grammar Valkyrie { patterns: ("*.vk", "*.valkyrie"), parser: { text_raw: { rust: crate::helpers::parse_text_raw } } } // === statements === ----------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class Program { SOI ~ Shebang? (HIDE Statement)* ~ EOI } // === statements === ----------------------------------------------------------------- union Statement { // top level statements | DefineNamespace | DefineClass | DefineUnion | DefineEnumerate | DefineTrait | DefineExtends | DefineFunction | DefineVariable // continuation level statements | DefineImport | ControlFlow | WhileStatement | ForStatement | ExpressionRoot | EOS } /// Used to isolate expressions and control whether to output the expression union EOS ^ { | [;;] #Omit | /⁏|;;/ #Show } /// Used to isolate expressions, has no practical meaning class EOS_FREE { [,,;;⁏] } // === namespace === ----------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineNamespace { ^KW_NAMESPACE OP_NAMESPACE? NamepathFree ^EOS? } @style(keyword) union OP_NAMESPACE { | '!' #Main | '?' #Test | '*' #Hide } // === import === ----------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineImport { AnnotationTerm* ^KW_IMPORT ( | EOS_FREE | ImportBlock EOS_FREE? | ImportTerm EOS_FREE? ) } class ImportBlock { '{' ImportTerm* '}' } union ImportTerm { | ImportAll | ImportSpace | ImportName | EOS_FREE } /// `import package∷module∷*` class ImportAll ^ { (path:Identifier NS_CONCAT)+ OP_IMPORT_ALL } /// `import` { space } class ImportSpace ^ { path:Identifier (NS_CONCAT path:Identifier)* NS_CONCAT? body:ImportBlock } /// import package::module::@macro as @macro /// import package::module::macro as @macro class ImportName ^ { (path:Identifier NS_CONCAT)* item:ImportNameItem alias:ImportAs } // import package∷module∷item as alias class ImportAs ^ { (KW_AS alias:ImportNameItem)? } atomic union ImportNameItem { | ProceduralName | AttributeName | Identifier } // === template === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // === template === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineConstraint { AnnotationHead KW_CONSTRAINT ConstraintParameters? ConstraintBlock } class ConstraintParameters { | Identifier (^COMMA Identifier)* ^COMMA? | '<' Identifier (^COMMA Identifier)* ^COMMA? '>' | '⟨' Identifier (^COMMA Identifier)* ^COMMA? '⟩' } class ConstraintBlock { '{' (ConstraintStatement | ConstraintImplements | EOS_FREE)* '}' } class ConstraintStatement { WhereBlock // | KW_RETURN TypeExpression // | Identifier RequireBlock } class ConstraintImplements { KW_IMPLEMENTS // TypeExpression } class WhereBlock { KW_WHERE '{' WhereBound* '}' } class WhereBound { // | Identifier COLON TypeExpression | EOS_FREE } //class RequireBlock { // '{' (ExpressionRoot | EOS_FREE)* '}' //} // === classes === ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineClass { DefineConstraint? AnnotationHead KW_CLASS Identifier DefineGeneric? DefineInherit? TypeHint ClassBlock ^EOS? } class ClassBlock { '{' ClassTerm* '}' } union ClassTerm { | ProceduralCall | DefineMethod | DefineDomain | DefineField | EOS_FREE } @style(keyword) union KW_CLASS { | 'class' #Class | 'structure' #Structure } // === field/method/domain === ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineField { AnnotationMix Identifier TypeHint ParameterDefault } class ParameterDefault { ('=' MainExpression)? } class DefineMethod { AnnotationMix Namepath FunctionMiddle Continuation? } class DefineDomain { AnnotationMix DomainTerm '{' Statement* '}' } union DomainTerm { | Identifier } class DefineInherit { '(' (InheritTerm (',' InheritTerm)* ','?)