use std::io::Write; use quote::{Ident, Tokens}; use syntex_syntax::print::pprust as pp; use super::table::Table; /// Convert a string into a quote `Ident`. fn i>(s: S) -> Ident { Ident::new(s.as_ref()) } /// Convert a `Vec` of strings into a vec of quote `Ident`s. fn str2i(v: &Vec) -> Vec { v.iter().map(i).collect() } /// Possibly change `q` into an empty set of `Tokens`. fn quote_if(b: bool, q: Tokens) -> Tokens { if b { q } else { quote! {} } } #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub fn write_out(table: Table, mut out: W) -> ::std::io::Result<()> { /// Writes out one or zero of the branches. macro_rules! out { () => { { } }; ($cond:expr => [$label:expr] { $($q:tt)* }; $($rest:tt)*) => { if $cond { out!(@quote $label; $($q)*); } else { out!($($rest)*); } }; (let $pat:pat = $expr:expr => [$label:expr] { $($q:tt)* }; $($rest:tt)*) => { if let $pat = $expr { out!(@quote $label; $($q)*); } else { out!($($rest)*); } }; ({ $($q:tt)* }) => { out!(@quote ""; $($q)*); }; ([$label:expr] { $($q:tt)* }) => { out!(@quote $label; $($q)*); }; ([$label:expr] { $($q:tt)* };) => { out!(@quote $label; $($q)*); }; (@quote $label:expr; $($q:tt)*) => { let args = quote! { $($q)* }; let buff = if $label.is_empty() { format!("{}\n", args) } else { format!("\n// {}\n{}\n\n", $label, args) }; // Fix docs. let buff = buff.replace("#TABLE_NAME", &; // It's very sweet that we don't have to pass this into the macro! // A benefit of defining the macro within the function. out.write(buff.as_bytes())?; } } // Info. It can get pretty long! writeln!(out, "// Table config:")?; for line in format!("{:#?}", table).split('\n') { writeln!(out, "// {}", line)?; } // "name": ["element"; "col_type"], use ::table::Col; let COL_NAME_STR: &Vec<_> = &table.cols.iter().map(|x| pp::ident_to_string(; let COL_ELEMENT_STR: &Vec<_> = &table.cols.iter().map(|x| pp::ty_to_string(&*x.element)).collect(); let COL_TYPE_STR: &Vec<_> = &table.cols.iter() .map(|x| { let ct = pp::ty_to_string(&*x.colty); if x.indexed { // FIXME: More index types format!("Col, Row>", ct) } else { format!("Col<{}, Row>", ct) } }).collect(); let COL_ATTR: &Vec = &table.cols.iter().map(|x: &Col| -> String { x.attrs.iter().map(pp::attr_to_string).map(|x| format!("{}\n", x)).collect() }).map(i).collect(); // name: [element; col_type], let COL_NAME: &Vec<_> = &str2i(COL_NAME_STR); let COL_ELEMENT: &Vec<_> = &str2i(COL_ELEMENT_STR); let COL_TYPE: &Vec<_> = &str2i(COL_TYPE_STR); let COL0 = &COL_NAME[0]; //let COL_COUNT: usize = table.cols.len(); let COL_FORMAT: &Vec = &table.cols.iter().map(|x| { // table.column: [element; column] format!("{}.{}: [{}; {}]",,, pp::ty_to_string(&*x.element), pp::ty_to_string(&*x.colty)) }).collect(); // Work around for things like #(#COL_NAME: row.#COL_NAME)* triggering a weird bug in `quote!`. let COL_NAME2 = COL_NAME; let COL_NAME3 = COL_NAME; let COL_NAME4 = COL_NAME; let COL_TYPE2 = COL_TYPE; let TABLE_NAME_STR =; #[allow(unused)] let TABLE_VERSION = table.version; let TABLE_DOMAIN = i(table.domain.clone()); let TABLE_DOMAIN_STR = &table.domain; let GUARANTEES = { let CONSISTENT = table.consistent; let SORTED = table.sorted; let APPEND_ONLY = table.kind == Some(::table::TableKind::Append); quote! { Guarantee { consistent: #CONSISTENT, sorted: #SORTED, append_only: #APPEND_ONLY, } } }; //: bool = table.sort_key.is_some(); out! { ["Imports"] { // These imports are messy. It's complex because some of them are imported in multiple // ways. However, nobody cares. // #[allow(unused_imports)] use v11; use self::v11::Universe; use self::v11::domain::DomainName; use self::v11::intern::{self, BiRef, GenerativeIter}; use self::v11::tables::*; use self::v11::columns::*; use self::v11::index::{CheckedIter, Checkable}; // This is a reasonable convenience for the user. use self::v11::storage::*; use self::v11::joincore::*; use self::v11::map_index::BTreeIndex; use self::v11::Action; use self::v11::tracking::{Tracker, GetParam, Select, SelectOwned, SelectRows, SelectAny, Flush}; use self::v11::event::Event; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::borrow::Cow; use super::*; }} out! { ["Header info"] { pub const TABLE_NAME: TableName = TableName(#TABLE_NAME_STR); pub const TABLE_DOMAIN: DomainName = super::#TABLE_DOMAIN; pub const VERSION: u32 = #TABLE_VERSION; pub const GUARANTEES: Guarantee = #GUARANTEES; #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] mod column_format { #(pub const #COL_NAME: &'static str = #COL_FORMAT;)* } }} let ROW_ID_TYPE = i(&table.row_id); out! { ["Indexing"] { /// The internal index type, which also limits the maximum number of rows. pub type RawType = #ROW_ID_TYPE; /// This is the type used to index into `#TABLE_NAME`'s columns. /// It is unique to the table. pub type RowId = GenericRowId; /// An index that is known to be valid for the lifetime of a read lock. pub type CheckIdRead<'u> = CheckedRowId<'u, Read<'u>>; /// An index that is known to be valid for the lifetime of a write lock. pub type CheckIdWrite<'u> = CheckedRowId<'u, Write<'u>>; /// This trait assists in converting between `RowId`, `CheckIdRead`, and `CheckIdWrite`. /// /// # Usage /// /// ```no_compile /// fn my_table_method(table: &my_table::Write, mine: C) { /// let mine = mine.check(table); /// // ... /// } /// ``` pub trait CheckId: Checkable {} impl CheckId for RowId {} impl<'u> CheckId for CheckIdRead<'u> {} impl<'u> CheckId for CheckIdWrite<'u> {} /// A reference