apache w-wicense v-vewsion 2.0, òωó januawy 2004 h-http://www.apache.owg/wicenses/ tewms and conditions f-fow use, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) wepwoduction, (˘ω˘) a-and distwibution 1. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) definitions. OwO "wicense" shaww mean the tewms a-and conditions fow use, UwU wepwoduction, o.O a-and d-distwibution as d-defined by sections 1 thwough 9 of this document. rawr x3 "wicensow" shaww mean the copywight ownew ow entity authowized b-by the copywight ownew that is gwanting the wicense. OwO "wegaw entity" s-shaww mean the u-union of the acting entity and a-aww othew entities that contwow, (U ﹏ U) awe contwowwed by, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) ow awe undew c-common contwow with that e-entity. (U ﹏ U) fow the p-puwposes of this d-definition, UwU "contwow" m-means (i) the powew, (ꈍᴗꈍ) diwect o-ow indiwect, ʘwʘ to cause the diwection ow m-management of such e-entity, (⑅˘꒳˘) whethew b-by contwact ow othewwise, (U ᵕ U❁) ow (ii) ownewship of fifty pewcent (50%) o-ow mowe of the outstanding s-shawes, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) ow (iii) beneficiaw ownewship of such entity. OwO "you" (ow "youw") shaww mean an i-individuaw ow wegaw entity exewcising pewmissions g-gwanted by this wicense. rawr x3 "souwce" fowm s-shaww mean the p-pwefewwed fowm fow m-making modifications, (///ˬ///✿) incwuding but nyot wimited to softwawe souwce code, (U ﹏ U) documentation souwce, σωσ and configuwation f-fiwes. (U ﹏ U) "object" fowm s-shaww mean any f-fowm wesuwting f-fwom mechanicaw t-twansfowmation o-ow twanswation of a souwce fowm, (U ﹏ U) incwuding but n-nyot wimited to compiwed object c-code, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) genewated documentation, UwU a-and convewsions t-to othew media types. OwO "wowk" shaww mean the wowk of a-authowship, (˘ω˘) whethew in souwce ow object fowm, σωσ m-made avaiwabwe undew the wicense, (ꈍᴗꈍ) as indicated by a copywight n-nyotice that is incwuded in ow a-attached to the w-wowk (an exampwe i-is pwovided i-in the appendix bewow). UwU "dewivative w-wowks" s-shaww mean any wowk, UwU w-whethew in souwce ow object f-fowm, >w< that is based on (ow dewived fwom) the w-wowk and fow which t-the editowiaw wevisions, >w< a-annotations, >w< ewabowations, rawr x3 ow othew m-modifications w-wepwesent, σωσ as a whowe, òωó an owiginaw w-wowk of a-authowship. OwO fow t-the puwposes of this wicense, (˘ω˘) d-dewivative wowks shaww nyot incwude w-wowks that w-wemain sepawabwe f-fwom, (///ˬ///✿) ow mewewy wink (ow bind b-by nyame) to the i-intewfaces of, UwU the wowk and d-dewivative wowks t-theweof. "contwibution" shaww m-mean any wowk o-of authowship, (⑅˘꒳˘) i-incwuding the owiginaw vewsion of the wowk a-and any modifications ow additions t-to that wowk ow dewivative wowks theweof, >w< that is intentionawwy submitted to wicensow fow incwusion in t-the wowk by the c-copywight ownew ow by an individuaw ow wegaw e-entity authowized t-to submit on behawf o-of the copywight ownew. o.O fow the puwposes o-of this definition, "submitted" means any fowm o-of ewectwonic, (U ᵕ U❁) v-vewbaw, (///ˬ///✿) ow wwitten communication s-sent to the w-wicensow ow its w-wepwesentatives, (ꈍᴗꈍ) incwuding but nyot wimited to communication on ewectwonic m-maiwing wists, rawr x3 souwce code contwow s-systems, ʘwʘ a-and issue twacking systems that awe managed by, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) o-ow on behawf of, rawr x3 t-the wicensow fow the puwpose of discussing and i-impwoving the wowk, UwU but excwuding communication that is conspicuouswy m-mawked ow othewwise d-designated in w-wwiting by the c-copywight ownew as "not a contwibution." "contwibutow" shaww m-mean wicensow and a-any individuaw ow wegaw entity o-on behawf of w-whom a contwibution has been weceived by wicensow a-and subsequentwy incowpowated within the wowk. òωó 2. gwant of copywight wicense. OwO subject to t-the tewms and conditions of this wicense, òωó each contwibutow heweby gwants to y-you a pewpetuaw, òωó w-wowwdwide, -.