? ')' } class InheritTerm { AnnotationMix TypeExpression } // === object statement === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ObjectStatement { KW_OBJECT DefineInherit? TypeHint ClassBlock ^EOS? } // === identifier === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineEnumerate { AnnotationHead KW_FLAGS Identifier DefineInherit? TypeHint '{' FlagTerm* '}' } union FlagTerm { | ProceduralCall | DefineMethod | FlagField | EOS_FREE } class FlagField { Identifier ParameterDefault } @style(keyword) @railway(false) union KW_FLAGS { | 'enumerate' #Enum | 'flags' #Flags } // === identifier === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineUnion { DefineConstraint? AnnotationHead KW_UNION Identifier DefineGeneric? DefineInherit? TypeHint '{' UnionTerm* '}' } union UnionTerm { | ProceduralCall | DefineMethod | DefineVariant | EOS_FREE } class DefineVariant { AnnotationTerm* Identifier ClassBlock? } @style(keyword) class KW_UNION { 'union' } // === identifier === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineTrait { DefineConstraint? AnnotationHead KW_TRAIT Identifier DefineGeneric? DefineInherit? TypeHint TraitBlock ^EOS? } class DefineExtends { DefineConstraint? AnnotationHead KW_EXTENDS TypeExpression TypeHint TraitBlock ^EOS? } class TraitBlock { '{' TraitTerm* '}' } union TraitTerm { | ProceduralCall | DefineMethod | DefineField | EOS_FREE } @style(keyword) union KW_TRAIT { | 'trait' #Trait | 'interface' #Interface } // === def function === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DefineFunction { AnnotationHead KW_FUNCTION Namepath FunctionMiddle Continuation } class DefineLambda { AnnotationTerm* KW_LAMBDA FunctionMiddle Continuation } class FunctionMiddle { DefineGeneric? '(' FunctionParameters ')' TypeReturn? TypeEffect? } class TypeHint ^ { (COLON hint:TypeExpression)? } class TypeReturn { ARROW1 TypeExpression } class TypeEffect { '/' TypeExpression } atomic class FunctionParameters { (ParameterItem (HIDE ^COMMA ~ ParameterItem)* (HIDE ^COMMA)?)? } union ParameterItem { | '<' #LMark | '>' #RMark | ParameterPair | '...' #OmitDict | '..' #OmitList } class ParameterPair { ModifierAhead* ParameterHint? Identifier TypeHint ParameterDefault } text class ParameterHint { /[.]{2,3}|[%^]/ } class Continuation { '{' Statement* '}' } @style(keyword) union KW_FUNCTION { | /micro|function/ #Micro | /macro/ #Macro } // === let variable === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DefineVariable { AnnotationTerm* KW_LET LetPattern TypeHint ParameterDefault ^EOS? } union LetPattern { | StandardPattern | BarePattern } // === patterns === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ union StandardPattern { | TuplePattern } /// `mut a, mut ..c` class BarePattern { BarePatternItem (^COMMA BarePatternItem)* ^COMMA? } class BarePatternItem { ModifierAhead* Identifier } /// `Class(a, mut b, #mut c, ..d, e: Some(_))` class TuplePattern { | Namepath? '(' (PatternItem (^COMMA PatternItem)* ^COMMA?)? ')' | Namepath? '{' (PatternItem (^COMMA PatternItem)* ^COMMA?)? '}' | '[' (PatternItem (^COMMA PatternItem)* ^COMMA?)