{ "dc:format": "text/tsv", "dc:identifier": "gene-centric/xlink/ensembl.tsv:r108", "dc:title": "ENSEMBL gene cross-link table (r108)", "dc:description": "This is a gene identifier cross-link table as exported from ENSEMBL BioMart r108. It is used to give map each ENSEMBL gene id to a Entrez/NCBI gene ID and the symbol stored in ENSEMBL r108. Note that HGNC and ENSEMBL are are inconsistent and incomplete for some genes.", "dc:created": "2022-02-06", "dc:creator": "EMBL-EBI ENSEMBL", "dc:contributor": [ "VarFish Developer Team" ], "dc:source": [ "PMID:31691826", "https://www.ensembl.org/biomart/martview/" ], "tsv:columns": { "ensembl_gene_id": "ENSEMBL gene ID", "entrez_id": "Entrez/NCBI gene ID", "gene_symbol": "Gene symbol" } }