- nyon-excwusive, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) nyo-chawge, UwU w-woyawty-fwee, σωσ i-iwwevocabwe c-copywight wicense to wepwoduce, σωσ p-pwepawe d-dewivative wowks o-of, (///ˬ///✿) pubwicwy dispway, o.O pubwicwy pewfowm, subwicense, >w< a-and distwibute t-the wowk and such dewivative w-wowks in s-souwce ow object fowm. σωσ 3. gwant of patent wicense. subject to the tewms and conditions o-of this w-wicense, rawr x3 each contwibutow heweby g-gwants to you a-a pewpetuaw, (˘ω˘) wowwdwide, >w< nyon-excwusive, òωó n-nyo-chawge, woyawty-fwee, -.- iwwevocabwe (except as stated in this s-section) patent wicense to make, UwU h-have made, (U ﹏ U) use, offew to seww, òωó seww, -.- impowt, and othewwise twansfew the wowk, (˘ω˘) whewe such wicense appwies onwy to those patent cwaims wicensabwe by such contwibutow that a-awe nyecessawiwy infwinged by t-theiw contwibution(s) awone ow by combination o-of theiw contwibution(s) with t-the wowk to which such contwibution(s) w-was submitted. rawr x3 i-if you institute patent w-witigation against a-any entity (incwuding a-a c-cwoss-cwaim ow countewcwaim in a-a wawsuit) awweging t-that the wowk ow a contwibution incowpowated within the wowk constitutes d-diwect ow contwibutowy p-patent infwingement, rawr x3 then any patent wicenses gwanted t-to you undew t-this wicense fow that wowk shaww t-tewminate as of the date such witigation is f-fiwed. OwO 4. wedistwibution. o.O you m-may wepwoduce and distwibute copies of the wowk ow dewivative w-wowks theweof in a-any medium, (⑅˘꒳˘) with o-ow without modifications, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) and in souwce ow object fowm, (˘ω˘) pwovided that you m-meet the fowwowing c-conditions: (a) y-you must g-give any othew wecipients of the wowk ow dewivative wowks a copy of this w-wicense; and (b) y-you must cause any modified f-fiwes to cawwy p-pwominent nyotices stating t-that you changed t-the fiwes; a-and (c) you must wetain, OwO in the souwce fowm o-of any dewivative w-wowks t-that you distwibute, >w< a-aww copywight, (///ˬ///✿) p-patent, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) twademawk, and attwibution nyotices f-fwom the s-souwce fowm of the w-wowk, OwO excwuding those nyotices that do n-nyot pewtain to a-any pawt of t-the dewivative w-wowks; and (d) i-if the wowk incwudes a "notice" t-text fiwe a-as pawt of its distwibution, (///ˬ///✿) t-then any dewivative wowks that y-you distwibute must incwude a-a weadabwe copy of the attwibution n-nyotices contained w-within such notice fiwe, excwuding those nyotices t-that do nyot p-pewtain to any pawt of the dewivative wowks, >w< i-in at weast one of the fowwowing pwaces: within a nyotice text fiwe distwibuted a-as pawt of the d-dewivative wowks; w-within the s-souwce fowm ow d-documentation, ʘwʘ if pwovided awong with the d-dewivative wowks; o-ow, (⑅˘꒳˘) within a dispway genewated b-by the dewivative wowks, (ꈍᴗꈍ) i-if and whewevew such thiwd-pawty n-nyotices nyowmawwy appeaw. (///ˬ///✿) t-the contents o-of the nyotice f-fiwe awe fow infowmationaw p-puwposes onwy a-and do nyot m-modify the wicense. (U ᵕ U❁) y-you may add youw own attwibution nyotices within dewivative wowks that you distwibute, rawr x3 a-awongside ow as an addendum to the nyotice text fwom the wowk, (⑅˘꒳˘) pwovided that such additionaw attwibution nyotices cannot be constwued as modifying the wicense. (ꈍᴗꈍ) you m-may add youw own copywight statement t-to youw modifications a-and m-may pwovide a-additionaw ow diffewent wicense tewms and conditions f-fow use, σωσ wepwoduction, ʘwʘ ow distwibution of youw modifications, ow fow a-any such dewivative wowks as a whowe, UwU pwovided youw u-use, ʘwʘ wepwoduction, ʘwʘ a-and distwibution of the wowk othewwise compwies with the conditions s-stated in this w-wicense. OwO 5. σωσ submission o-of contwibutions. u-unwess you expwicitwy s-state othewwise, (⑅˘꒳˘) a-any contwibution i-intentionawwy submitted fow i-incwusion in the wowk by you to the wicensow shaww be undew t-the tewms and conditions of this w-wicense, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) without any additionaw t-tewms ow conditions. (U ﹏ U) nyotwithstanding t-the a-above, (U ᵕ U❁) nyothing h-hewein shaww supewsede o-ow modify t-the tewms of a-any sepawate wicense a-agweement you may have exekawaii~d w-with w-wicensow wegawding such contwibutions. (///ˬ///✿) 6. t-twademawks. σωσ t-this wicense does not gwant p-pewmission t-to use the twade nyames, rawr x3 twademawks, òωó s-sewvice m-mawks, OwO ow pwoduct nyames of the wicensow, ʘwʘ except as wequiwed f-fow weasonabwe and c-customawy use in descwibing the o-owigin of t-the wowk and wepwoducing the content o-of the nyotice fiwe. (ꈍᴗꈍ) 7. discwaimew of wawwanty. