{ "dc:format": "text/tsv", "dc:identifier": "gene-centric/acmg/acmg-sf-genes.tsv:3.1", "dc:title": "ACMG Secondary Findings Gene List (v3.1)", "dc:description": "This is version 3.1 of the ACMG gene list for reporting incidental findings. The file was curated from PMID:35802134 as gene symbols and then translated to ENSEMBL and Entrez/NCBI gene ID with the HGNC BioMart", "dc:created": "2022-02-03", "dc:creator": "American College of Medical Genetics", "dc:contributor": [ "VarFish Developer Team" ], "dc:source": [ "PMID:35802134", "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/acmg/", "https://biomart.genenames.org/" ], "tsv:columns": { "gene_symbol": "HGNC approve gene symbol", "ensembl_gene_id": "ENSEMBL gene ID", "entrez_gene_id": "Entrez/NCBI gene ID" } }