to the first row. Is invalid if there is no rows. pub const FIRST: RowId = RowId { i: 0, table: ::std::marker::PhantomData, }; /// An index value to be used for default values. /// Note that it may become valid if the table is full! pub const INVALID: RowId = RowId { i: ::std::usize::MAX as RawType, table: ::std::marker::PhantomData, }; /// Creates an index into the `i`th row. pub fn at(i: #ROW_ID_TYPE) -> RowId { RowId::new(i) } }} let ROW_DERIVES: &Vec<_> = &table.row_derive.iter() .map(pp::meta_list_item_to_string) .map(i) .collect(); let ROW_REF_DERIVES: Vec<_> = ROW_DERIVES.iter() .filter(|x| match x.as_ref() { "Clone" | "RustcEncodable" | "RustcDecodable" | "Serialize" | "Deserialize" => false, _ => true, }).collect(); out! { ["The `Row` struct"] { use std::sync::RwLock; /** * A structure holding a copy of each column's data. This is used to pass entire rows around through methods; * the actual table is column-based, so eg `read.column[index]` is the standard method of accessing rows. * */ #(#[derive(#ROW_DERIVES)])* pub struct Row { #(#COL_ATTR pub #COL_NAME: #COL_ELEMENT,)* } impl GetTableName for Row { type Idx = RawType; fn get_domain() -> DomainName { TABLE_DOMAIN } fn get_name() -> TableName { TABLE_NAME } fn get_guarantee() -> Guarantee { GUARANTEES } fn get_generic_table(universe: &Universe) -> &RwLock { RowId::get_generic_table(universe) } fn new_generic_table() -> GenericTable { new_generic_table() } } /// A row of a reference to each element. #(#[derive(#ROW_REF_DERIVES)])* #[derive(Clone)] // Do we want RowRef to *always* be Copy? There could be a lot of rows! pub struct RowRef<'a> { #(#COL_ATTR pub #COL_NAME: &'a #COL_ELEMENT,)* } impl Row { /// Convert this `Row` into a `RowRef`. pub fn as_ref(&self) -> RowRef { RowRef { #(#COL_NAME: &self.#COL_NAME2,)* } } } // FIXME: Implement `struct RowMut`, would need to respect EditA. }}; let SAVE_EXTRACTION = if { quote! { fn extract_serialization( &self, universe: &Universe, selection: SelectAny, ) -> Option> { let selection = downcast_any_selection(&selection); let table = read(universe); Some(Box::new(table.extract_selection(selection))) } } } else { quote! { fn extract_serialization( &self, _universe: &Universe, _selection: SelectAny, ) -> Option> { None } } }; let SERIAL_EXTRACT_IMPL = quote_if(, quote! { impl SerialExtraction for Row { type Extraction = self::Extraction; fn extract(universe: &Universe, selection: SelectAny) -> Self::Extraction { let selection = downcast_any_selection(&selection); read(universe).extract_selection(selection) } fn restore(universe: &Universe, extraction: Self::Extraction, event: Event) -> Result<(), &'static str> { write(universe).restore_extract(universe, extraction, event) } } }); out! { ["The `Table` struct"] { #[derive(Default)] pub struct Table { flush: Flush, free: FreeList, } impl TTable for Table { fn new() -> Self where Self: Sized { Default::default() } fn domain() -> DomainName where Self: Sized { TABLE_DOMAIN } fn name() -> TableName where Self: Sized { TABLE_NAME } fn guarantee() -> Guarantee where Self: Sized { GUARANTEES } // FIXME: Unused? fn prototype(&self) -> Box { Box::new(Self::new()) } fn get_flush_ref(&self) -> &::std::any::Any { &self.flush } fn get_flush_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ::std::any::Any { &mut self.flush } fn remove_rows(&mut self, universe: &Universe, event: Event, rows: SelectAny) { Table::remove_rows(self, universe, event, rows); } #SAVE_EXTRACTION } #SERIAL_EXTRACT_IMPL }}; out! { table.consistent => ["`Table` consistent"] { impl Table { fn remove_rows(&mut self, universe: &Universe, event: Event, rows: SelectAny) { let mut table = write(universe); match rows { Select::These(rows) => { if let Some(rows) = rows.downcast::() { for row in rows { table.delete(*row); } } else { panic!("wrong rows type"); } }, Select::All => table.clear(), } table.flush(universe, event); } } }; // FIXME: We can remove if we're `#[kind = "sorted"]`, but the rows'll have to be sorted... true => ["`Table` inconsistent"] { impl Table { fn remove_rows(&mut self, _: &Universe, _: Event, _: SelectAny) { panic!("Rows can not be removed on this table."); } } }; } out! { table.derive.clone => ["RowRef IntoOwned"] { impl<'a> RowRef<'a> { pub fn to_owned(&self) -> Row { Row { #(#COL_NAME: self.#COL_NAME2.clone(),)* } } } };}; let COL_MUT: &Vec<_> = &table.cols.iter() .map(|x| if x.indexed { "EditA" } else { "MutA" }) .map(i) .collect(); let LOCKED_TABLE_DELETED_ROW = quote_if(table.consistent, quote! { fn is_deleted(&self, idx: GenericRowId) -> bool { } }); let DERIVE_SERDE = quote_if(, quote! { #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] }); out! { ["Table locks"] { /** * The table, locked for reading. * */ pub struct Read<'u> { _lock: BiRef<::std::sync::RwLockReadGuard<'u, GenericTable>, &'u GenericTable, GenericTable>, _table: &'u Table, #(pub #COL_NAME: RefA<'u, #COL_TYPE>,)* } /** * The table, locked for writing. * */ pub struct Write<'u> { _universe: &'u Universe, // FIXME: Remove 'verse from Write's methods. _lock: ::std::sync::RwLockWriteGuard<'u, GenericTable>, _table: &'u mut Table, // '#COL_MUT' is either MutA or EditA #(pub #COL_NAME: #COL_MUT<'u, #COL_TYPE>,)* } /// The table, borrowed from a `Write` lock, that forbids structural changes. pub struct Edit<'u, 'w> where 'u: 'w { _inner: &'w Write<'u>, #(pub #COL_NAME: &'w mut #COL_MUT<'u, #COL_TYPE>,)* } impl<'u> Write<'u> { /// Divides this lock into two parts. /// /// 1. An `Edit`, which allows modifying rows, but not making structural modifications /// to the table, /// 2. An `EditIter`, which allows iteration over the table, while skipping deleted /// rows. pub fn editing<'w>(&'w mut self) -> (Edit<'u, 'w>, EditIter<'w, Row>) where 'u: 'w { unsafe { // This is conceptually/morally equivalent to `slice::split_at_mut`. // It's like splitting `Write` into `(&Structural, &mut Edit)`. // See the `Deref` implementation. // FIXME: Is it UB to have `&T` and `&mut T.1`, even if we make guarantees? use std::mem; let me1: &Self = mem::transmute(self as *const Self); let me2: &mut Self = mem::transmute(self as *mut Self); let me3 = self; (Edit { _inner: me1, #(#COL_NAME: &mut me2.