Variadic types macro. Creates a variadic tuple type from a list of types. `var_expr!` can be used to define simple types but will result in confusing errors for more complex types. Use this macro, `var_type!` instead. ```rust # use std::collections::HashMap; use variadics::{var_expr, var_type}; // A simple variadic type. Although `var_expr!` would work in this case, it cannot handle // more complex types i.e. ones with generics. let list: var_type!(i32, bool, String) = Default::default(); // A more complex type: let list: var_type!( &'static str, HashMap, as IntoIterator>::Item, ) = var_expr!("foo", HashMap::new(), false); ``` The "spread" (or "splat") syntax `...` can be used to concatenate variadics together: ```rust # use variadics::var_type; type ListA = var_type!(f32, &'static str); type ListB = var_type!(i32, bool); // Spread syntax: type ListC = var_type!(...ListA, ...ListB, Option::<()>); // Equals `var_type!(f32, &'static str, i32, bool, Option::<()>)`. ``` Unfortunately, expressions and types cannot be handled using the same macro due to the undefeated [bastion of the turbofish](