag indicating if there is a previous results page.""" hasPreviousPage: Boolean! } """Possible values of Template Order.""" enum TemplateOrder { NAME_ASC NAME_DESC WEIGHTED_DESC RELEASE_DATE_ASC RELEASE_DATE_DESC } """Possible render pipelines of a Template.""" enum TemplateRenderPipeline { URP SRP HDRP BUILT_IN } """Possible values of Template Type.""" enum TemplateType { LEARNING CORE SAMPLE } """A Template Version.""" type TemplateVersion { """The name of the Template Version.""" name: String! """The size of the Template Version.""" size( """The format of the Template Digital Value size.""" format: TemplateDigitalUnit! = BYTE ): TemplateDigitalValue! """The tarball of the Template Version.""" tarball: TemplateFile! """The field describing if the Template Version is the most up-to-date.""" isLatest: Boolean! """The unity editor target for the Template Version.""" unityEditorTarget: String! @deprecated(reason: "This should not be used. Please use the 'supportedUnityEditorVersions' field instead.") """The supported Unity Editor versions for the Template Version.""" supportedUnityEditorVersions: [String!]! """The list of dependencies for the Template Version.""" dependencies: [TemplateDependency!]! } """ The javascript `Date` as integer. Type represents date and time as number of milliseconds from start of UNIX epoch. """ scalar Timestamp """Possible types of Time Unit.""" enum TimeUnit { SECOND MINUTE HOUR DAY } """Possible values of Component Alignment.""" enum UIAlignment { LEFT RIGHT CENTER } """A UI body.""" type UIBody { """The elements of the UI body.""" elements: [UIElement!]! } """A UI Component call to action.""" type UICallToAction implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The action type of the Call to Action component.""" actionType: UICallToActionType! """The target of the Call to Action component.""" target: String! """The label of the Call to Action component.""" label: String! } """Possible values of Call to Action type.""" enum UICallToActionType { BUTTON LINK } """A UI Common Component.""" interface UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! } """A UI Component.""" union UIComponent = UITitle | UISubTitle | UIParagraph | UITable | UICallToAction | UIImage | UIVideo | UITextBlock """A set of UI Components.""" type UIComponents { """A UI Component pricing table response.""" pricingTable( """ The name of the pricing table template to render. If not specified, the default template (if it exists) is rendered. """ name: String ): UITableResponse } """Possible values of Component type.""" enum UIComponentType { TITLE SUBTITLE PARAGRAPH TABLE CALL_TO_ACTION IMAGE VIDEO TEXT_BLOCK } """A UI Element.""" union UIElement = UIRow | UIHeroBanner """Possible values of UI Element type.""" enum UIElementType { HERO_BANNER ONE_COLUMN TWO_COLUMN THREE_COLUMN } """A UI Hero Banner.""" type UIHeroBanner { """The element type of the UI Hero Banner.""" type: UIElementType """The Title of the UI Hero Banner.""" title: UITitle! """The paragraph of the UI Hero Banner.""" paragraph: UIParagraph! """The background image of the UI Hero Banner.""" backgroundImage: UIImage! """The Call to Action of the UI Hero Banner.""" callToAction: UICallToAction! } """A UI Component image.""" type UIImage implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The url of the Image component.""" url: URL! } """A UI Page metadata.""" type UIMetadata { """The title of the UI Page metadata.""" title: String! """UI Component pricing table template names for the associated slug.""" pricingTableTemplateNames: [String!]! } """A UI Page.""" type UIPage { """The metadata of the UI Page.""" metadata: UIMetadata """The body of the UI Page.""" body: UIBody """The UI Components.""" components: UIComponents } """A UI Component paragraph.""" type UIParagraph implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The text content of the Paragraph component.""" text: String! } """A UI Row.""" type UIRow { """The element type of the UI Row.""" type: UIElementType """The components of the UI Row.""" components: [UIComponent!]! } """A UI Component sub title.""" type UISubTitle implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The text content of the SubTitle component.""" text: String! } """A UI Component table.""" type UITable implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the Table component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The title of the Table component.""" title: UITitle """The headers of the Table component.""" headers: [String!]