#COL_NAME2,)* }, EditIter::new(me3.row_range(), } } } // By good fortune this is safe. Implementing DerefMut would *not* be safe. // Suppose we use Deref to call `Write::get_row_ref(edit)`. Can we mutably alias // the returned reference with `edit.col`? No, because RowRef is borrowing edit. // Because the `Write` is immutable, no structural changes can modify // `EditIter.deleted`. It would be unsafe to implement `DerefMut`. impl<'u, 'w> ::std::ops::Deref for Edit<'u, 'w> where 'u: 'w { type Target = Write<'u>; fn deref(&self) -> &Write<'u> { self._inner } } impl<'u> LockedTable for Read<'u> { type Row = Row; fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len() } #LOCKED_TABLE_DELETED_ROW } impl<'u> LockedTable for Write<'u> { type Row = Row; fn len(&self) -> usize { self.len() } #LOCKED_TABLE_DELETED_ROW } const EXTRACTION_FMT: u32 = 0; #DERIVE_SERDE pub struct Extraction { /// v11's format version. pub extraction_fmt: u32, pub domain: Cow<'static, str>, pub name: Cow<'static, str>, /// The schema's revision number, `#[version = "0"]` pub schema: u32, /// The original indices of the rows. pub selection: Vec, pub data: Owned, } #DERIVE_SERDE pub struct Owned { #(pub #COL_NAME: #COL_TYPE2,)* } impl Extraction { fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> { // Validate if self.extraction_fmt != EXTRACTION_FMT { return Err("fmt mismatch"); } if self.domain != TABLE_DOMAIN.0 { return Err("wrong domain"); } if != TABLE_NAME.0 { return Err("wrong name"); } if self.schema != VERSION { return Err("schema version mismatch"); } Ok(()) // FIXME: validate data lengths // FIXME: If we require sort, assure sort? } fn into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator { let mut selection = self.selection.into_iter(); #( let mut #COL_NAME2 =; )* GenerativeIter(move || { let i =; if i.is_none() { return None; } let msg = "early termination in column extraction"; Some(( i.unwrap(), Row { #(#COL_NAME:,)* }, )) }) } } fn downcast_any_selection<'a>(selection: &'a SelectAny) -> SelectRows<'a, Row> { selection .as_ref() .map(|rows| { rows .downcast::() .expect("selection is not of our RowId") }) } }}; let RW_FUNCTIONS_CONSISTENT = quote! { /** Iterate over a range of rows. (R/W) */ pub fn range(&self, range: RowRange) -> ConsistentIter { let checked_iter = CheckedIter::from(self, range); ConsistentIter::new(checked_iter, & } /** Returns true if `i` is a valid RowId. */ pub fn contains(&self, index: RowId) -> bool { index.to_usize() < self.len() && ! } }; let DUMP = quote_if(table.derive.clone, quote! { /** Allocates a Vec filled with every Row in the table. (R/W) */ // we exclude consistent, because deleted rows shouldn't be included, but then if you // reconstitute, indexes would be wrong. pub fn dump(&self) -> Vec { let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(self.len()); for i in self.iter() { ret.push(self.get_row(i)); } ret } }); out! { !table.consistent => ["inconsistent iterators"] { impl<'u> Read<'u> { /// Returns a pre-checking iterator over each row in the table. pub fn iter(&self) -> CheckedIter { self.range(self.row_range()) } } impl<'u> Write<'u> { /// Returns a pre-checking iterator over each row in the table. pub fn iter(&self) -> CheckedIter { self.range(self.row_range()) } /// Returns an iterator over each row in the table. The `RowId`s are not /// pre-checked; you should consider calling `row_id.check($table)`, particularly /// if you will be indexing many columns. pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> UncheckedIter { // Well, the `&mut self` isn't actually necessary. self.row_range().iter_slow() } } }; ["consistent iterators"] { impl<'u> Read<'u> { /// Iterate over every non-deleted row. /// /// (Use `Write::editing` to iterate over a `Write` lock.) pub fn iter(&self) -> ConsistentIter { self.range(self.row_range()) } } impl<'u> Write<'u> { /// Iterate over every non-deleted row. Note that this is an immutable iterator; /// use `editing` to get at an editable iterator. pub fn iter(&self) -> ConsistentIter { self.range(self.row_range()) } /// Iterate over *all* rows, including deleted ones. /// See: `$table.contains()` pub fn iter_del(&self) -> UncheckedIter { self.row_range().iter_slow() } } }; }; let RW_FUNCTIONS_INCONSISTENT = quote! { /** Iterate over a range of rows. (R/W) */ pub fn range(&self, range: RowRange) -> CheckedIter { CheckedIter::from(self, range) } /** Returns true if `i` is a valid RowId. */ pub fn contains(&self, index: RowId) -> bool { index.to_usize() < self.len() } #DUMP }; let GET_ROW = quote_if(table.derive.clone, quote! { /** Retrieves a structure containing a clone of the value in each column. (R/W) */ pub fn get_row>(&self, index: R) -> Row where Row: Clone { let index = index.check(self); self.get_row_raw(index) } fn get_row_raw(&self, index: CheckedRowId) -> Row where Row: Clone { Row { #(#COL_NAME: self.