World example-world

Import interface example-dep-interface


type example-dep-type


## Import interface example-interface

Short interface description.

Explanation for developers using the interface API. It should include an overview of the API as a whole as well as call out notable items in it, for example example-api-type and example-api-function.


type example-dep-type


#### `record example-api-type`

Short type description

Explanation for developers using this type. It may be useful to give some examples of places in the API where the type is used, such as in the arguments and return type of example-api-function.

Detailed specification More rigorous specification details for implementers go here, if needed. The intention is to keep the developer-oriented docs focused on things that most developers will need to be aware of, while putting bulkier descriptions of precise behavior here.
Record Fields


example-api-function: func

Short function description

Explanation for developers using the API. This should describe the arguments which in this function are arg0, arg1, and arg2, and the return value.

Detailed specification Similar to the details section above, this is meant for more rigorous specification details for implementors. This may explain what a compliant implementation MUST do, such as never returning an earlier result from a later call, for example.
Return values