? ']' } union PatternItem { | TuplePatternItem | '...' #OmitDict | '..' #OmitList } class TuplePatternItem { AnnotationMix ParameterHint? Identifier (COLON StandardPattern)? } // === while loop === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class WhileStatement { KW_WHILE InlineExpression? Continuation ^EOS? } @style(keyword) union KW_WHILE { | 'while' #While | 'until' #Until } // === for loop === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ForStatement { KW_FOR LetPattern KW_IN InlineExpression? IfGuard Continuation ^EOS? } class IfGuard ^ { (KW_IF condition:InlineExpression)? } // === controls === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ControlFlow { AnnotationTerm* KW_CONTROL JumpLabel MainExpression? } atomic class JumpLabel { ('^' Identifier)? } // === expression === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExpressionRoot { AnnotationTerm* MainExpression OP_AND_THEN? EOS? } // === match/catch/switch === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class MatchExpression { KW_MATCH ( | (Identifier BIND_L)? InlineExpression | InlineExpression (BIND_R Identifier)? ) MatchBlock } class SwitchStatement { KW_SWITCH MatchBlock } class MatchBlock { '{' MatchTerms* '}' } union MatchTerms { | MatchType | MatchCase | MatchWhen | MatchElse | COMMA } class MatchType { KW_TYPE TypeExpression IfGuard ^COLON MatchStatement* } class MatchCase { KW_CASE CasePattern IfGuard ^COLON MatchStatement* } union CasePattern { | StandardPattern | Namepath } class MatchWhen { KW_WHEN InlineExpression ^COLON MatchStatement* } class MatchElse { KW_ELSE ^COLON MatchStatement* } atomic class MatchStatement { !/type|case|when|else|[,,]/ Statement } @style(keyword) union KW_MATCH { | 'match' #Match | 'catch' #Catch } @style(operator) token { BIND_L: /≔|:=/ BIND_R: /≕|=:/ } // === match dot call === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class DotMatchCall { OP_AND_THEN? ~ ^DOT ^WhiteSpace? KW_MATCH (^WhiteSpace? BIND_R ^WhiteSpace? Identifier)? ^WhiteSpace? MatchBlock } // === expression === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class MainExpression { MainTerm (HIDE MainInfix ~ MainTerm)* } atomic class MainTerm { (MainPrefix HIDE)* MainFactor MainSuffixTerm* } union MainFactor { | SwitchStatement | TryStatement | MatchExpression | DefineLambda | ObjectStatement | NewStatement | GroupFactor | Leading } atomic class GroupFactor { '(' ~ MainExpression ~ ')' } union Leading { | ProceduralCall | TupleLiteralStrict | RangeLiteral | TextLiteral | Slot | Number | Special | Namepath } @railway(false) atomic union MainSuffixTerm { | HIDE DotMatchCall #DotMatchCall | HIDE DotClosureCall #DotClosureCall | TupleCall | InlineSuffixTerm } // === operators === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @railway(false) @style(operator) text class MainPrefix { / [¬!+] | [-] | [.]{2,3} | [⅟] | [√∛∜] | [&*] / } @railway(false) @style(operator) text class TypePrefix { / [-+¬] | [&^] / } @railway(false) @style(operator) text class MainInfix ^ { / [+\\-*٪⁒÷\/%]=? | \/%=? | %%=? | [√^] # start with ?, !, = | [?]= | !==|=!=|===|==|!=|=|[!≢≠≡] # start with `<, >` | <<<|<<=|<<|<=|[⋘≪⩽≤<] | >>>|>>=|>>|>=|[⋙≫⩾≥>] # start with &, | | [&|]{1,3} | [∧⊼⩟∨⊽⊻] # start with . | [.]{1,2}[<=] | [.]= | [∈∊∉∋∍∌] | (not\s+)?in | is(\s+not)? # map, apply | \/@ | [⇴⨵⊕⟴] | @{2,3} / } @railway(false) @style(operator) text class TypeInfix { / [⟶] | -> | [-+&|∧∨] / } @railway(false) @style(operator) text class MainSuffix { / [!] | [٪⁒%‰‱] | [′″‴⁗] | [℃℉] / } @railway(false) @style(operator) text class TypeSuffix { /[!?]