#COL_NAME2[index].clone(),)* } } }); let RW_FUNCTIONS_BOTH = quote! { /** Returns the number of rows in the table. (R/W) */ // And assumes that the columns are all the same length. // But there shouldn't be any way to break that invariant. pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.#COL0.deref().inner().len() } /// Equivalent to `0..len()`. (R/W) /// /// Be careful calling this on consistent tables; it may include deleted rows. /// See `iter`. fn row_range(&self) -> RowRange { (RowId::new(0)..RowId::from_usize(self.len())).into() } #GET_ROW /** Retrieves a structure containing a reference to each value in each column. (R/W) */ pub fn get_row_ref>(&self, index: R) -> RowRef { let index = index.check(self); RowRef { #(#COL_NAME: &self.#COL_NAME2[index],)* } } /// Gets the last `RowId`. pub fn last(&self) -> Option { // FIXME: Add a consistent version? let r = self.len(); if r == 0 { None } else { Some(RowId::from_usize(r - 1)) } } /// Explicitly drop the lock. (R/W) pub fn close(self) { /* You are not expected to understand this. */ } }; let RW_FUNCTIONS = if table.consistent { RW_FUNCTIONS_CONSISTENT } else { RW_FUNCTIONS_INCONSISTENT }; out! { ["methods common to both Read and Write"] { // We're only repeating ourselves twice here. impl<'u> Read<'u> { #RW_FUNCTIONS #RW_FUNCTIONS_BOTH } impl<'u> Write<'u> { #RW_FUNCTIONS #RW_FUNCTIONS_BOTH // FIXME: add `fn iter()` that returns an iterator yielding MaybeDeleted things. } }}; out! { table.consistent => ["Change tracking"] { impl<'a> Write<'a> { pub fn delete(&mut self, row: I) { unsafe { let i = row.check(self).uncheck(); self.delete_raw(i.to_usize()); self.event_del(i);, ()); } } unsafe fn delete_raw(&mut self, i: usize) { #( self.#COL_NAME.deref_mut().inner_mut().deleted(i); )* } /* /// Try to remove an instance of your tracker. pub fn remove_tracker>(&mut self) -> Option>> { self._table.flush.remove_tracker::() } */ } /// Makes sure the flush requirement has been acknowledged impl<'a> Drop for Write<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { if self._table.flush.need_flush() { panic!("Changes to {} were not flushed", TABLE_NAME); } } } }; ["fake flush"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { // "shouldn't" get called; could happen if the table kind changes between // serializations. This is a stub. unsafe fn delete_raw(&mut self, _i: usize) { panic!("Unexpected call to delete_raw"); } } }; } out! { ["selecting"] { impl<'a> Read<'a> { /// Select every row. (Immutable version; a slightly different mutable version is defined for [`Write`].) pub fn select_all( &self, universe: &Universe, event: Event, ) { self._table.flush.flush_all(universe, event) } pub fn select_rows( &self, universe: &Universe, event: Event, selection_sorted: bool, selection: I, ) where I: Iterator, { self._table.flush.flush_selection( universe, event, selection_sorted, selection, ) } } impl<'a> Write<'a> { /// Propagate all changes pub fn flush(self, universe: &Universe, event: Event) { if !self._table.flush.need_flush() { return; } let mut flush = self._table.flush.extract(); ::std::mem::drop(self); flush.flush(universe, event); write(universe)._table.flush.restore(flush); } /// Flush table without releasing the lock. This will of course cause a deadlock if /// the table has trackers that need to look at values. pub fn live_flush(&mut self, universe: &Universe, event: Event) { if !self._table.flush.need_flush() { return; } self._table.flush.flush(universe, event); } /// This method is here as a convenience for macros. pub fn flush_or_close(self, universe: &Universe, event: Event) { self.flush(universe, event) } /// Mark a row. Calling `flush` will then propagate the selection. pub fn select(&mut self, row: RowId) {; } /// Mark every row. Calling `flush` will then propagate the selection. pub fn select_all(&mut self) { self._table.flush.select_all(); } } }; } // 'ifc' = "indexed foreign column" let ifcs = || table.cols.iter().filter(|x| x.indexed && x.foreign); let IFC: Vec<_> = ifcs() .map(|x| i(pp::ident_to_string( .collect(); let TRACK_IFC_REMOVAL: Vec<_> = ifcs() .map(|x| i(format!("track_{}_removal", .collect(); let IFC_ELEMENT: Vec<_> = ifcs() .map(|x| i(pp::ty_to_string(&*x.element))) .collect(); let sorted_foreign = || table.cols.iter().filter(|x| Some( == table.sort_key && x.foreign); let TRACKED_SORTED_COL: &Vec<_> = &sorted_foreign() .map(|x| i(pp::ident_to_string( .collect(); let TRACK_SORTED_COL_EVENTS: &Vec<_> = &sorted_foreign() .map(|x| i(format!("track_sorted_{}_removal", .collect(); let TRACK_SORTED_COL_ELEMENT: &Vec<_> = &sorted_foreign() .map(|x| i(pp::ty_to_string(&*x.element))) .collect(); out! { ["foreign row removal"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { #( /// `deleted` is a list of removed foreign keys. pub fn #TRACK_IFC_REMOVAL(&mut self, selected: Select<&[#IFC_ELEMENT]>) { match selected { Select::All => self.clear(), Select::These(deleted) => { for deleted_foreign in deleted { // It'd be nicer to keep the iterator around, but we immediately // invalidate it. We could collect it into a Vec? while let Some(kill) = self.#IFC.deref().inner().find(*deleted_foreign).next() { // FIXME: Add a 'Sorted' wrapping TCol that exposes find() using binary search. self.delete(kill); if cfg!