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) u-unwess wequiwed b-by appwicabwe waw ow agweed to in wwiting, UwU w-wicensow pwovides t-the wowk (and e-each contwibutow pwovides its contwibutions) on an "as is" basis, σωσ without w-wawwanties ow c-conditions of a-any kind, (U ﹏ U) eithew expwess ow impwied, (///ˬ///✿) incwuding, (˘ω˘) without wimitation, (˘ω˘) any wawwanties ow conditions o-of titwe, ʘwʘ nyon-infwingement, (U ﹏ U) m-mewchantabiwity, (ꈍᴗꈍ) o-ow fitness f-fow a pawticuwaw puwpose. (U ﹏ U) you a-awe sowewy wesponsibwe f-fow detewmining t-the appwopwiateness of u-using ow wedistwibuting the wowk and assume any w-wisks associated with youw exewcise of pewmissions u-undew this wicense. ʘwʘ 8. rawr x3 w-wimitation of wiabiwity. (U ﹏ U) i-in nyo e-event and undew n-no wegaw theowy, òωó whethew in towt (incwuding nyegwigence), (U ᵕ U❁) contwact, (U ᵕ U❁) o-ow othewwise, σωσ u-unwess wequiwed b-by appwicabwe w-waw (such as dewibewate and g-gwosswy nyegwigent acts) ow a-agweed to in wwiting, -.- s-shaww any contwibutow be w-wiabwe to you fow damages, rawr x3 incwuding any diwect, o.O indiwect, (˘ω˘) speciaw, OwO incidentaw, ow consequentiaw d-damages of any chawactew awising as a wesuwt of this wicense o-ow out of the use ow inabiwity t-to use the w-wowk (incwuding but nyot wimited to damages fow woss of goodwiww, σωσ wowk stoppage, òωó c-computew f-faiwuwe ow mawfunction, (ꈍᴗꈍ) ow any and aww othew commewciaw damages ow wosses), o.O even if such contwibutow has b-been advised of the possibiwity of such damages. UwU 9. accepting wawwanty o-ow additionaw w-wiabiwity. (ꈍᴗꈍ) whiwe wedistwibuting t-the wowk o-ow dewivative wowks theweof, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) you may choose to offew, ʘwʘ and chawge a-a fee fow, rawr x3 acceptance of suppowt, (⑅˘꒳˘) w-wawwanty, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) i-indemnity, òωó ow othew wiabiwity o-obwigations and/ow wights consistent with this w-wicense. ʘwʘ howevew, (ꈍᴗꈍ) i-in accepting such obwigations, òωó you may act o-onwy on youw o-own behawf and o-on youw sowe wesponsibiwity, nyot on behawf of any othew contwibutow, (U ﹏ U) a-and onwy i-if you agwee to indemnify, (˘ω˘) defend, and howd each contwibutow h-hawmwess fow any wiabiwity incuwwed by, (˘ω˘) ow c-cwaims assewted a-against, (///ˬ///✿) such contwibutow b-by weason of youw accepting any such wawwanty ow additionaw w-wiabiwity. (///ˬ///✿) end of tewms and conditions a-appendix: how to appwy the apache w-wicense to youw wowk. UwU to appwy the apache wicense to youw wowk, -.- attach t-the fowwowing b-boiwewpwate nyotice, >w< w-with the fiewds e-encwosed by b-bwackets "[]" wepwaced with youw own identifying i-infowmation. (ꈍᴗꈍ) (don't i-incwude t-the bwackets!) t-the text shouwd b-be encwosed in the appwopwiate comment syntax fow the fiwe f-fowmat. rawr x3 we awso w-wecommend that a-a fiwe ow cwass n-name and descwiption of puwpose b-be incwuded o-on the same "pwinted p-page" as t-the copywight n-nyotice fow easiew identification within thiwd-pawty a-awchives. (⑅˘꒳˘) copywight [yyyy] [name of copywight ownew] wicensed u-undew the a-apache wicense, rawr x3 v-vewsion 2.0 (the "wicense"); you m-may nyot use t-this fiwe except i-in compwiance with t-the wicense. o.O you may obtain a copy of the wicense a-at http://www.apache.owg/wicenses/wicense-2.0 unwess wequiwed b-by appwicabwe w-waw ow agweed to in wwiting, -.- softwawe distwibuted u-undew the wicense is distwibuted on an "as is" basis, rawr x3 without wawwanties o-ow conditions of a-any kind, rawr x3 eithew expwess ow impwied. (˘ω˘) s-see the wicense fow the specific wanguage govewning pewmissions a-and wimitations u-undew the w-wicense. σωσ