use serde_json::{from_str, to_string_pretty, to_value, Value}; use std::fs; use std::io::Read; use std::path; use valico::json_schema::{self, SchemaVersion}; fn visit_specs(dir: &path::Path, cb: F) where F: Fn(&path::Path, Value) + Copy, { let mut contents = fs::read_dir(dir) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("cannot list directory {dir:?}")) .collect::>(); contents.sort_by_key(|v| v.as_ref().unwrap().file_name()); for entry in contents { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let path = entry.path(); if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { visit_specs(&path, cb); } else { match fs::File::open(&path) { Err(_) => continue, Ok(mut file) => { let metadata = file.metadata().unwrap(); if metadata.is_file() { let mut content = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut content).ok().unwrap(); let json: Value = from_str(&content).unwrap(); cb(&path, json); } } } } } } #[test] fn test_suite_draft7() { let mut content = String::new(); fs::File::open(path::Path::new("tests/schema/schema.json")) .ok() .unwrap() .read_to_string(&mut content) .ok() .unwrap(); let json_v7_schema: Value = from_str(&content).unwrap(); println!("test json_schema::test_suite_draft7"); visit_specs( path::Path::new("tests/schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/tests/draft7"), |path, spec_set: Value| { let spec_set = spec_set.as_array().unwrap(); println!( "\t{}", path.file_name() .unwrap_or_default() .to_str() .unwrap_or_default() ); let exceptions: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![ ( "minLength.json".to_string(), "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "remote ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "remote fragment invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "ref within ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "changed scope ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "base URI change ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "string is invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "object is invalid".to_string(), ), ( "bignum.json".to_string(), "a bignum is an integer".to_string(), ), ( "bignum.json".to_string(), "a negative bignum is an integer".to_string(), ), ( "uri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid URI Reference".to_string(), ), ( "uri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid URI fragment".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 has no support for \\Z anchor from .NET".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "latin-1 non-breaking-space does not match (unlike e.g. Python)".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "latin-1 non-breaking-space matches (unlike e.g. Python)".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "zero-width whitespace matches".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "zero-width whitespace does not match".to_string(), ), ( // TODO handle these "empty" edge cases in json-pointer "json-pointer.json".to_string(), "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #1".to_string(), ), ( // TODO handle these "empty" edge cases in json-pointer "json-pointer.json".to_string(), "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #2".to_string(), ), ( // TODO handle these "empty" edge cases in json-pointer "json-pointer.json".to_string(), "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #3".to_string(), ), ( // I believe it is trimmed as it is at the beginning, it works when inside. "idn-hostname.json".to_string(), "contains illegal char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark".to_string(), ), ( // TODO uritemplate needs fixes/changes but the maintainer is inactive. "uri-template.json".to_string(), "an invalid uri-template".to_string(), ), ( // "time.json".to_string(), "a valid time string".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "ref.json".to_string(), "remote ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // same as URI "iri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid IRI Reference".to_string(), ), ( // same as URI "iri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid IRI fragment".to_string(), ), ]; let group_exceptions: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![ ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and upper letter".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and lower letter".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\d matches ascii digits only".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\D matches everything but ascii digits".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\w matches ascii letters only".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\W matches everything but ascii letters".to_string(), ), ( // TODO json-pointer needs to handle relative JSON pointers "relative-json-pointer.json".to_string(), "validation of Relative JSON Pointers (RJP)".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "definitions.json".to_string(), "invalid definition".to_string(), ), ( "idn-hostname.json".to_string(), "validation of internationalized host names".to_string(), ), ( "email.json".to_string(), "validation of e-mail addresses".to_string(), ), ( // optional overflow handling is not implemented "float-overflow.json".to_string(), "all integers are multiples of 0.5, if overflow is handled".to_string(), ), ]; for spec in spec_set.iter() { let spec = spec.as_object().unwrap(); let mut scope = json_schema::Scope::new(); scope.compile(json_v7_schema.clone(), true).ok().unwrap(); let spec_desc = spec .get("description") .map(|v| v.as_str().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(""); let spec_exception_found = group_exceptions[..].contains(&( path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), spec_desc.to_string(), )); if spec_exception_found { println!("\t\t{spec_desc} .. skipped"); continue; } else { println!("\t\t{spec_desc}"); } let schema = match scope.compile_and_return(spec.get("schema").unwrap().clone(), false) { Ok(schema) => schema, Err(err) => panic!( "Error in schema {} {}: {:?}", path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), spec.get("description").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), err ), }; let tests = spec.get("tests").unwrap().as_array().unwrap(); for test in tests.iter() { let test = test.as_object().unwrap(); let description = test.get("description").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let data = test.get("data").unwrap(); let valid = test.get("valid").unwrap().as_bool().unwrap(); let exception_found = exceptions[..].contains(&( path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), description.to_string(), )); if exception_found { println!("\t\t\t{description} .. skipped"); continue; } let state = schema.validate(data); // TODO implement remote schema download for strict validation if state.is_valid() != valid { panic!