(test) && self.contains(kill) { panic!("Deletion failed"); } } } }, } } )* #( /// This is a table sorted by a foreign key. This function removes all the keys /// listed in `remove`, which must also be sorted. pub fn #TRACK_SORTED_COL_EVENTS(&mut self, select: Select<&[#TRACK_SORTED_COL_ELEMENT]>) { match select { Select::All => self.clear(), Select::These(remove) => { let mut core = JoinCore::new(remove.iter().map(|x| *x)); self.merge0(move |me, rowid| { use std::iter::empty; let foreign = me.#TRACKED_SORTED_COL[rowid]; match core.cmp(&foreign) { Join::Match(_) => Action::Continue { remove: true, add: empty() }, Join::Next => Action::Continue { remove: false, add: empty() }, Join::Stop => Action::Break, } }); }, } } )* } }}; let mut FOREIGN_NAME_NONCE = Vec::new(); let mut FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL = Vec::new(); let mut FOREIGN_ELEMENTS = Vec::new(); for col in &table.cols { if !col.foreign_auto { continue; } let TRACK_EVENTS = i(format!("track_{}_events",; let TRACK_REMOVAL = i(if Some( == table.sort_key { format!("track_sorted_{}_removal", } else if col.indexed { format!("track_{}_removal", } else { panic!("`#[foreign_auto]` can only be used on columns with `#[index]` or `#[sort_key]`."); }); let FOREIGN_ELEMENT = i(pp::ty_to_string(&*col.element)); out! { ["foreign_auto"] { impl Tracker for #TRACK_EVENTS { // #FOREIGN_ELEMENT is a GenericRowId. // We need to get at the TableRow... type Foreign = <#FOREIGN_ELEMENT as GetParam>::T; fn consider(&self, event: Event) -> bool { event.is_removal } fn sort(&self) -> bool { GUARANTEES.sorted } fn handle(&self, universe: &Universe, event: Event, rows: SelectRows) { let mut table = write(universe); table.#TRACK_REMOVAL(rows); table.flush_or_close(universe, event); } } }}; FOREIGN_NAME_NONCE.push(i(format!("_foreign_{}",; FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL.push(i(format!("{}",; FOREIGN_ELEMENTS.push(FOREIGN_ELEMENT); } let FOREIGN_NAME_NONCE = &FOREIGN_NAME_NONCE; let FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL = &FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL; let FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL2 = FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL; let FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL3 = FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL; let FOREIGN_ELEMENTS = &FOREIGN_ELEMENTS; let FOREIGN_ELEMENTS2 = FOREIGN_ELEMENTS; out! { table.consistent => ["Extra drops"] { /// Prevent moving out columns to improve `RefA` safety. impl<'u> Drop for Read<'u> { fn drop(&mut self) {} } }; ["Extra drops"] { /// Prevent moving out columns to improve `RefA` safety. impl<'u> Drop for Read<'u> { fn drop(&mut self) {} } /// Prevent moving out columns to improve `MutA` safety. impl<'u> Drop for Write<'u> { fn drop(&mut self) {} } }; } out! { table.consistent => ["event logging for consistent tables"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { #[inline] fn event_cleared(&mut self) { self._table.flush.select_all() } #[inline] fn event_add(&mut self, i: RowId) { } #[inline] fn event_del(&mut self, i: RowId) { } #[inline] fn event_add_reserve(&mut self, n: usize) { self._table.flush.reserve(n) } #[inline] fn event_del_reserve(&mut self, n: usize) { self._table.flush.reserve(n) } } }; ["event ignoring for inconsistent_columns tables"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { #[inline] fn event_cleared(&mut self) {} #[inline] fn event_add(&mut self, _: RowId) {} #[inline] fn event_del(&mut self, _: RowId) {} #[inline] fn event_add_reserve(&mut self, _: usize) {} #[inline] fn event_del_reserve(&mut self, _: usize) {} } }; // FIXME: event_del_reserve is inacessible! } out! { ["mut methods safe for all guarantees"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { /** Prepare the table for insertion of a specific amount of data. `self.len()` is * unchanged. */ pub fn reserve(&mut self, n: usize) { #(self.#COL_NAME.deref_mut().inner_mut().reserve(n);)* self.event_add_reserve(n); } /// Removes every row from the table. pub fn clear(&mut self) { #(self.#COL_NAME.deref_mut().inner_mut().clear();)* self.event_cleared(); } /// Not really 'safe', but it's private. /// Add a Row to the end of the table, without checking the free-list. #[inline] fn push_end_unchecked(&mut self, row: Row) -> RowId { let rowid = self.push_only_unchecked(row); self.event_add(rowid); rowid } #[inline] fn push_only_unchecked(&mut self, row: Row) -> RowId { #(self.#COL_NAME.deref_mut().inner_mut().push(row.#COL_NAME2);)* self.last().unwrap() } } }}; out! { table.sorted => ["derive Ord for Row from RowRef"] { impl PartialOrd for Row { fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Row) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(rhs)) } } impl Ord for Row { fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Row) -> Ordering { self.as_ref().cmp(&rhs.as_ref()) } } impl PartialEq for Row { fn eq(&self, rhs: &Row) -> bool { self.cmp(rhs) == Ordering::Equal } } impl Eq for Row {} impl<'a> PartialOrd for RowRef<'a> { fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &RowRef) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(rhs)) } } impl<'a> PartialEq for RowRef<'a> { fn eq(&self, rhs: &RowRef) -> bool { self.cmp(rhs) == Ordering::Equal } } impl<'a> Eq for RowRef<'a> {} }; }; if let Some(sort_key) = table.sort_key { let SORT_KEY = i(pp::ident_to_string(sort_key)); out! { [""] { impl<'a> Ord for RowRef<'a> { fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Ordering { self.