syntax = "proto3"; package varfish.v1.strucvars.bgdb; // Enumeration for storing SV types from the caller. enum SvType { // Unspecified. SV_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Deletions. SV_TYPE_DEL = 1; // Duplications. SV_TYPE_DUP = 2; // Inversions. SV_TYPE_INV = 3; // Insertion. SV_TYPE_INS = 4; // Break-end. SV_TYPE_BND = 5; // Copy number variation. SV_TYPE_CNV = 6; } // Background database record. message BgDbRecord { // Numeric chromosome number of start position. int32 chrom_no = 1; // Numeric chromosome number of end position. int32 chrom_no2 = 2; // Structural variation type. SvType sv_type = 3; // 1-based start position. int32 start = 4; // 1-based stop position. int32 stop = 5; // Number of matching entries. uint32 count = 6; } // Record for the background database. message BackgroundDatabase { // List of background database records. repeated BgDbRecord records = 1; } // Entry in a masked region database. message MaskedDbRecord { // Numeric chromosome number. int32 chrom_no = 1; // 1-based start position. int32 start = 2; // 1-based stop position. int32 stop = 3; } // Database of masked regions. message MaskedDatabase { // List of masked regions. repeated MaskedDbRecord records = 1; } // Record for the gene cross-link database. message XlinkRecord { // HGNC ID (e.g., "HGNC:123") string hgnc_id = 1; // Gene symbol. string symbol = 2; // Entrez gene ID. uint32 entrez_id = 3; // Ensembl gene ID. uint32 ensembl_id = 4; } // Gene cross-link database. message XlinkDatabase { // List of cross-link records. repeated XlinkRecord records = 1; }