/ } // === inline expression === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class InlineExpression { InlineTerm (HIDE MainInfix ~ InlineTerm)* } atomic class InlineTerm { (MainPrefix HIDE)* MainFactor InlineSuffixTerm* } union InlineSuffixTerm { | HIDE MainSuffix #MainSuffix | HIDE DotCall #DotCall | InlineTupleCall | RangeCall | GenericCall } // === identifier === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class TypeExpression { TypeTerm (HIDE TypeInfix ~ TypeTerm)* } atomic class TypeTerm { (TypePrefix HIDE)* MainFactor TypeSuffixTerm* } atomic union TypeFactor { | '(' ~ TypeExpression ~ ')' #TypeExpression | Leading } union TypeSuffixTerm { | GenericHide | TypeSuffix } // === try statement === ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TryStatement { KW_TRY TypeExpression? Continuation } // === new statement === ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NewStatement { KW_NEW ModifierAhead* Namepath GenericHide? TupleLiteral? NewBlock? ^EOS? } class NewBlock { '{' (NewPair (EOS_FREE NewPair)* EOS_FREE?)? '}' } atomic class NewPair { (NewPairKey ~ COLON HIDE)? MainExpression } union NewPairKey { | Identifier | TextRaw | RangeLiteral } // === dot === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class DotCall { OP_AND_THEN? ~ ^DOT ^WhiteSpace? DotCallItem } union DotCallItem { | Namepath | Integer } // === dot === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class DotClosureCall { OP_AND_THEN? ~ ^DOT ^WhiteSpace? Continuation } // === tuple === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class InlineTupleCall { ^WhiteSpace? OP_AND_THEN? ^WhiteSpace? TupleLiteral } atomic class TupleCall { ^WhiteSpace? OP_AND_THEN? ^WhiteSpace? ( | TupleLiteral (^WhiteSpace? Continuation)? | Continuation ) } class TupleLiteral { '(' TupleTerms ')' } atomic class TupleLiteralStrict { | '(' ~ ')' | '(' ~ TuplePair ~ ^COMMA ~ ')' | '(' ~ TuplePair (HIDE ^COMMA ~ TuplePair)* (HIDE ^COMMA)? ~ ')' } atomic class TupleTerms { (TuplePair (HIDE ^COMMA ~ TuplePair)* (HIDE ^COMMA)?)? } class TuplePair { (TupleKey COLON)? MainExpression } union TupleKey { | Identifier | Integer | TextRaw } // === range === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class RangeCall { ^WhiteSpace? OP_AND_THEN? ^WhiteSpace? RangeLiteral } union RangeLiteral { | RangeLiteralIndex0 | RangeLiteralIndex1 } class RangeLiteralIndex0 { '⁅' (SubscriptAxis (^COMMA SubscriptAxis)* ^COMMA?)? '⁆' } class RangeLiteralIndex1 { '[' (SubscriptAxis (^COMMA SubscriptAxis)* ^COMMA?)? ']' } union SubscriptAxis { | SubscriptRange | SubscriptOnly } class SubscriptOnly { index:MainExpression } atomic class SubscriptRange ^ { (head:MainExpression HIDE)? ( | RangeOmit (HIDE step:MainExpression)? | COLON (HIDE tail:MainExpression (HIDE COLON (HIDE step:MainExpression)?)?)? ) } atomic inline class RangeOmit { PROPORTION | COLON ~ COLON } // === generic define === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DefineGeneric { | PROPORTION? '<' GenericParameter '>' | '⟨' GenericParameter '⟩' } atomic class GenericParameter { (GenericParameterPair (HIDE ^COMMA ~ GenericParameterPair)* (HIDE ^COMMA)?)? } class GenericParameterPair { Identifier (^COLON bound:TypeExpression)? ('=' default:TypeExpression)? } // === generic call === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GenericCall { OP_AND_THEN? ( | PROPORTION '<' GenericTerms '>' | '⟨' GenericTerms '⟩' ) (PROPORTION Namepath)? } class GenericHide { | PROPORTION? '<' GenericTerms '>' | '⟨' GenericTerms '⟩' } atomic class GenericTerms { (GenericPair (HIDE ^COMMA ~ GenericPair)* (HIDE ^COMMA)?)