#SORT_KEY.cmp(&rhs.#SORT_KEY) } } }}; } out! { table.sorted || !table.immutable => ["swapping"] { // Making this public would break many guarantees! impl<'u> Write<'u> { #[inline] fn swap_out_row(&mut self, i: RowId, row: &mut Row) { unsafe { let i = i.check(self).to_usize(); #(self.#COL_NAME.deref_mut().inner_mut().unchecked_swap_out(i, &mut row.#COL_NAME2);)* } } #[inline] fn swap(&mut self, a: RowId, b: RowId) { unsafe { let a = a.check(self).to_usize(); let b = b.check(self).to_usize(); #(self.#COL_NAME.deref_mut().inner_mut().unchecked_swap(a, b);)* } } #[inline] fn truncate(&mut self, new_len: usize) { #(self.#COL_NAME.deref_mut().inner_mut().truncate(new_len);)* } } }; }; out! { !table.immutable && table.derive.clone && !table.consistent => ["merge functions"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { /// Remove all rows for which the predicate returns `false`. pub fn retain bool>(&mut self, mut f: F) { // FIXME: Retain, but w/ early exit. self.merge0(|me, rowid| { Action::Continue { remove: !f(me, rowid), add: ::std::iter::empty(), } }) } // We use a physically-inspired bulging rug algorithm. // There are four actions that happen here. // The first two happen while iterating over the table. // 1: on each row we push_back a row to keep, and an iterator to run // 2: we pop off the front of the rug to fill in the gaps created by deletions. // 3: after the iteration, there may be rows to trim. // 4: we push out the contents of the rug. fn merge0(&mut self, mut f: F) where IT: IntoIterator, F: FnMut(&Self, RowId) -> Action, { // It'd be nice to use a type alias here... let mut rug: VecDeque> = VecDeque::new(); // Try to remove a single row from the rug. let pull_rug = |rug: &mut VecDeque>| { while let Some(rug_next) = rug.pop_front() { match rug_next { Ok(rug_row) => return Some(rug_row), Err(mut iter) => { if let Some(next) = { rug.push_front(Err(iter)); return Some(next); } } } } None }; // entries in `rug_front..rug_back` are uninitialized. let mut rug_front = FIRST; let mut rug_back = FIRST; let mut stopped = false; while rug_back.to_usize() < self.len() { let action = if stopped { Action::Break } else { f(self, rug_back) }; match action { Action::Continue { remove, add } => { if !remove { rug.push_back(Ok(self.get_row(rug_back))); } rug_back =; rug.push_back(Err(add.into_iter())); } Action::Break => { stopped = true; if rug_front == rug_back && rug.is_empty() { // We were a no-op return; } // same as 'remove: false, add: None' rug.push_back(Ok(self.get_row(rug_back))); rug_back =; } } while rug_front < rug_back { if let Some(mut rug_row) = pull_rug(&mut rug) { self.swap_out_row(rug_front, &mut rug_row); rug_front =; } else { break; } } } self.truncate(rug_front.to_usize()); while let Some(row) = pull_rug(&mut rug) { self.push_end_unchecked(row); } } } };} out! { !table.immutable && table.derive.clone && !table.sorted && !table.consistent => ["visit"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { pub fn visit(&mut self, f: F) where IT: IntoIterator, F: FnMut(&Self, RowId) -> Action { self.merge0(f) } } };} out! { !table.immutable && table.sorted && !table.consistent => ["row pushing for sorted tables"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { /// Merge in a sorted (or sortable) Iterator of `Row`s. pub fn merge(&mut self, rows: I) where IT: Iterator, I: Into>, { self.merge_logged(rows, |_, _| ()); } /// Merge in a Row, and return its RowId. /// This is an O(n) operation; so calling this in a loop will be O(n²). /// (The obnoxiously long name is to dissuade you from doing this.) pub fn merge_in_a_single_row(&mut self, row: Row) -> RowId { let mut got = None; self.merge_logged(Some(row), |_self, id| { if got.is_none() { got = Some(id); } else { panic!("same row merged twice"); } }); got.expect("row not merged") } /// Merge in a sorted iterator of `Row`s. /// `log` will be called with the new RowId of each row. /// /// # Caveats /// The table will not be flushed before calls to `log`; if this is a problem you /// should collect the rows, call flush, and then act. pub fn merge_logged(&mut self, rows: I, mut log: L) where IT: Iterator, I: Into>, L: FnMut(&Self, RowId), { use std::iter::Peekable; // This algorithm has three stages. // NB: You'll probably want to simulate this with legos. let mut cursor = FIRST; let mut iter: Peekable = rows.into().into_iter().peekable(); let mut rug = VecDeque::::new(); { // Stage 1 // Figure out where we need to start inserting from the iterator. let first = if let Some(first) = iter.peek() { first.as_ref() } else { return; // do-nothing }; while cursor.to_usize() < self.len() && self.get_row_ref(cursor) < first { cursor =; } } // fn for choosing the lower enum Side { Rug, Iter } let choose = |rug: &VecDeque, iter: &mut Peekable| -> Option { let rug = rug.front().map(Row::as_ref); let iter = iter.peek().map(Row::as_ref); // #[allow(formatting)] // table makes logic obvious Some(match (rug, iter) { (None, None) => return None, (None, Some(_)) => Side::Iter, (Some(_), None) => Side::Rug, (Some(ref r), Some(ref i)) if r <= i => Side::Rug, // '<=', not '<', for sort stability (Some(_), Some(_)) => Side::Iter, }) }; let rest: RowRange = (cursor..RowId::from_usize(self.len())).into(); for cursor in rest.iter_slow() { // Stage 2 // pop lowest (iter, rug_front) -> bump to table -> bump to rug's back let side = choose(&rug, &mut iter).expect("rug & iter ran out before end of table!?"); let mut val = if let Side::Rug = side { rug.pop_front() } else { }.unwrap(); self.swap_out_row(cursor, &mut val); if let Side::Iter = side { log(self, cursor); } rug.push_back(val); } { // Stage 3 // We're at the end of the table; flush the rest. self.reserve(iter.size_hint().0 + rug.len()); while let Some(side) = choose(&rug, &mut iter) { let val = match side { Side::Rug => rug.pop_front(), Side::Iter =>, }.unwrap(); let cursor = self.push_end_unchecked(val); if let Side::Iter = side { log(self, cursor); } } } } } }; !table.sorted => ["row pushing for unsorted tables"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { /// Populate the table with data from the provided iterator. pub fn push_all>(&mut self, data: I) { self.reserve(data.size_hint().0); for row in data { self.push(row); } } /// Appends a single Row to the table. /// Returns its RowId. This is not necessarily at the end of the table! // In retrospect 'push' might have been a poor name. #[inline] pub fn push(&mut self, mut row: Row) -> RowId { let expect = if cfg!(test) { Some(self.next_pushed()) } else { None }; let next =; let i = if let Some(old) = next {; self.event_add(old); // This is a very simple implementation! self.swap_out_row(old, &mut row); old } else { self.push_end_unchecked(row) }; if cfg!(test) { assert_eq!(Some(i), expect); } // It's not a checked index. I think it likely that you'll generally want an // unchecked index when using this, for a foreign key. i } /// Returns the RowId of the next row that would be inserted. pub fn next_pushed(&self) -> RowId { .keys() .next() .cloned() .unwrap_or(RowId::from_usize(self.len())) } /// Push an 'array' of values. The return value is a contiguous range. pub fn push_array(&mut self, mut i: I) -> RowRange where I: ExactSizeIterator { // This implementation doesn't need ExactSizeIterator, but future configurations // using FreeList might require it. let start = if let Some(row) = { self.push_end_unchecked(row) } else { return RowRange::empty(); }; let mut end = start; for row in i { end = self.push_end_unchecked(row); } RowRange { start, end:, } } } }; } out! { ["Lock & Load"] { use std::mem::transmute; use std::sync::{RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard, LockResult, TryLockResult}; fn convert_read_guard(_lock: RwLockReadGuard) -> Read { #(let #COL_NAME = { let got = _lock.get_column::<#COL_TYPE2>(#COL_NAME_STR, column_format::#COL_NAME2); unsafe { RefA::new(transmute(got)) // ...YIKES! // So, the struct returned has a _lock with lifetime 'u, // but we need the columns to have a lifetime of the lock. // Using RefA (or MutA) limits the column's lifetime to that of the struct. // // So if a column outlives _lock, there'll be trouble. How can this happen, and // how is this prevented? // 1. _lock is dropped: _lock is private. // 2. column moved out of Read: Read implements Drop, preventing this. // 3. column is swapped out of Read: this is a safety hole, but you're // REALLY working for trouble if you do this... } // If mem::swap becomes a problem, we could switch to OwningRef, &column>. // This does require heap allocation tho... };)* let _table = { let _table: &Table = _lock.table.downcast_ref::().expect("Table downcast failed"); // FIXME: Audit this unsafety. This might be easy to another thing? Or // GenericTable'll fall out somehow. Maybe they could co-own? unsafe { transmute(_table) } }; Read { _lock: BiRef::Left(_lock), _table, #( #COL_NAME3, )* } } /// Locks the table for reading. // We're too cool to be callling unwrap() all over the place. pub fn read(universe: &Universe) -> Read { read_result(universe).unwrap() } /// This is equivalent to `RwLock::read`. pub fn read_result<'u>(universe: &'u Universe) -> LockResult> { let table = RowId::get_generic_table(universe).read(); intern::wrangle_lock::map_result(table, convert_read_guard) } pub fn try_read<'u>(universe: &'u Universe) -> TryLockResult> { let table = RowId::get_generic_table(universe).try_read(); intern::wrangle_lock::map_try_result(table, convert_read_guard) } fn convert_write_guard<'u>(_universe: &'u Universe, mut _lock: RwLockWriteGuard<'u, GenericTable>) -> Write<'u> { #(let #COL_NAME = { let got = _lock.get_column_mut::<#COL_TYPE2>(#COL_NAME_STR, column_format::#COL_NAME2); unsafe { #COL_MUT::new(transmute(got)) // See comment about transmute in `convert_read_guard()`. // FIXME: Actually the comment should go on this one, since mut is harder. } };)* let _table = { let _table: &mut Table = _lock.table.downcast_mut::