! """The rows of the Table component.""" rows: [UITableRow!]! } """A UI Table Response.""" union UITableResponse = UITable | ServerError """A UI Table Component row.""" type UITableRow { """The columns of the Table Row component.""" columns: [String!]! } """A UI Component text block.""" type UITextBlock implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The title of the Text Block component.""" title: UITitle! """The paragraph of the Text Block component.""" paragraph: UIParagraph! """The optional call to action of the Text Block component.""" callToAction: UICallToAction } """A UI Component title.""" type UITitle implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The text content of the Title component.""" text: String! } """A UI Component video.""" type UIVideo implements UICommonComponent { """The type of the component.""" type: UIComponentType! """The alignment of the component.""" alignment: UIAlignment! """The url of the Video component.""" url: URL! """The preview image of the Video component.""" previewImage: UIImage! } """A Pay per Unit pricing for Product.""" type UnitVariant { """The id of the Unit Variant.""" id: ID! """The name of the Unit Variant.""" name: String! """The price of the Unit Variant.""" price: Price! """The unit of the Unit Variant.""" unit: String! """The boundary values of the Unit Variant if they exist.""" boundary: Boundary } """A Unity Release.""" type UnityRelease { """The version of the Unity Release.""" version: ID! """The release date of the Unity Release.""" releaseDate: DateTime! """The release notes of the Unity Release.""" releaseNotes: UnityReleaseNotes! """The release stream of the Unity Release.""" stream: UnityReleaseStream! """The downloads of the Unity Release.""" downloads: [UnityReleaseDownload!]! """The SKU family of the Unity Release.""" skuFamily: UnityReleaseSkuFamily! """ The indicator for whether the Unity Release is the recommended LTS version. """ recommended: Boolean! """The Unity Hub deep link of the Unity Release.""" unityHubDeepLink: URL! """The Git Short Revision of the Unity Release.""" shortRevision: String! """The Third Party Notices of the Unity Release.""" thirdPartyNotices: [UnityReleaseThirdPartyNotice!]! } """A Unity Release download.""" union UnityReleaseDownload = UnityReleaseHubDownload """Possible architectures of Unity Release download.""" enum UnityReleaseDownloadArchitecture { X86_64 ARM64 } """Possible platforms of Unity Release download.""" enum UnityReleaseDownloadPlatform { MAC_OS LINUX WINDOWS } """A File as defined on Release Live Platform.""" interface UnityReleaseFile { """The URL of the File.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the File as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The type of the File.""" type: FileType! } """A Unity Release Hub download.""" type UnityReleaseHubDownload implements UnityReleaseFile { """The URL of the Unity Release Hub download.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the Unity Release Hub download as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The file type of the Unity Release Hub download.""" type: FileType! """The platform of the Unity Release Hub download.""" platform: UnityReleaseDownloadPlatform! """The architecture of the Unity Release Hub download.""" architecture: UnityReleaseDownloadArchitecture! """The modules of the Unity Release Hub download.""" modules: [UnityReleaseModule!]! """The download size of the Unity Release Hub download.""" downloadSize( """The format of the Release Digital Value size.""" format: ReleaseDigitalUnit! = BYTE ): ReleaseDigitalValue! """The installed size of the Unity Release Hub download.""" installedSize( """The format of the Release Digital Value size.""" format: ReleaseDigitalUnit! = BYTE ): ReleaseDigitalValue! } """A Unity Release Major Version.""" type UnityReleaseMajorVersion { """The version of the Unity Release Major Version.""" version: String! """The latest Unity Release of the Unity Release Major Version.""" latestUnityRelease: UnityRelease! } """A Unity Release module.""" type UnityReleaseModule implements UnityReleaseFile { """The URL of the Unity Release module.