? } class GenericPair { (Identifier COLON)? TypeExpression } // === annotation === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AnnotationHead { AnnotationTerm* ModifierCall* } class AnnotationMix { AnnotationTermMix* ModifierAhead* } union AnnotationTerm { | AttributeList | AttributeCall } union AnnotationTermMix { | AttributeList | AttributeCall | ProceduralCall } class AttributeList { '#' '[' (AttributeItem (HIDE ^EOS_FREE ~ AttributeItem)* (HIDE ^EOS_FREE)?)? ']' } // #call.variant(...) { domain } atomic class AttributeCall { '#' AttributeItem } class AttributeItem { Namepath (^DOT Identifier)* TupleLiteral? Continuation? } atomic class AttributeName { '#' Identifier } // @call(...) { domain } atomic class ProceduralCall { '@' Namepath ~ TupleLiteral? ~ Continuation? } atomic class ProceduralName { '@' Identifier } // === text === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ atomic class TextLiteral { Identifier? TextRaw } @parser(text_raw) fake atomic class TextRaw { | '""""' TEXT_CONTENT5 '""""' | "''''" TEXT_CONTENT6 "''''" | '"""' TEXT_CONTENT3 '"""' | "'''" TEXT_CONTENT4 "'''" | '"' TEXT_CONTENT1 '"' | "'" TEXT_CONTENT2 "'" } fake class Text_L { HIDE } fake class Text_R { HIDE } fake class Text_X { HIDE } text atomic class TEXT_CONTENT1 { [^"]* } text atomic class TEXT_CONTENT2 { [^']* } text atomic class TEXT_CONTENT3 { (!'"""' ANY)+ } text atomic class TEXT_CONTENT4 { (!"'''" ANY)+ } text atomic class TEXT_CONTENT5 { (!'""""' ANY)+ } text atomic class TEXT_CONTENT6 { (!"''''" ANY)+ } // === modifier === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class ModifierCall ^ { !KEYWORDS_STOP ^Identifier } atomic class ModifierAhead -> ModifierCall ^ { !IDENTIFIER_STOP ^Identifier } @railway(false) class KEYWORDS_STOP { / template | generic | constraint | class | structure | enumerate | flags | union | function | micro | macro | trait | interface | extends? / } @railway(false) atomic class IDENTIFIER_STOP { Identifier ~ /[\[\](){}<>⟨:∷,.;∈=]|in|is/ } // === identifier === -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class Slot { OP_SLOT SlotItem? } union SlotItem { | Integer | Identifier } atomic class NamepathFree { Identifier (HIDE ^PROPORTION2 ~ Identifier)* } atomic class Namepath { Identifier (HIDE ^PROPORTION ~ Identifier)* } atomic union Identifier { | IdentifierBare | IdentifierRaw } text class IdentifierBare { /[_\p{XID_start}]\p{XID_continue}*/ } atomic class IdentifierRaw { '`' IdentifierRawText '`' } text class IdentifierRawText { [^`]+ } text class Special { /[∅∞]|true|false|[?]{3}/ } // === number === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ union Number { | DecimalX | Decimal } union Sign { | '+' #Positive | '-' #Netative } text class Integer { /[0-9](_*[0-9])*/ } text class DigitsX { /[0-9a-zA-Z](_*[0-9a-zA-Z])*/ } atomic class Decimal ^ { (lhs:Integer (dot:DOT rhs:Integer)?) (/[⁑]|[*]{2}/ (sign:Sign)? shift:Integer)? (/[_]*/ unit:Identifier)? } atomic class DecimalX ^ { base:Integer /[⁂]|[*]{3}/ (lhs:DigitsX (dot:DOT rhs:DigitsX)?) (/[⁑]|[*]{2}/ ( | (sign:Sign)? shift:Integer (/[_]*/ unit:Identifier)? | unit:Identifier ))? } // === keywords === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @railway(false) atomic token { PROPORTION: /∷|::/ NS_CONCAT: /[.∷]|::/ COLON: [::] ARROW1: /[::⟶]|->/ COMMA: [,,] DOT: [..] OP_SLOT: /[$]{1,3}/ // brackets OFFSET_L: '⁅' OFFSET_R: '⁆' } class PROPORTION2 -> PROPORTION { /[..