{ "dc:format": "text/tsv", "dc:identifier": "gene-centric/gnomad-constraints/gnomad-gene-constraints.tsv:2.1.1", "dc:title": "gnomAD constraint data by gene (v2.1.1)", "dc:description": "This is version 2.1.1 of the gnomAD constraint data. We obtained the 'pLoF Metrics by Gene TSV' file 'gnomad.v2.1.1.lof_metrics.by_gene.txt.bgz' from the gnomAD website. The file was sorted by chromosomal position and filtered to the columns necessary to obtain the gnomAD LEUF, pLI, Z syn, Z mis scores, and existing ExAC scores. The ENSEMBL transcript ID was replaced by ENSEMBL and Entrez/NCBI gene ID.", "dc:created": "2022-02-03", "dc:creator": "Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD)", "dc:contributor": [ "VarFish Developer Team" ], "dc:source": [ "PMID:32461654", "https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/downloads#v2-constraint" ], "tsv:columns": { "ensembl_gene_id": "ENSEMBL gene ID", "entrez_id": "Entrez/NCBI gene ID", "gene_symbol": "HGNC gene symbol", "exp_lof": "Number of expected pLoF variants in transcript", "exp_mis": "Number of expected missense variants in transcript", "exp_syn": "Number of expected synonymous variants in transcript", "mis_z": "Z score for missense variants in gene. Higher (more positive) Z scores indicate that the transcript is more intolerant of variation (more constrained)", "obs_lof": "Number of observed predicted loss-of-function (pLoF) variants in transcrip", "obs_mis": "Number of observed missense variants in transcript", "obs_syn": "Number of observed synonymous variants in transcript", "oe_lof": "Observed over expected ratio for pLoF variants in transcript (obs_lof divided by exp_lof)", "oe_lof_lower": "Lower bound of 90% confidence interval for o/e ratio for pLoF variants", "oe_lof_upper": "LOEUF: upper bound of 90% confidence interval for o/e ratio for pLoF variants (lower values indicate more constrained)", "oe_mis": "Observed over expected ratio for missense variants in transcript (obs_mis divided by exp_mis)", "oe_mis_lower": "Lower bound of 90% confidence interval for o/e ratio for missense variants", "oe_mis_upper": "Upper bound of 90% confidence interval for o/e ratio for missense variants", "oe_syn": "Observed over expected ratio for missense variants in transcript (obs_syn divided by exp_syn)", "oe_syn_lower": "Lower bound of 90% confidence interval for o/e ratio for synonymous variants", "oe_syn_upper": "Upper bound of 90% confidence interval for o/e ratio for synonymous variants", "pLI": " Probability of loss-of-function intolerance; probability that transcript falls into distribution of haploinsufficient genes (~9% o/e pLoF ratio; computed from gnomAD data)", "syn_z": "Z score for synonymous variants in gene. Higher (more positive) Z scores indicate that the transcript is more intolerant of variation (more constrained). Extreme values of syn_z indicate likely data quality issues", "exac_pLI": "pLI score calculated from ExAC", "exac_obs_lof": "Number of observed pLoF variants in gene in ExAC", "exac_exp_lof": "Number of expected pLoF variants in gene in ExAC", "exac_oe_lof": "Observed to expected ratio of pLoF variants in ExAC" } }