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the Unity Release module as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The file type of the Unity Release module.""" type: FileType! """The ID of the Unity Release module.""" id: ID! """ The slug of the Unity Release module. This is unique across all Unity Release Modules. """ slug: ID! """The name of the Unity Release module.""" name: String! """The description of the Unity Release module.""" description: String! """The category of the Unity Release module.""" category: UnityReleaseModuleCategory! """ The optional sub-modules of the Unity Release module. The parent must be downloaded to download a sub-module. """ subModules: [UnityReleaseModule!] """ The indicator for whether the Unity Release module needs to be downloaded if the parent is downloaded. """ required: Boolean! """ The indicator for whether the Unity Release module needs to be hidden when displaying modules in a UI. """ hidden: Boolean! """ The location to move a Unity Release Module when extracted or unzipped. """ extractedPathRename: UnityReleaseModuleExtractedPathRename """ The indicator for whether the Unity Release module should be pre-selected. """ preSelected: Boolean! """The file destination of the Unity Release module.""" destination: String """The end-user license agreements of the Unity Release module.""" eula: [UnityReleaseModuleEula!] """The download size of the Unity Release module.""" downloadSize( """The format of the Release Digital Value size.""" format: ReleaseDigitalUnit! = BYTE ): ReleaseDigitalValue! """The installed size of the Unity Release module.""" installedSize( """The format of the Release Digital Value size.""" format: ReleaseDigitalUnit! = BYTE ): ReleaseDigitalValue! } """Possible categories of Unity Release module.""" enum UnityReleaseModuleCategory { DOCUMENTATION PLATFORM LANGUAGE_PACK DEV_TOOL PLUGIN COMPONENT } """A Unity Release module end-user license agreement.""" type UnityReleaseModuleEula implements UnityReleaseFile { """The URL of the Unity Release module end-user license agreement.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the Unity Release module end-user license agreement as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The file type of the Unity Release module end-user license agreement.""" type: FileType! """The label of the Unity Release module end-user license agreement.""" label: String! """The message of the Unity Release module end-user license agreement.""" message: String! } """A Unity Release Module Extracted Path Rename.""" type UnityReleaseModuleExtractedPathRename { """The location of the module when extracted.""" from: String! """The location the module must be moved to.""" to: String! } """A Unity Release Notes File as defined on Release Live Platform.""" type UnityReleaseNotes implements UnityReleaseFile { """The URL of the Unity Release notes.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the Unity Release notes as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The file type of the Unity Release notes.""" type: FileType! } """A relay style offset paginated Unity Release Connection.""" type UnityReleaseOffsetConnection { """The list of offset paginated Unity Release edges.""" edges: [UnityReleaseOffsetEdge!]! """ The total count of all available Unity Release edges in the connection. """ totalCount: Int! """The page information for offset pagination.""" pageInfo: UnityReleaseOffsetPageInfo! } """A relay style offset paginated Unity Release Edge.""" type UnityReleaseOffsetEdge { """An Unity Release node.""" node: UnityRelease! } """ The UnityRelease Offset Pagination Information related to a connection. """ type UnityReleaseOffsetPageInfo { """The flag indicating if there is a next results page.""" hasNextPage: Boolean! """The flag indicating if there is a previous results page.""" hasPreviousPage: Boolean! } """Possible values of Unity Release Order.""" enum UnityReleaseOrder { RELEASE_DATE_ASC RELEASE_DATE_DESC } """Possible SKU families of Unity Release.""" enum UnityReleaseSkuFamily { DOTS CLASSIC } """Possible release streams of Unity Release.""" enum UnityReleaseStream { LTS BETA ALPHA TECH } """ A Unity Release Third Party Notice File as defined on Release Live Platform. """ type UnityReleaseThirdPartyNotice implements UnityReleaseFile { """The URL of the Unity Release Third Party Notice.