().expect("Table downcast failed"); // See comment about transmute in `convert_read_guard()`. unsafe { transmute(_table) } }; Write { _universe, _lock, _table, #( #COL_NAME3: #COL_NAME4, )* } } /// Locks the table for writing. pub fn write<'u>(universe: &'u Universe) -> Write<'u> { write_result(universe).unwrap() } pub fn write_result<'u>(universe: &'u Universe) -> LockResult> { // FIXME: err, table is a Result, maybe we don't need wrangle_lock? let table = RowId::get_generic_table(universe).write(); intern::wrangle_lock::map_result(table, |l| convert_write_guard(universe, l)) } pub fn try_write<'u>(universe: &'u Universe) -> TryLockResult> { let table = RowId::get_generic_table(universe).try_write(); intern::wrangle_lock::map_try_result(table, |l| convert_write_guard(universe, l)) } fn new_generic_table() -> GenericTable { let table = GenericTable::new(Table::new()); let mut table = table #(.add_column({ fn prototyper() -> GenericColumn { GenericColumn { name: #COL_NAME_STR, stored_type_name: column_format::#COL_NAME, data: { type CT = #COL_TYPE2; Box::new(CT::new()) as Box }, prototyper, } } prototyper }))*; table.add_init(register_foreign_trackers); table } /// Register the table onto its domain. pub fn register() { new_generic_table().register(); } impl<'u> Write<'u> { /// Borrow a `Read` lock from a `Write` lock. /// /// You might want to implement methods on your table locks. Some of these will /// only require an immutable reference, but you might still want to use them on /// `Write` locks. Using `$table.as_read()` lets those methods be reasonably /// accessible, without code duplication. pub fn as_read<'r>(&'u self) -> Read<'r> where 'u: 'r { Read { _lock: BiRef::Right(&*self._lock), _table: &self._table, #( #COL_NAME: RefA::new(self.#COL_NAME2.deref()), )* } } } }}; let foreign_cols = || table.cols.iter().filter(|x| x.foreign); let COL_TRACK_EVENTS: &Vec<_> = &foreign_cols() .map(|x| i(format!("track_{}_events", .collect(); let _COL_TRACK_ELEMENTS: &Vec<_> = &foreign_cols() .map(|x| pp::ty_to_string(&*x.element)) .map(i) .collect(); let ADD_TRACKERS: &Vec<_> = &table .add_trackers .iter() .map(i) .collect(); out! { true || table.consistent => ["tracking"] { #( /// You must implement [`Tracker`] on this struct to maintain consistency by responding to /// structural changes on the foreign table. #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] // We do not want to guess at the capitalization. pub struct #COL_TRACK_EVENTS; )* fn register_foreign_trackers(_universe: &Universe) { #({ _universe.register_tracker(#COL_TRACK_EVENTS); })* #({ _universe.register_tracker(#ADD_TRACKERS); })* } }; /*["no tracking"] { fn register_foreign_trackers(_universe: &Universe) { } }*/ // FIXME: Some of my stuff is registering trackers to tables that shouldn't have them? o_O But it works!? }; let TABLE_PATH_STR = format!("{}/{} version={},cols={},#={}", TABLE_DOMAIN_STR, TABLE_NAME_STR, table.version, table.cols.len(), table.hash_names()); out! { ["`context!` duck-type implementation"] { use self::v11::context::Lockable; unsafe impl<'u> Lockable<'u> for Write<'u> { const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = concat!("mut v11/table/", #TABLE_PATH_STR); fn lock(universe: &'u Universe) -> Self { write(universe) } } unsafe impl<'u> Lockable<'u> for Read<'u> { const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = concat!("ref v11/table/", #TABLE_PATH_STR); fn lock(universe: &'u Universe) -> Self { read(universe) } } // Can't do Edit because it has multiple lifetimes :( }}; if && !table.derive.clone { panic!("#[save] requires #[row_derive(Clone)]"); } let UPDATE_ROW = quote! { #( row.#FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL = #FOREIGN_NAME_NONCE.1 .remap(row.#FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL2) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Row {:?} has no remapping", row.#FOREIGN_LOCAL_COL3)); )* }; let MERGE_EXTRACT = if table.sorted { quote! { if no_trackers { let rows = extract .into_iter() .map(|(_i, row)| row) .collect::>(); self.merge(rows); } else { // FIXME: This is terrible. But also it is annoying. // Might have to modify merge_logged? for (old_id, mut row) in extract.into_iter() { #UPDATE_ROW let new_id = self.merge_in_a_single_row(row); remap.push((old_id, new_id)); } } } } else { quote! { for (old_id, mut row) in extract.into_iter() { #UPDATE_ROW let new_id = self.push(row); if !no_trackers { remap.push((old_id, new_id)); } } } }; out! { table.derive.clone => ["Extraction"] { impl<'u> Write<'u> { pub fn restore_extract( mut self, universe: &Universe, extract: Extraction, event: Event, ) -> Result<(), &'static str> { extract.validate()?; // Foreign cols need to remap #( let gt: &RwLock = { type F = #FOREIGN_ELEMENTS; F::get_generic_table(self._universe) }; let gt =; let #FOREIGN_NAME_NONCE = { type F = #FOREIGN_ELEMENTS2; use std::marker::PhantomData; fn get_flush( _: PhantomData>, gt: &GenericTable, ) -> &Flush { // FIXME: Explain what explodes if this function is removed. gt.table .get_flush_ref() .downcast_ref() .unwrap() } let phantom: PhantomData = PhantomData; ( &*gt, get_flush(phantom, &*gt), ) }; )* let no_trackers = self._table.flush.trackers_is_empty(); // Push let mut remap: Vec<(RowId, RowId)> = Vec::with_capacity(; #MERGE_EXTRACT // Flush if !self._table.flush.need_flush() { return Ok(()); } let mut flush = self._table.flush.extract(); self._table.flush.set_remapping(&remap); ::std::mem::drop(self); flush.flush(universe, event); write(universe)._table.flush.restore(flush); Ok(()) } } impl<'u> Read<'u> { pub fn extract_selection(&self, selection: SelectRows) -> Extraction { let n = match selection { Select::All => self.iter().size_hint().0, Select::These(xs) => xs.len(), }; let selection: Vec = selection.iter_or_all_with(|| { self.iter().map(|row| row.uncheck()) }).collect(); let data = Owned { #( #COL_NAME: { type T = #COL_TYPE; let mut out = T::new(); out.inner_mut().reserve(n); for i in &selection { out.inner_mut().push(self.#COL_NAME2[*i].clone()); } out }, )* }; Extraction { extraction_fmt: EXTRACTION_FMT, domain: Cow::Borrowed(TABLE_DOMAIN.0), name: Cow::Borrowed(TABLE_NAME.0), schema: VERSION, selection, data, } } } };}; Ok(()) }