use std::error::Error; // Specs for Varflags attribute #[rustfmt::skip] // Required attributes (added manually by user). #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] // Attribute target // #[varflags] // Will add this attribute to match the Inner of chosen Bitfield. #[repr(u8)] enum TestInput { // Representation of the unspecified bits will be calculated A = /* will be inserted:*/ 0b00000001, B = /* will be inserted:*/ 0b00000010, C = /* will be inserted:*/ 0b00000100, // Or you can manually specify: D = 0b00010000, // Subattributes allow to change representation too: // #[flag = 0b10000000] E = /* will be inserted:*/ 0b10000000, // or like this: // #[index = 6] F = /* will be inserted:*/ 0b01000000, // Representation of the unspecified bits will be calculated G = /* will be inserted:*/ 0b00001000, H = /* will be inserted:*/ 0b00100000, } // Generate private module, containing the generated code. mod test_input_varflags { use varflags::error::ReprToFlagError; use bitworks::index::Index; // Pick appropriate Bitfield and generate Repr depending on the choice. use bitworks::prelude::Bitset8 as Inner; type Repr = u8; // Use the enum. use super::TestInput as E; pub type TestInputVarflags = varflags::Varflags; // Generate From for Repr impl From for Repr { fn from(value: E) -> Self { value as Repr } } // Should generate bitwise operators for the enum with itself, except shift and asign operators. // Using fully qualified name. Output should be the generated struct. impl core::ops::Not for E { type Output = TestInputVarflags; fn not(self) -> Self::Output { TestInputVarflags::_from_inner(!Inner::new(self as Repr)) } } impl core::ops::BitAnd for E { type Output = TestInputVarflags; fn bitand(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { TestInputVarflags::_from_inner(Inner::new(self as Repr) & Inner::new(rhs as Repr)) } } impl core::ops::BitOr for E { type Output = TestInputVarflags; fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { TestInputVarflags::_from_inner(Inner::new(self as Repr) | Inner::new(rhs as Repr)) } } impl core::ops::BitXor for E { type Output = TestInputVarflags; fn bitxor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { TestInputVarflags::_from_inner(Inner::new(self as Repr) ^ Inner::new(rhs as Repr)) } } // Generate conversion from index to input impl TryFrom> for E { type Error = ReprToFlagError; fn try_from(value: Index) -> Result { let n: Repr = 1 << value.into_inner(); match n { 0b00000001 => Ok(E::A), 0b00000010 => Ok(E::B), 0b00000100 => Ok(E::C), 0b00010000 => Ok(E::D), 0b10000000 => Ok(E::E), 0b01000000 => Ok(E::F), 0b00001000 => Ok(E::G), 0b00100000 => Ok(E::H), _ => Err(Self::Error::new(n)), } } } // Generate Display for input impl core::fmt::Display for E { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", match *self { E::A => "A", E::B => "B", E::C => "C", E::D => "D", E::E => "E", E::F => "F", E::G => "G", E::H => "H", } ) } } } // Reexport the struct locally. use test_input_varflags::TestInputVarflags; #[test] fn example() -> Result<(), Box> { use bitworks::prelude::*; let a = TestInput::A; let b = TestInput::B; assert_eq!(u8::from(TestInput::D), 0b00010000); assert_eq!(u8::from(TestInput::E), 0b10000000); assert_eq!(u8::from(TestInput::F), 0b01000000); let c = a | b | TestInput::D; // EFHDGCBA assert_eq!(c, TestInputVarflags::_from_inner(Bitset8::new(0b00010011))); assert!(c.contains(&TestInput::A)); assert!(!c.contains(&TestInput::H)); let d = TestInput::A | TestInput::B; let e = TestInput::A | TestInput::C; assert!(c.includes(&d)); assert!(!c.includes(&e)); let f = TestInput::F | TestInput::H; assert!(c.intersects(&e)); assert!(!c.intersects(&f)); let x = TestInputVarflags::ALL; let mut iter = x.variants(); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::A)); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::B)); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::C)); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::G)); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::D)); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::H)); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::F)); assert_eq!(, Some(TestInput::E)); assert_eq!(, None); let iter = c.variants(); let c: TestInputVarflags = iter.collect(); // EFHDGCBA assert_eq!(c, TestInputVarflags::_from_inner(Bitset8::new(0b00010011))); println!("{c}"); println!("{c:?}"); Ok(()) }