( "Failure: \"{}\" in \"{}\" -> \"{}\" with state: \n {}", path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), spec_desc, description, to_string_pretty(&to_value(&state).unwrap()).unwrap() ) } else { println!("\t\t\t{description} .. ok"); } } } }, ) } #[test] fn test_suite_draft201909() { let mut content = String::new(); fs::File::open(path::Path::new("tests/schema/schema.json")) .ok() .unwrap() .read_to_string(&mut content) .ok() .unwrap(); let json_v7_schema: Value = from_str(&content).unwrap(); println!("test json_schema::test_suite_draft201909"); visit_specs( path::Path::new("tests/schema/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/tests/draft2019-09"), |path, spec_set: Value| { let spec_set = spec_set.as_array().unwrap(); println!( "\t{}", path.file_name() .unwrap_or_default() .to_str() .unwrap_or_default() ); let exceptions: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![ ( "minLength.json".to_string(), "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "remote ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "remote fragment invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "ref within ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "changed scope ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "base URI change ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "string is invalid".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "refRemote.json".to_string(), "object is invalid".to_string(), ), ( "bignum.json".to_string(), "a bignum is an integer".to_string(), ), ( "bignum.json".to_string(), "a negative bignum is an integer".to_string(), ), ( "uri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid URI Reference".to_string(), ), ( "uri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid URI fragment".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 has no support for \\Z anchor from .NET".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "latin-1 non-breaking-space does not match (unlike e.g. Python)".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "latin-1 non-breaking-space matches (unlike e.g. Python)".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "zero-width whitespace matches".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "zero-width whitespace does not match".to_string(), ), ( // TODO handle these "empty" edge cases in json-pointer "json-pointer.json".to_string(), "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #1".to_string(), ), ( // TODO handle these "empty" edge cases in json-pointer "json-pointer.json".to_string(), "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #2".to_string(), ), ( // TODO handle these "empty" edge cases in json-pointer "json-pointer.json".to_string(), "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #3".to_string(), ), ( // I believe it is trimmed as it is at the beginning, it works when inside. "idn-hostname.json".to_string(), "contains illegal char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark".to_string(), ), ( // TODO uritemplate needs fixes/changes but the maintainer is inactive. "uri-template.json".to_string(), "an invalid uri-template".to_string(), ), ( // "time.json".to_string(), "a valid time string".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "ref.json".to_string(), "remote ref invalid".to_string(), ), ( // same as URI "iri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid IRI Reference".to_string(), ), ( // same as URI "iri-reference.json".to_string(), "an invalid IRI fragment".to_string(), ), ]; let group_exceptions: Vec<(String, String)> = vec![ ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and upper letter".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and lower letter".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\d matches ascii digits only".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\D matches everything but ascii digits".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\w matches ascii letters only".to_string(), ), ( "ecmascript-regex.json".to_string(), "ECMA 262 \\W matches everything but ascii letters".to_string(), ), ( // TODO json-pointer needs to handle relative JSON pointers "relative-json-pointer.json".to_string(), "validation of Relative JSON Pointers (RJP)".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "defs.json".to_string(), "invalid definition".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement remote schema download "id.json".to_string(), "Invalid use of fragments in location-independent $id".to_string(), ), ( "idn-hostname.json".to_string(), "validation of internationalized host names".to_string(), ), ( "email.json".to_string(), "validation of e-mail addresses".to_string(), ), ( // optional overflow handling is not implemented "float-overflow.json".to_string(), "all integers are multiples of 0.5, if overflow is handled".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement duration validation "duration.json".to_string(), "validation of duration strings".to_string(), ), ( // TODO implement UUID validation "uuid.json".to_string(), "uuid format".to_string(), ), ]; for spec in spec_set.iter() { let spec = spec.as_object().unwrap(); let mut scope = json_schema::Scope::new().set_version(SchemaVersion::Draft2019_09); scope.compile(json_v7_schema.clone(), true).ok().unwrap(); let spec_desc = spec .get("description") .map(|v| v.as_str().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(""); let spec_exception_found = group_exceptions[..].contains(&( path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), spec_desc.to_string(), )); if spec_exception_found { println!("\t\t{spec_desc} .. skipped"); continue; } else { println!("\t\t{spec_desc}"); } let schema = match scope.compile_and_return(spec.get("schema").unwrap().clone(), false) { Ok(schema) => schema, Err(err) => panic!( "Error in schema {} {}: {:?}", path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), spec.get("description").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), err ), }; let tests = spec.get("tests").unwrap().as_array().unwrap(); for test in tests.iter() { let test = test.as_object().unwrap(); let description = test.get("description").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let data = test.get("data").unwrap(); let valid = test.get("valid").unwrap().as_bool().unwrap(); let exception_found = exceptions[..].contains(&( path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), description.to_string(), )); if exception_found { println!("\t\t\t{description} .. skipped"); continue; } let state = schema.validate(data); // TODO implement remote schema download for strict validation if state.is_valid() != valid { panic!( "Failure: \"{}\" in \"{}\" -> \"{}\" with state: \n {}", path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), spec_desc, description, to_string_pretty(&to_value(&state).unwrap()).unwrap() ) } else { println!("\t\t\t{description} .. ok"); } } } }, ) }