# VADERSAY 0.6.3 Say it like Vader! This is a Rust CLI program based on a tutorial by [danlogs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De8WG1W2UtM). His was a homage to Pokémon and cowsay, mine is a homage to Star Wars. ## Disclaimer This program uses ASCII art from "LS" and "Row" that was slightly modified to fit the scenario and achieve better terminal screen output. The original art can be found in the `ascii` folder of the GitHub repository. The source of the art is: https://asciiart.website/index.php?art=movies/star%20wars This software is provided *as-is* under the **MIT License** (see `LICENSE.txt`). ## Command-Line Help vadersay 0.6.2 Say it like Vader! USAGE: vadersay.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [message] FLAGS: -d, --death-star Vader is visiting the Emperor aboard the Death Star and can't talk right now -h, --help Prints help information -s, --stdin Read the message from standard input (pipe) instead -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -f, --file Use your own ASCII art from a text file ARGS: Message to print [default: Inspired by danlogs!] ______________________________________ / \ | Impressive ... *most* impressive ... | \______________________________________/ |/ _________________________________ |:::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::´~||~~~``:::::::::::::| |::::::::' .': o`:::::::::::| |:::::::' oo | |o o ::::::::::| |::::::: 8 .'.' 8 o :::::::::| |::::::: _._| |_,...8 :::::::::| |::::::'~--. .--. `. `::::::::| |:::::'. 8 =8 ~ \ o ::::::::| |::::' ._8 8._ 88. \ o::::::::| |:::' ,. \ o`::::::| |::: . 88` \ `:::::| |::' /. o o \ :: \88`::::| |:; o|| 8 8 |d. `8 `:::| |:. - ^ ^ -' `-`::| |:::::..... ::' ..:::| |::::::::-'`- 88 `| |:::::-'. - :: | |:-~. . . : | | .. . ..: o:8 88o | |. . ::: 8:P d888. . . | |. .8P d8P based on LS | |_________________________________|