# uwu A uwu implementation inspired by [Daniel Liu's uwu](https://github.com/Daniel-Liu-c0deb0t/uwu) that runs on all machines and on the web. This repository is divided into the following crates: * [uwu-rs](https://crates.io/crates/uwu-rs) - the library * [uwu_cli](https://github.com/SandroHc/uwu/tree/master/crates/uwu_cli) - the CLI tool * [uwu_wasm](https://npmjs.com/package/uwu-rs) - the WebAssembly/WASM bundle for the web * [www](https://uwu.sandro.dev) - the web version ## Quick start ### For Rust projects Add the uwu library to your project with: ```shell cargo add uwu-rs ``` Then use it: ```rust let uwuified = uwu_rs::Uwu::new().uwuify("Hello world!"); ``` ### For JavaScript projects Add the uwu library to your project with: ```shell npm install uwu-rs ``` Then use as follows in your code: ```javascript import init, {uwuify} from 'uwu-rs'; init().then(() => { console.log(uwuify('I have been uwuified!')); }); ``` ### For the CLI Install the executable with: ```shell cargo install uwu_cli ``` Then use it: ```shell # directly from the arguments uwu Hello world! # from a file uwu --file uwu.txt # from stdin uwu <