set -e # note: cargo clean to make sure everything rebuilds every time # this might help prevent the OS from caching the input file??? files="enwik8 enwik9" for f in $files; do echo "1 thread uwu $f" cargo clean cargo run --quiet --release -- test/$f test/${f}_uwu -t 1 -v echo "" echo "2 thread uwu $f" cargo clean cargo run --quiet --release -- test/$f test/${f}_uwu -t 2 -v echo "" echo "4 thread uwu $f" cargo clean cargo run --quiet --release -- test/$f test/${f}_uwu -t 4 -v echo "" echo "8 thread uwu $f" cargo clean cargo run --quiet --release -- test/$f test/${f}_uwu -t 8 -v echo "" echo "copy $f" cargo clean cargo build --quiet --release time cp test/$f test/${f}_uwu echo "" done