∷]|::/ } @railway(false) @style(keyword) token { OP_IMPORT_ALL: '*' OP_AND_THEN: '?' OP_BIND: /≔|:=/ } @railway(false) @style(keyword) text class KW_CONTROL { / continue | break | fallthrough!? | raise | throw | return | resume | yield\s+break | yield\s+from | yield\s+wait | yield(\s+return)? / } @railway(false) @style(keyword) token { KW_NAMESPACE: 'namespace' KW_IMPORT: 'using' // === class === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KW_CONSTRAINT: /template|generic|constraint|∀/ KW_WHERE: 'where' KW_IMPLEMENTS: /implements?/ KW_EXTENDS: /extends?/ KW_INHERITS: /inherits?/ // === looping === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KW_FOR: 'for' KW_END: 'end' // === constructor === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KW_LET: 'let' KW_NEW: 'new' KW_OBJECT: 'object' KW_LAMBDA: 'lambda' // === if/switch/catch/match === ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KW_IF: 'if' KW_SWITCH: 'switch' KW_TRY: 'try' KW_TYPE: 'type' KW_CASE: 'case' KW_WHEN: 'when' KW_ELSE: 'else' // === operators === ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KW_NOT: 'not' KW_IN: /in|∈/ KW_IS: 'is' KW_AS: 'as' } // === ignores === ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class Shebang { '#!' ROL } @railway(false) class WhiteSpace { /[^\\S\r\n]+/ } @railway(false) hide class SkipSpace { /\p{White_Space}+/ } @style(comment) hide class Comment { | [~⍝🗨] ROL | '/*' '*/' } // ============================----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // === string interpolation === ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ============================----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class StringInterpolations { StringInterpolationTerm* EOI } union StringInterpolationTerm { | EscapeUnicode | EscapeCharacter | StringInterpolationSimple | StringInterpolationComplex | StringInterpolationText } atomic text class EscapeCharacter { /\\\\.|\{\{|\}\}/ } atomic class EscapeUnicode { '\u' '{' ~ code:EscapeUnicodeCode ~ '}' } text class EscapeUnicodeCode { /[0-9a-zA-Z]*/ } class StringInterpolationSimple { '{' MainExpression (^COLON StringFormatter)? '}' } text class StringInterpolationText { /[^{}\\\\]+/ } text class StringFormatter { /[^}]+/ } /// `{ expression, 'argument', time: A }` class StringInterpolationComplex { '{' MainExpression (^COMMA TuplePair)* ^COMMA? '}' } // =======================---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // === string template === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // =======================---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class StringTemplates { StringTemplateTerm* EOI } union StringTemplateTerm { | ForTemplate | ExpressionTemplate } class ExpressionTemplate { TEMPLATE_S MainExpression TEMPLATE_E } // === string template === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // === for template === --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- atomic class ForTemplate { ForTemplateBegin ForTemplateElse? ForTemplateEnd } class ForTemplateBegin { TEMPLATE_S KW_FOR LetPattern KW_IN InlineExpression? IfGuard TEMPLATE_E } class ForTemplateElse { TEMPLATE_S KW_ELSE TEMPLATE_E } class ForTemplateEnd { TEMPLATE_S KW_END KW_FOR? TEMPLATE_E } @railway(false) atomic class TEMPLATE_S { ^TEMPLATE_L TEMPLATE_M? } @railway(false) atomic class TEMPLATE_E { TEMPLATE_M? ^TEMPLATE_R } @railway(false) token { TEMPLATE_L: '<%' TEMPLATE_R: '%>' TEMPLATE_M: [-_~.=] }