#![recursion_limit = "1024"] // quote :D
// https://imgur.com/zAQHVPh.png
extern crate procedural_masquerade;
extern crate proc_macro;
// FIXME: Switch to syn. This can wait for macros2.0.
extern crate syntex;
extern crate syntex_syntax;
extern crate quote;
extern crate rustfmt;
mod parse;
mod table;
mod output;
define_proc_macros! {
pub fn __v11_internal_table(macro_args: &str) -> String {
use syntex_syntax::parse::{ParseSess, new_parser_from_source_str};
let macro_args = macro_args.to_owned();
let sess = ParseSess::new();
let mut parser = new_parser_from_source_str(&sess, "
".to_owned(), macro_args);
let mut table = match ::parse::parse_table(&mut parser) {
Err(msg) => {
let mut diagnostic = msg.into_diagnostic();
panic!("{}", diagnostic.message());
Ok(t) => t,
if let Some(err) = table.validate() {
return String::new();
use std::env::var as env;
let output_path = env("V11_MACRO_DUMP_DIR").ok().unwrap_or_else(|| {
// FIXME: There doesn't seem to be a proper way of doing this.
// We really want 'release' vs 'target', but that seems inaccessible
// without egregious hacks.
let output_path = ::std::path::Path::new(&output_path);
let dump = match env("V11_MACRO_DUMP").as_ref().map(String::as_str) {
Ok("*") => true,
Ok("0") | Ok("") => false,
Ok(n) => n == table.name,
_ => false,
let mut ret = Vec::new();
::output::write_out(table, &mut ret).unwrap();
let ret = String::from_utf8(ret).unwrap();
if dump {
// FIXME: Freak out if output file already exists & is newer than process.
// formatting
let formatted = {
use rustfmt::*;
let mut formatted = Vec::new();
let (_, mut filemap, _) = format_input(
Some(&mut formatted),
let out = filemap.pop().unwrap();
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
fs::create_dir_all(output_path.parent().expect("no parent")).ok();
let mut out = fs::File::create(output_path).expect("unable to create dump file");
out.write(formatted.as_bytes()).expect("dump failed");
format!("include!({:?});", output_path)
} else {
use std::fmt::Display;
fn warn(msg: S) {
println!("{}", msg);
for line in msg.as_ref().split("\n") {
println!("cargo:warning={}", line);
fn error(msg: S) {