# Valu3: Unleash the Power of Data Manipulation in Rust 🚀 Welcome to **Valu3** - the ultimate, flexible, and powerful library for manipulating diverse data types in your Rust projects. Say goodbye to the complexity of handling numbers, strings, arrays, objects, and datetime values. Valu3 is here to make your life easier! 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Valu3's generic type support enables smooth management of all data types under one roof. 2. **Intuitive API**: Experience effortless data manipulation with Valu3's user-friendly API, designed to provide consistency across diverse data types. 3. **All-in-One Data Manipulation**: Valu3 has it all - numeric, string, object, array, and date/time manipulation. No need to look anywhere else! 4. **Effortless Data Conversion**: Convert your data to and from popular formats like JSON, YAML, and XML with ease, thanks to Valu3's built-in support. 5. **Serde Integration**: Serialize and deserialize your data seamlessly with Valu3's out-of-the-box integration with the Serde library. 6. **Native Struct Parsing & Validation**: Valu3 and Pest join forces to offer native parsing, conversion, and validation of data to structs, ensuring data integrity at every step. 7. **Payload Interpretation & Transformation**: Valu3 interprets and transforms payload strings like a champ, handling JSON from HTTP request bodies and more. ## 💡 Why Choose Valu3? Valu3 is designed to make data manipulation tasks in Rust a breeze. By combining a wide range of features and a consistent API, it simplifies data handling in Rust projects while maximizing productivity. Join the Valu3 revolution and experience the future of data manipulation in Rust! 🎉 **⚡ Get Started with Valu3 Today! ⚡** ## Examples :space_invader: Here are some examples of how to use the Valu3: ```rust use valu3::prelude::*; let string_value = "hello".to_value(); let number_value = 42.to_value(); let boolean_value = true.to_value(); let null_value = Value::Null; let undefined_value = Value::Undefined; let mut datetime_value = DateTime::from("2023-04-05T00:00:00Z").to_value(); string_value.as_string(); number_value.get_i32(); assert_eq!(boolean_value, true); assert_eq!(null_value, Value::Null); assert_eq!(undefined_value, Value::Undefined); datetime_value.add_days(1); ``` ## Getting Started To start using the Valu3 in your Rust project, simply add the following line to your `Cargo.toml` file: ```toml [dependencies] valu3 = "0.1" ``` Then, you can import the library in your code like this: ```rust use valu3::prelude::*; //... let pi = 3.14.to_value(); ``` ## Structs and Conversions Valu3 natively has conversions for famous data types like json, yaml and xml. Furthermore with `valu3-derive` you are able to transform `struct` to `Value` by applying the `to_value()` method generated by the `ToValue` derive macros. This is an example on converting `struct` to `Value` and `Value` to other payload data types. ```rust use valu3::prelude:*; #[derive(ToValue, FromValue, Default)] struct MyStruct { id: u32, name: String, tags: Vec } fn main(){ let my_struct = MyStruct::default(); let value = my_struct.to_value(); assert_eq!(my_struct, MyStruct::from_value(value)); } ``` ### ToJson, ToYaml, ToXml If your focus is only on using `Valu3` for conversion only, use the `ToJson`, `ToYaml` or `ToXml` macros. ```rust use valu3::prelude:*; #[derive(ToJson, Default)] struct MyStruct { id: u32, name: String, tags: Vec } fn main(){ let my_struct = MyStruct::default(); let json = my_struct.to_json(); println!("{}", json); // print json string } ``` ## Payload `Vale3` is able to recognize a payload string, identify and convert it to `Value`, follow the example: ```rust use valu3::prelude:*; fn main(){ let boolean = Value::payload_to_value("true").unwrap(); let float = Value::payload_to_value("3.14").unwrap(); let json = Value::payload_to_value(r#"{"item": 3.14}"#).unwrap(); let array = Value::payload_to_value(r#"[1,2,3]"#).unwrap(); let null = Value::payload_to_value("null").unwrap(); let string = Value::payload_to_value(r#""123""#).unwrap(); assert_eq!(boolean, true.to_value()); assert_eq!(float, 3.14.to_value()); assert_eq!(json, Value::from(vec![("item", 3.14)])); assert_eq!(array, vec![1, 2, 3].to_value()); assert_eq!(null, Value::Null); assert_eq!(string, "123".to_value()); } ``` ## Contributing If you find a bug or have a suggestion for a new feature, please open an issue on the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/cogup/valu3/issues). If you would like to contribute to the project, please feel free to submit a pull request. Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that your code adheres to the project's style guidelines and passes all tests. ## Upcoming Features: Stay in Sync with the Future of Valu3 🌐 We're constantly working to improve and expand the capabilities of Valu3, making it even more powerful and versatile. By keeping track of the project's progress, you can stay informed about new features in development and planned improvements. This will allow you to make the most of Valu3 in your Rust projects and prepare for future updates. Our commitment is to make Valu3 the ultimate data manipulation solution in Rust. Your input is invaluable! Feel free to join the discussions, share your ideas, and contribute to the project as it evolves. Join us in the ongoing journey to refine and expand Valu3! 🚀 ## License This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 or MIT License. See the [LICENSE-APACHE](https://github.com/cogup/valu3/blob/main/LICENSE-APACHE) or [LICENSE-MIT](https://github.com/cogup/valu3/blob/main/LICENSE-MIT) file for more information.