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the Unity Release Third Party Notice as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The file type of the Unity Release Third Party Notice.""" type: FileType! """The original file name of the Unity Release Third Party Notice.""" originalFileName: String! } """ A field whose value conforms to the standard URL format as specified in RFC3986: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt. """ scalar URL """An authenticated User.""" type User { """The unique UnityId of the User.""" unityId: ID! """The preferred language code of the User.""" language: String! """The full name of the User.""" fullName: String! """The username of the User.""" username: String! """The email address of the User.""" email: EmailAddress! """The date and time the user’s account was created.""" createdTime: DateTime! """ The flag for a new user. It's set to `true` if the user has been created in the last 24 hours. """ isNew: Boolean! """The Unity Editor license entitled to the User.""" license: License! """ The URL to the Unity Connect avatar of the User. A fallback image is returned if no user avatar is available. """ avatar: UserMedia! """The list of the organizations for the User.""" organizations( """The role of the user in the Organization.""" roles: [OrganizationRole!] = [] ): [Organization!]! """ Gets the user's list of recommended learn content from the Unity Learn catalog. """ recommendedLearnEntities( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 ): LearnEntityOffsetConnection! """ Gets the user's list of in-progress learn content from the Unity Learn catalog. """ activeLearnEntities( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 ): LearnEntityOffsetConnection! """ Gets the user's list of completed learn content from the Unity Learn catalog. """ completedLearnEntities( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 ): LearnEntityOffsetConnection! """ Gets the user's list of bookmarked learn content from the Unity Learn catalog. """ bookmarkedLearnEntities( """Limits the number of results returned per page (min 1, max 25).""" limit: Int! = 10 """Skips the first n elements from the results.""" skip: Int! = 0 ): LearnEntityOffsetConnection! } """A Media as defined on User Live Platform.""" type UserMedia { """The URL of the Media.""" url: URL! """The type of the Media.""" type: UserMediaType! } """Possible types of UserMedia Type.""" enum UserMediaType { IMAGE VIDEO GIF } """A Weta Release.""" type WetaRelease { """The version of the Weta Release.""" version: ID! """The release date of the Weta Release.""" releaseDate: DateTime! """The release notes of the Weta Release.""" releaseNotes: WetaReleaseNotes! """The installer download URL of the Weta Release.""" installer: URL! """The product name of the Weta Release.""" productName: WetaReleaseProductName! } """A File as defined on Release Live Platform.""" interface WetaReleaseFile { """The URL of the File.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the File as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The type of the File.""" type: FileType! } """A Weta Release Notes File as defined on Release Live Platform.""" type WetaReleaseNotes implements WetaReleaseFile { """The URL of the Weta Release notes.""" url: URL! """ The Subresource Integrity of the Weta Release notes as defined by the [W3C Recommendation Subresource Integrity](https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/). For example, `sha1-OTVjZTI0ZTk5MDg0YTMyYTBmZTdiNTU1NTMwZGRhYjQ3OWMzYzc1MQo=`. """ integrity: SubresourceIntegrity """The file type of the Weta Release notes.""" type: FileType! } """A relay style offset paginated Weta Release Connection.""" type WetaReleaseOffsetConnection { """The list of offset paginated Weta Release edges.""" edges: [WetaReleaseOffsetEdge!]! """The total count of all available Weta Release edges in the connection.""" totalCount: Int! """The page information for offset pagination.""" pageInfo: WetaReleaseOffsetPageInfo! } """A relay style offset paginated Weta Release Edge.""" type WetaReleaseOffsetEdge { """A Weta Release node.""" node: WetaRelease! } """The WetaRelease Offset Pagination Information related to a connection.""" type WetaReleaseOffsetPageInfo { """The flag indicating if there is a next results page.""" hasNextPage: Boolean! """The flag indicating if there is a previous results page.""" hasPreviousPage: Boolean! } """Possible values of Weta Release Order.""" enum WetaReleaseOrder { RELEASE_DATE_ASC RELEASE_DATE_DESC } """Possible product names of Weta Release.""" enum WetaReleaseProductName { EDDY DEEP_COMPOSITING WIG SPEEDTREE SPEEDTREE_GAMES SPEEDTREE_CINEMA ZIVA_VFX ZIVA_RT ZIVA_FACE_TRAINER }